Console lag switching

Been getting a few of these every time I play killer and it's honestly annoying as hell. As soon as I'm about to hook the survivor, the survivor pulls the plug and I'm unable to hook. I'm also unable to drop them which allows them to wiggle off.

This forces me to leave them slugged the whole game or just go for other survivors. Can something be done about this soon? It's literally one of the most gamebreaking and degenerate things in the game right now. Also, yes, I'm sure PC players have other ways to cheat but I've only encountered console players doing this so far.


  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    I had one time where i was picking up a meg as killer and the meg was so laggy that it gave her teammate enough time to flashlight save.

    Don't know if its lag switching though but i have noticed the game being laggier recently