John Carpenter's THE THING (1982) Chapter Concept

bestclownNA Member Posts: 2


(*The model of the unmorphed THE THING will be based on the movie cover*)

The Thing



TERROR RADIUS: 24 metres

WEAPON: Ice Pickaxe *A stained ice pickaxe. It has been used for more than climbing...*

SPECIAL ABILITY: Mimic - When holding M2 THE THING will be prompted to choose a survivor by moving their cursor to the one of four available and morph into the corresponding survivor. When morphed THE THING will have a 2 metre terror radius and move at 2.26 m/s while walking. THE THING can hold LSHIFT to begin running like a survivor. When running THE THING will be increased to 4.0 m/s. The morph lasts until THE THING presses M2 again to unmorph or hold M2 to proceed with a morphed lunge*. While THE THING lunges it will go forward 14 metres and will be stunned 5 seconds upon a missed attempt.

*Morphed lunge will take 1 health state upon hitting a survivor. In a lunge he goes 18 m/s. It will also break pallets.

SECONDARY ABILITY: Infestation - Press and hold LCTRL on a pallet or window to infest it. When a pallet or window is infested it have small flesh parts on top of it. When a pallet or window is infested it will not allow any survivors to use it. After a survivor attempts to use it, it will go away. Infestation has a cooldown of 20 seconds. Infestation can only be applied to 1 pallet and 1 window at a time.


---Running out of time

*They are on to you, you are running out of time*

Whenever a generator is completed within 10/15/20 seconds of another generator all survivor working on the second gen will be exposed for 20/30/35 seconds.

---Taking you down with me

*If they accept their fate you will die with them too*

Doors begin to regress. Doors regress at a pace of 30%/40%/50%

--- Hex: Failure

*Cursed to fail, it's inescapable*

See all generator progress based on the intensity of their aura.


R.J. MacReady

(*Design based off of the 1982 movie*)


---Final Four

*There is only us left, the rest are not human*

Everytime you flashlight stun, pallet stun, or any perk stun the killer gain a token. While doing something with a progress bar you can consume a token by pressing E to complete 5% of the total progress. Maximum of 3 tokens.

---Futility of Distrust

*I have no way of knowing, I'm sorry*

You now can fast vault all vaults 10%/15%/20% faster. Upon fast vaulting you become exhausted for 5/10/15 seconds.

---Blood Test

*I-I can explain!*

When unhooking a survivor outside the killer's terror radius the survivor will be put in a mending state. If the survivor mends fully they are restored to full health.

(I apologize for any spelling errors. If this is received well I may do addons in the future.)


  • Deadlock
    Deadlock Member Posts: 215

    Yes. Just yes. This is great. Omg yes.

  • Deadlock
    Deadlock Member Posts: 215

    Also hey you are on the discord! Your the one with the Christmas emoji by your name right?