Why am I penalized for this?

A minute into the match I'm chasing someone and someone quits, then 2 others including the person I was chasing and the match cancels.. why do I get zero points for my wasted time and effort but the survivor that didn't quit does?


  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    I should have at least got a 3x quitter bonus..

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's a weird issue thats been happening for a while now. It's the server not quite registering someone in the loading screen quit and when it finally realises, it's when the match had already started. You don't get any points when it does this, even if you did load into the match.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    if the match was canceled then nobody gets points, even if it says they do. Otherwise just take it and move on. Btw for future reference cover the names of the ppl that arent you