Some questions about the Brother answered

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited November 2020 in General Discussions
  1. Can the brother jump through windows or break pallets? No, he can't. Edit: some players have said YOU CAN if you're far enough, but it's pretty difficult
  2. Can the brother down survivors? Yes, he can
  3. Can the brother down exposed survivors with one hit? Yes he can
  4. Can a survivor escape either by hatch or exit gate with Victor on? No, they can't
  5. Can the brother be stopped? Yes, you can kill the baby by interacting with him if he's not controlled or he just missed a pounce
  6. Are there mulpiple moris depending on who are you controlling? Yes, 2 possible moris, one with killer and Vic, and one with just the killer
  7. Can the brother be stunned? Yes, if he gets a pallet on his head he dies
  8. Can the brother be blinded by flashlight or firecrakers? Yes he can
  9. Is there a specific counter for the brother? Yes, get in a locker

Feel free to add any other question you have about the brother

Post edited by Carlosylu on
