Which of the "A" or "S" tier killers is the easiest to learn?



  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Freddy is more of less a basic M1 killer with an insane amount of utility so I'd go with him. I'd be prepared for lots of DCs though, especially in low ranks as he isn't exactly the most enjoyable or satisfying killer to go against.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Hoping to get back to trapper once I've got enough bloodpoints. I do love him but without my early game slowdown (corrupt) or at least a brown bag I find it impossible to have my setup ready before the first 2 gens.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Freddy, then Spirit.

    Freddy is quite easy to learn. I only use pallets and not snares although snares are better (less map dependent and more universal). Freddy is the only killer so far I can hold rank 4-3 with right now.

    Spirit takes a bit to learn, but is much easier than Nurse or Billy. You might have difficulties with Iron Will users in the beginning but you will learn to deal with it. Don't use Stridor in the beginning. It will hurt your skill in the long run.

  • Randomplayer545
    Randomplayer545 Member Posts: 21

    whatever killer you play best or the killer you enjoy playing the most is usually your "s or a teior killers"

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Back then when i was stuck in green ranks with Wraith i switched to Spirit and made it to Rank ~7-8 in relatively short time and then got stuck again till i had a lot more hours. Here is the thing: you will hear a lot of people saying "all you need is good headphones gg ez spirit OP" and that's just not true. IMO she begins to shine when you're good at the game in general. That means, play a lot of survivor, play other killers, learn basic killer gameplay and develop a good game sense. Then she becomes very, very good. I saw a lot of ~100h Spirits in purple/green ranks who got outplayed a lot and relied on simple proxy camping. You need to know what the survivor will do, you need to detect all the options the survivor has immediately when going into phase mode - because good survivors will not just run in straight lines or camp pallets. Otherwise you will waste a lot of time because you lost the survivor or you got outplayed on a pallet/vault.

    And btw this is (i think) also why a lot of seasoned players hate her, she is so strong when you know a lot about this game. If you have over 2000h and played a lot with other killers, you will have an easy time picking her up and 4k. But if you not, you will need some time to develop these skills. Besides that, the investment will pay off eventually. Just try her out and see if you like the mechanics. Personally, i don't care if other people think i play her for ez wins, i play her because i like the character and the mechanics. And btw, i still lose matches.

    Don't use Freddy. He is extremely boring to play as and against. He is like playing killer with training wheels. Choose someone who you really like and then git gud :) (most helpful advice ever)

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    NOED, s tier and easy as hell