Is it possible that we'll get more short killers?

I didn't think BHVR would ever do a small killer, but Victor's existence has erased that doubt. However, I feel that certain licensed killers have been excluded simply due to how similar they would play to an existing killer. People were hoping for Chucky to be the first small killer, and I thought a puppet(s) from Puppet Master would be better. But my main question is this: Does Victor's existence de-confirm all other small killer possibilities, or is the idea still on the table?


  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2020

    Chucky would probably be boring to play but fun to play against.

    If I were to design him, I'd make him move at 90% speed, give him no terror radius while out of chase, give him no cooldown on missed or hit attacks and make his mouse two a running state comparable to legions feral frenzy but with the speed and control of the pigs ambush.

    A lot of perks wouldn't work with him like mad grit and Save the best till last, and OoO would completely neuter him but, OoO should be changed anyway and there are lots of perks that basically do nothing for certain killers.

    EDIT: 95% speed or even 100% speed would be better actually.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I thought survivors moved at 100% speed. I might be wrong but it was just a guess considering the killers are 110% and 115%.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    I'm pretty sure Leprechaun was unfortunately deconfirmed by M Cote himself, but that would be awesome to have for a chapter in March. Just in time for St. Patrick's Day if it was a thing.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Bro we already have the only short killer we need. Blight.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    Yeah chucky is short so he'd move either slightly slower than survivors or the same speed meaning he can't catch them without either using his power to dash or ambushing them with his zero terror radius. He would have a super low profile so he would have his strengths even if really weak in wide open maps where surivors can see him coming. 100 is probably perfect, if he moved faster than survivors I think his zero cooldown on attack would be oppressive, but I think chucky is iconic for wildly stabbing so it fits him.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    New Atom killer.

    Uses Science to KILL

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Chucky would be amazing!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    He isn't short. His camera is just lower for whatever reason.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162
    edited November 2020

    I'm hoping for Chucky. Also maybe Trick R Treat Sam, Puppetmaster, or Ghoulies. Could add so many more fun horror characters.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    They like to re-use rigs so I would assume we'll be seeing more short killers in the future now.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839


    First off, is there an ACTUAL CHANCE of there being a Killer that is ALWAYS as short as Victor?

    God, I hope not.

    Victor works because he is a power. He is not used the majority of the time. Anyone that plays Blight will tell you that running around, doing all the normal Killer stuff at a lower PoV kinda sucks. If someone forgot to mow the lawn, the grass becomes a jungle. Survivors hiding in foliage become MUCH harder to spot because you don't have an eagle-eyes view of what's around you. Obviously, players still make Blight work, but the lower PoV is one of his biggest hurdles to get over, and will still mess with experienced players.

    Now let's take that shorty and chop him in half.

    Like I said above, Victor works because you only use him for a bit at a time. Then you switch back over to a taller Killer that can ACTUALLY SEE WHAT IS GOING ON. If a Killer was introduced that was ALWAYS that short (like Chucky), the Killer would spend most time just trying to figure out where the hell they are. Some maps would be almost entirely unplayable for that Killer because they would be entirely unable to keep track of... anything. Are there ways around this problem that don't involve hiring a landscaping crew of the dead? Ya. A short Killer would need built-in tracking out the wazoo to be competitive. Furthermore, I can basically promise that despite likely not being very good, a small Killer would still receive a lot of complaints from Survivors about visibility. Why yes, being short is supposed to be an advantage they have, but Survivors gameplay and counterplay to most scenarios is to spot the Killer and play around their movement. The inability to do so is why Spirit and Nurse (to a lesser extent) get so many complaints. Hag also gets this, and is sometimes referred to as "brainless" because they can trap loops and common escapes despite that kind of planning requiring map knowledge and game sense. Which, you know, isn't brainless. It's actually kinda brainFUL. Brainful isn't a word. Point being, a short Killer would operate at a disadvantage while still being treated like some kind of powerhouse for the sake of complaints because they would make looping and tracking during a chase miserable for Survivors.

    Is it possible? Sure. Could it be done right?

    ... Maybe? It would not be easy to design, and would take a lot of trial and error to get right.