Why is gen speed balanced by perks?

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I don’t understand why generator speed is only balanced by regression perks. If the base gen repair speed was slower and all the regression perks got nerfed, I feel like that would be healthier for the game.

A more diverse set of Killers could be viable, a more diverse set of perks could be played and Killers could afford to commit to long chases instead of constantly having to leave Survivors in strong positions to defend gens.

Right now, the default Killer build for 90% of the roster is Ruin/Undying/BBQ. So here’s one real perk slot that you have any choice in if you want to win against the best Survivors. I feel like the game could be balanced better than that.


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    They've said for a long time their philosophy on balance is usually through new killers and perks. Recently they've been showing more willingness to change the base game but who knows.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Yhea, this is why newer players leave and why there are few killers. These aren't issues unknown about by us or even the devs.

    They allow this to be the case because of greed put simply.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543
    edited November 2020

    My entire build on my Huntress is what OP described, my Ghostie build is Overcharge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Dragon's Grip, and BBQ just to make kicking viable and I can't possibly protect or pressure my totems and gens like Huntress without this build. They should have added a 3% break to the basic kick speed when the game came out.

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    You can finish a gen in literally 9 seconds with items. That's very slow.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Even the Dev's, and Professionals say on their streams that Killers are REQUIRED to take at least 1 Regression perk, 1 perk for aiding in finding survivors, and 1 perk for catching survivors easier. While the 3rd/4th perk also synergizes well with the Killer you are playing.

    While Survivors are just like "What will I do today, be incredibly tryhard and immune of being taken down with second chance perks, or have fun and bully the killer till I die / Let everyone else go / or get away simply because I am immune and bullied the Killer all round.

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    I do agree kicking feels useless without regression perks. The amount of time lost on the generator is usually so minimal that if the gen is almost done then I would have to camp it to actually have it lose meaningful progress

    On the other hand I find the regression perks incredibly annoying and powerful.

  • anprimgang1978
    anprimgang1978 Member Posts: 21

    The fact that pop and ruin/undying are basically necessities on every killer is very harmful to the health of the game and can make playing killer feel like a chore. There are 75 killer perks in the game right now, and a majority of them are either underused or completely useless (monstrous shrine, cruel limits, beast of prey, overwhelming presence, etc) while the same 5 or 6 perks get used to death is a testament to bad perk balancing. The idea of making base gen repair progress slower and nerfing or reworking repair slow-down perks like that would be really nice because it would allow people to actually use other less appreciated perks and it would also give the devs a chance to make completely irrelevant perks useful.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Unfortunately, this does seem to be the case. Bandaids over surgery seems to be the company motto.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    while I sympathise with the argument, this sentence is flawed: " if you want to win against the best Survivors"

    winning is not defined in DBD, I keep bringing this up.

    Winning is what you want it to be and that might not align at all with what hte other side thinks it is.

    Forcing myself to run 3 perks I dont want just so I can get a 3k or better is not winning imo, its...weird, like why would you do that to yourself? you play a game for fun right?

    I have given all my killer unique builds using all the perks the game has to offer and its fine.

    But to bring it all back, yes releasing/designing perks to combat something people complain about instead of fundamentally changing the game is a bad practice that BHVR keeps doing and as was said, it makes them money because you will buy the next dlc.