Is oni viable on console?
I bought him a couple months ago but I got absolutely destroyed by swf while trying to learn him, so I stopped playing him. I heard that his demon dash isnt as good on console as it is on pc. Is he viable?
Yes, he is. I was a console killer when he was released and had zero issues killing with him. Even in his nerfed versions (shortly after his release). It’s just spending the time to learn combing his side to side movements, turning, and flicks. Very strong.
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Definitely viable. The only killers I find a bit harder are huntress and slinger. I highly recommend getting some stick extenders to make your sticks a bit higher on your controller. Helps a lot with accuracy.
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As an Xbox player, I can confirm Oni is definitely viable.
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Yes overall, mostly you just gotta tweak your sensitivity and learn to steer with both sticks. Granted, im not really a red rank guy, so i can't speak for high-level oni
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Yup. He's perfectly fine to play on console. Higher sensitivity helps if you can handle it.
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Perfectly viable. But how do you know it was a SWF?
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Sure. I think all killers are viable on console, I've seen console killers wreck my ######### as Nurse and Blight. They just take more practice.
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In red ranks I feel like you can kinda tell if the team is swf or not. Swf have like a very noticeable playstyle.
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Alright thanks guys, I think I will give him another chance.
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Not always. Ive been accused of SWF when I'm solo so many times that I cant count it anymore.
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He is pretty much just as good as on pc.
The only major problem is the inconsistent FPS and FPS drop (e.g getting bloodlust)
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Definitely. I say this to console players learning Oni, so check out “Big Brain Oni Main” on YouTube. Incredible XBox Oni main