Killer Concept - Bird Box

Neutralizer Member Posts: 25
edited November 2020 in Creations

Source :;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dHJpYgRzbGsDcnVybA--/RV=2/RE=1604582869/RO=11/

I don't have any idea if this is the real look of the Bird Box monster, but Google show this, so just pretend it is the real one XD

Killer's name : Bird Box

Known as : The Apocalypse

Possible Survivor DLC : Malorie Hayes

Possible Map :

Monrovia / Santa Cruz

Lore Idea : I searched for it and don't really understand the background of this killer. So, I guess I can't provide a Lore Idea for this one :)

Power :

Passive : Apocalypse

You are the cause of the Apocalypse, enjoying their fear. Whenever Bird Box is in a chase for at least 10 seconds, Apocalypse starts to fill the Fear Gauge and will stop whenever the chase is over. Once the gauge is full, Bird Box can launch Blind Destruction. Apocalypse has a cooldown of 5 seconds after Blind Destruction is finished.

Active : Blind Destruction

After the gauge is full, Bird Box can casts a wave of demon spirit to the entire map. Bird Box will scream for 3 seconds before he launch the wave. All survivors outside will take the effect of Blind Destruction, but if they happen to be in a locker, they will be fine. Locker is the only way to prevent the Blind Destruction, otherwise they will be afflicted by the wave. Cause all survivors that got hit to take the Blindness status effect, disabling them from any aura reading ability. It will also cause a 30% reduce on FOV for all survivors. Blind Destruction lasts for 30 seconds. Survivors can choose to be released from Blind Destruction effect. If that happens, they will be cursed with the Exposed status effect and their aura will be revealed to you for 30 seconds.

After you launch Blind Destruction, your terror radius will be increased by 20m for as long as the effect of Blind Destruction occurs.

"In a world where you can't open your eyes, isn't a blindfold all you could ever hope for?" - Josh Malerman

Perks :

Unnerving Sight

You become obsessed with one survivor.

You start with 1 token for your obsession. Whenever you and your obsession see each other (without any obstacle), you will see their aura and they will see yours for the next 3 seconds and gain a token (up to 2/3/4 tokens). For each token, you will be able to see survivor(s) aura whenever you and the survivors see each other (number of the survivors based on your token). Reset the token to 1 whenever you down someone.

"That's something you can't unsee" - Tom


Your presence brings illusion around you

Whenever a survivor or more enter your terror radius, their sight will be distorted, darkened by 30/40/50% (similar to Deep Wound dark screen). Your terror radius increased by 4/6/8 meters for every survivor inside your terror radius. Gain 75% bonus bloodpoints on Hunter category.

Trapped Inside

Your presence thrills off every survivor in the map

Whenever a survivor enters a locker, they will be trapped inside for 4/5/6 seconds. Any timer or effects that occurs inside a locker (such as Inner Strength, Head On, etc) will be paused until Trapped Inside is over. The specified locker will be highlighted to you in yellow aura for 3 seconds.

"It's better to face madness with a plan than to sit still and let it take you in pieces" - Josh Malerman
