Is this legal? Srsly?
######### are these game filters?
He can see anything while the killer or another players not.
If is legal, which filters is he using?
I didn't know there was a daytime version of the Backwater Swamp. :^)
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I assume its Nvidia filters? Others tend to be detected by easy anti cheat
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You're right...
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I do the same thing, not being able to see isn't fun
nvidia filters are high tier
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That's a thumbnail from a sweh video lol
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one of the many exploit BVHR never firmly disapproved, hence it is considered legal for whatever reason...
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Since last hot fix, maps are brighter on xbox at least. I used to have to turn the brightness up and whitewash everything on yamaoka and swamp just to see anything. Now its much better
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I’ve never understood why people feel the need to brighten up their games this much and stretch their screens.
I was playing with a streamer recently and his screen resolution was an absolute joke. We all looked so zoomed out, it was like he was playing a Nintendo DS game lol.
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You can't ban someone for wanting to make their game a little brighter so they can see what they're actually playing lmao.
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there are a few add-ons that enhance brightness that are white listed by anti-chat program
This game IS too dark, and some of us are old and can barely see in the real world. I don't want to miss NPC wearing bright piink because how dam dark this game is.
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I mean I consider it cheating, but I don't see how it could possibly be punished short of just youtubers making videos, beyond that no way to know.
So I would just not worry about it.
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Definitely not legal. You risk 25 years to life for breaking this law.
sigh at the education system
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This is one of the reasons why i dont use crossplay
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Those damn pc players turning their brightness up
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BHVR never firmly disapproved it because it was approved by them a few years ago when Freestyle made filters available for DBD. They don't consider it an exploit and have posted about it in the past.
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this is not a little brighter, this clearly enhances your gameplay.
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I dont like people that strech their red and brighten up the game just to be able to win, cause thats like so so sad
I aint gonna défend this streamer
But i wanna say that i know a french streamer that plays the game in its original version and gives the game filter to his restream, so that viewed see something
Well thise are his words, dunno if it is possible tho cause i dont stream nor can i use filters
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I really think this is just players finding a way around BHVR's excuse for graphic settings.
No brightness options, shadow options, or color blind settings
And the FOV slider is still bound to perks.
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I guess, that's the reason why playing Trapper feels so miserable sometimes.
You are not supposed to see everything in horror games, that's plain cheating.
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I won't play with stretched resolution even if it gives me an advantage, because it looks so horrible that my eyes hurt.
But as for filters, I also use them, although I don't use the brightness itself but rather add more rich colors. I think the game looks faint.
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I mean, I use the "Sharpen" filter which on its own pretty much makes it look like the textures in the game are higher quality and not too much more. But peronally I think super bright filters look ugly.
And don't developers have to explicitly allow the nvidia filters for them to be usable? So this isn't BHVR begrudgingly accepting it for some reason in that case, but them making it so they can be used in the first place. So I'd say it's just about as legal as it gets.
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I've seen a bunch of streamers use them. Some use audio programs that boost survivor/killer noises.
AFAIK the devs don't seem to care that much even though they removed Brightness offerings because they wanted more control over visual map balance.
In all fairness a few streamers I've asked about the visual stuff have just done it to make the game look prettier. I'm more concerned about stretched screen players as that actually has a bigger hit on how chases can play out.
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Yes its NVIDIA filters, if it was not allowed BHVR would simply had disabled it by now.
They also confirmed you are allowed to use Reshade another program similar to NVIDIA filters.
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Are you sure Reshade is whitelisted and not greylisted, i.e. it's not actively being banned for but that could change at any time and if you get banned you won't be unbanned?
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I mean, if you want to suffer the game looking like complete crap just to give yourself an edge in a videogame....ermm...more power to ya, have a ball.
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I made a similar post a while back. The general consensus from what I've seen is:
"Lol it's a casual game why do you care?"
So, I guess not?
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Well, be OP in this game could be funny.
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Which audio programs?
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Some maps can be incredibly dark (not just "regular dark"). Just brightening up your monitor or doing it in your regular software (usually it's just brightness, contrast, gamma and vibrance) may not really fix it for you. A few months ago, most maps became really dark for me, something I didn't experience anytime before. It was the first time I actually had to seek a solution for it. In the end I had to use NVidia Filters.
I will show you the second best example I've ever encountered so far (I'll try to find some screenshots from a match on "The Game" where I chased a claudette on the lower level of the map and I knew she was in front of me, cause I could hear her, but damn, she was basically invisible).
So, these two screenshots I've added, they show haddonfield and badham. Stairs are basically a black hole, don't come too close or it will suck you in. Second screenshot shows how this looks like if you need to mend down there. You basically can't see anything anymore.
Every map should be bright enough so that most people won't feel the need to brighten it up with NVidia filters (or other ways). I imagine, people with bad sight/eyes do have an issue on dark maps already. Now imagine being in the Deep Wound State in a dark map while being chased.
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Don't like it? Stop playing. The game is way too dark naturally. I don't enjoy playing a game where I can't see half the things going on that I need to see. I use my NVIDIA filters to see rofl
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OI! this cat and mouse game about outplaying your opponent and juking/ hiding, doesn't have graphics settings that let me see everything, Or a fov slider that removes stealth!! why don't they add things that COD and CSGO games from a different and unrelated genre, have?
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The developers have enabled NVIDIA Filters - they don't have to. For example, I don't think CS:GO allows NVIDIA Filters.
If NVIDIA Filters were disabled people would just configure their monitor to brighten up the game more (which people already do anyway). NVIDIA filters do offer a few nice things though like the sharpening option, so it's be sad to see that go.
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Doesn't this count as naming and shaming? Not that i care much since this guy is blatantly cheating.
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What about Console players (likely the majority of the playerbase) being unable to do so?
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can't you just turn up brightness on the telly? not the most knowledgeable about filters, etc but assumed it'd be similar?
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It is not