Terror Camping or camping in general isn't a strat.



  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112



    Camping IS a strat, it's just a bad one

  • DoctorDarling
    DoctorDarling Member Posts: 44

    I feel you. I played a weird game where a Billy got someone down and facecamped them on the ground. Like straight up standing on them for 4 minutes straight. We got them up finally and they got one other person did the same thing. Then they FINALLY hooked someone and they shamelessly facecamped super hard again. All the while we are popping like 4 gens and it's just really frustrating and boring adn the most stupid strategy I've ever seen...

    and then it WORKED. Another person got tired of waiting, got downed, and he wound up getting everyone down and frankly it felt so stupid I wanted to d/c and then uninstall the game lol

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    So if a killer hooks you they're face camping unless they have some sort of terror radius perk?

  • Camping is a terrible tactic and ruins the game for everyone involved. If it wasnt for the time penalty for leaving games early, I would just leave whenever I see the killer's aura not moving from a hooked survivor.

    Whenever i see killers doing that, it sets the mood for the rest of tbe game and immediately turns it into a chore instead of what it's supposed to be: a fun game. I will even admit to "feeding the killer" by making rescues against killers.

    Yes, the killer camping lets everyone else do generators but it still ruins the fun of the game. The devs should REALLY consider putting something in that will discourage that behavior from killers.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Yes. That's EXACTLY it. said no one in this post at all. If a survivor is stupid and running up to unhook while you are still in the terror radious all bets are off. If you purposely lie there waiting to catch and kill... go put a worm on another hook I could care less how you feel about your strategy, FAR and clear I rarely play killer. BUT when i do i also use the SIMPLEST way to get a kill. Think about that.. How long have you been playing and I can master that strategy whenever I decide to play. That isn't skill. It makes the game pointless for the players. If you get off on that then Camp however and whenever the ######### you want. If i'm playing team I tell them all to finish the gens and Ill sacrifice myself. if i'm playing solo - F YOU - STOP complaining about people DQ themselves when the point of survivor game isn't to be bait and watch the other survivors fall as a result. Play however the F you want. But don't get so pissed at survivors that want to play the game not sit there and wait for time to run out like 10 year old who just started playing. Its as simple as that.

    THE BEST part about this is I play with TONS of killers who don't rely on the simplest way to kill all FOUR of the survivors. OVER and OVER they are so good the can get it done, without portraying If you FEELit is the best option for you to,,, to what? Stroke your ego? Ohhhhh if thats what you need than have at it. To get points.... Ohhhhh go get your points - that must be SO important to you so you can.... what? Get more Perks you don't care about using because you still just sit in a corner and masturbate while time runs out.

    I find it hilarious the people who think this is the best game play must have NO idea that actually skilled killers don't sit in a corner as if they know how to win at this game. And i also find it hilarious you think you are so good at the game that pointing it out to you are just making people cry.

    Everyone wants to have fun. Even if they die - they want to have fun.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    The strategy isn't good if a 10 year old can do it and get the same number of kills. Its merely behaving how every novice plays and hiding behind "but it works" and "I do it so its strategy."

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I agree. I don't want the killer so close so that I watch the other players get duped and killed too. PO INTLESS. I'd rather jump off the hook til I'm dead and DQ that way. Or if I'm rescued and we both go down - I just duck out of the game. WHICH I BET is why a lot of people check out. I'm not talking about the players who drop out on first hook and don't give survivors a chance to try and save you.

    I'm talking about the survivors who APPRECIATE and find a challenge with actually SKILLED Killers who don't use it. A 10 year old novice could do it. Play like a 10 year old then. I've better things to do with my time.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    I actually don't mind a terror camper, it's better than face camping, but it isn't fun to go against all the time lol! I think the best part about it is knowing that there is a higher risk to being caught and hooked, and your team needs to cooperate to properly save you.

  • Mr_Mann
    Mr_Mann Member Posts: 5

    Ok I’m going to say it. It sucks to wait 15 minutes for a match to start, to die immediately because a killer is freakin lazy! I strongly believe a survivor should not be hooked the 2nd time within say 1.5 minutes. There should be a timer like Freddy. It’s no fun to die immediately and it’s not fair. Matchmaking really sucks and survivors can’t get good if they can’t play!

    I always wondered if it was fun for a killer when they kill everyone in like 5 minutes. Why do they even play this game? If I was that good and it wasn’t challenging at all, I definitely would be bored to death and move on to another game.

    Its straight bull__ when lazy killers camp!

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    no one is mad YOUR ego is bruised because the "strategy" is one that someone who JUST got this game would rely on. No one is sounding entilted in the least. YOU feel that way because when the truth that its MOST basic way to get a kill goes against your belief that you are "winning" the game that way. SURE. HAVE the kill. Its worth less points. JUST sit there and watch someone die. BUT - then you can't whine when people DQ.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    That is an entirely different scenario - in that case the PLAYERS are not utilizing THEIR skills or THEIR strategy. No one faults you for using the perks you have - to identify players who are surrounding the hooked survivor. All three did the same exact thing. THEIR gameplay was poor. IF THEY had played a better game I'm supposing you would have played differently and the outcome would be different YET - both you and the survivors continue to get to play and have the chance of winning.

