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Chapter: Dramatic Presentation (Killer Only)

Cleversided Member Posts: 3
edited September 2018 in Creations

(Now I say killer only because they give us bill for free by himself, so this can even out the killer/survivor ratio)

Chapter Name: Dramatic Presentation
Killer Name: The Twins

  • Killer Description: The killer height is six feet and two inches (or roughly around Wraith height). Body type would be rather lanky or slim. The killer is actually a Siamese Twin with two brothers; one brother is wearing the happy theater mask and the other brother is wearing the sad theater mask. The main outfit can have a tattered theater costume with holes all over. Main weapon of choice is a simple dagger.

  • Killer Ability: (still a work in progress, so any advice would be appreciated) Twin Deception: With years of experience in the theatrical profession, The Twins always said two heads are better than one. The Entity gives The Twins the ability to seperate into two killers instead of one. It might be kind of cool to choose who you control, either the happy twin or the sad twin and the other twin you DON'T choose, will stay completely still like the Hag's clones, but if you get to close the other twin you don't play, it will still swing at you. I think the ability might still need work, so like I said advice is welcome. I choose this idea for the ability to help the killer prevent some pallet looping. The Lore/Backstory for the killer will be create if I get enough traction for the idea.

Any ideas are welcome!!