i just reached rank 1 and i get matched with level 18 survivors what

and when i was rank 20 i had atleast one red rank in my lobbies what a wonderfull game ngl
Oh... That's just their mmr "working as intended", we call it rainbow ranks. Nothing better then having a couple of rank 20s with one perk o your team in red ranks. This is also where they get their stats from
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Wow. Yeah that is weird. That hasn't happened to me yet, but I haven't played today. I wonder if they are testing out a new mmr.
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MMR is turned off because it wasn’t working as intended.
now we got the system that pretty much is no system at all, which is why the devs are working on MMR in the first place.
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Ranks don't matter btw
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i know lol rank doesnt mean ######### in this game
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It sure doesn't look like it's been turned off for the last few weeks. When they turned it off a few months ago it was fine, but as soon as they enabled dc penalty we had this circus
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It wasn’t fine after they turned it off and it wasn’t fine before they turned it on.
don’t blame MMR on everything matchmaking related. This is and was a common issue they are trying to fix
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I really think we should stop complaining about ranks being rainbow colored and push BHVR to just get rid of ranks completely. Just have everyone play with everyone on purpose.
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ngl i dont like the idea of that they need ranked like in csgo
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The problem is they'd have to pick one or the other and having the game just be casual would be better. If they had ranked and casual all the toxic people would be in casual to bully survivors and killers that aren't wanting a ranked experience. They should give a certain number of games or pips before you're thrown into the general pool of players. MMR is going to lead to good players being forced to play as and against the same small pool of killers that can compete with actually good survivors. This game isn't CSGO. It's not balanced at all and never will be due to map RNG. The game isn't balanced well enough to be competitive and it shouldn't be built around the idea that it is. It's why tournaments for DBD are so laughable and have the most convoluted rules.