is there any matchmaking ground rules?


As a rank 11-13 killer who has only been playing round a month, I've had so many off-balanced matches. Countless rank 1s and red ranks in general. At 1st I thought it done an average of our ranks but after a team of 3 reds and a purple, I knew that was false. As a noob I dont see why I would ever be matched against a pro/vet. Ive had to make a mini game of spot the pro for every match.

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,565
    Answer ✓

    theoretically this is how it should at the moment:

    you get matched with people of your rank +/- 8 ranks. If SWF then it should take the rank of the highest ranked player of the group. If you are waiting for a long time, you get tossed into the „no matter what“-matchmaking.

    BUT this does all not work. Ranked based matchmaking is not working, this is know by the devs. Plus ranking/pipping is also not working and is more a matter of how often you play and not how skillful you play.

    the current system of matchmaking will be replaced by MMR - devs are working on it, there were live tests (that failed).


  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Red rank doesn't mean skill for survivors. It is currently extremely easy to pip up as a survivor, so I would not be too intimidated by rank. I've recently seen a baby dwight with less than 100 hours at rank 1, and they didn't last a single chainsaw sweep. You are probably getting them because there are not enough red rank killers, which takes significantly more skill and game knowledge to reach.