    That is smart game play against poor choices and game play by the survivor. You weren't lying in wait to watch the hooked survivor die. Doint that takes NO skill. And thats the point. What is appreciated by all is GOOD gameplay - not relying on the EASIST way to get a kill, just because you have no skills to anything else.

    If people can't see that giving a player absolutely no chance of surviving EVER no matter what... and STILL stroking their egos at what a skillful player they are and the BEST at the game... just don't be surprised when players say FU we out,


    And it still amazes me that players think they have this game down when all they can do is play how a 10 year old would play. Good luck. I"m out of this convo because i'm done explaining what is VERY obvious even if you feel your the BEST killer around Re-evaluate what "the best" is, because a respected and effective AND fun Killer doesn't rely on such a basic gameplay.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    It's not only in lower ranks mate, it's in red ranks too and not very rare. Tunneling you right off the hook though, that's quite often in red ranks.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    like survivors games arent easy enough already.... you want us to give up on hooks cause else we are just "lazy killers" yikes dude

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2020

    Honestly, OP (and @BBWH) just needs a new game. Probably a PvE game because you don't seem to like any aspect of this game unless you are winning.

    Most of what I have read about what you have posted seems to be a problem with survivor play styles and less about the killers. Simply put, you AND your teammates are not able to put enough pressure into gens to entice the killer to move. Contrary to this, too much pressure on gens will result in slugs and proxy defense of the hook.

    You cant expect a HUMAN that is your opposition to play to lose for fun in a meta that is so heavily favored toward survivors making it out alive after slamming 3 gens in the time it takes to find and down 1 player. Proxy defense and slugging is the counter play. Killers will rely on survivors inability to adapt and overcome challenges and exploit/use those that run WGLF for farming fellow survivors.

    WGLF is without a doubt the biggest problem for survivors, you will be farmed by WGLF players and because of that, killers also. You will only then complain about the killer aspect.

    Simply put, survivors lack the mental capacity to counter play to encourage killers to move from the proximity of the hook. Ideas to consider is doing a generator within LOS and force a chase that the killer may consider time well spent. Clicking your flashlight asking to be chased is not the same thing and you are a fool to think it is. The same can be said for destroying totems before completing final gens if you suspect NOED.

    Consider that chasing 1 person to bait an unhook is a tactic that killers will use to potentially catch out 2 survivors, 1 that is already weakened.

    Survivor mains that do not play killer to a similar rank/standard really should not be making suggestions for nerfing either side and visa versa. Also, playing both sides may be what you really need to understand how to counter certain tactics. You will find that the issue isn't camping/tunneling which is a product of ridiculous survivability through poor map design, bloated perks and outdated game mechanics/objectives; the actual issue.

  • scrceress
    scrceress Member Posts: 7

    Dear @BBWH

    May I please play survivor with you? You worded the problem so well, I couldn't have said it better.

  • scrceress
    scrceress Member Posts: 7

    I can't believe that the majority of people in this thread still think that camping is a good game mechanic that needs to be encouraged. Even after various good arguments were listed.

    While you are complaining that the bad game mechanics leave you no other choice than to facecamp, there are plenty of killers that seem to win just fine without that. It seems like, maybe, they have some sort of skill you're lacking.

    And, before you complain I'm only looking at that from the survivor side. I play killer as well. I am really bad, so bad, that most time I don't get a single kill (on rank 15, with survivors of the same rank). And yet camping is no option to me.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    As surv we should be as tryhard as killers and use closets for 2 min. at the start if the killer use corrupt intervention. It's a strategy too.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    You missed the point. Its not about it being a good or bad mechanic, its the fact that it works because survivors let it be effective and the game design provides situations for it to be an ongoing complaint.

    Why do killers have to change something if it is effective for them? How can survivors expect killers to play differently if they are winning and having fun?

    If someone plays a game and is not exploiting a bug or unintended feature of the game then your problem isnt with the killers, its with the devs. Until the entire community realises this and stops sooking about how people use intended features and starts pushing for better quality of life changes this will remain an ongoing area of concern.

    Regardless of how a killer kills, whether its "fair"or not they will cop abuse in the endgame lobby because we live in a society of participation awards and losers will always find a way to justify abusing the winner regardless of their poor play.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    if your bad at killer and haven't been against really good survivors IMO you don't have a point in this thread since you don't understand things from both perspectives, the people who advocate for camping know the faults of this game better than you and understand that while it's not fun for the survivor in question getting camped, in the cases where camping is used appropriately it is the best option for the killer to take and is fair in terms of balance in a 4v1 aspect. Another reason camping is fine is because the killer is personally forcing a survivor out of the game while giving the other 3 time to do gens or coordinate a save if its EGC. survivors have perks to counter camping and they are stronger than normal because they need to be in those situations, if you don't bring them that's on you for not using something to counter a common tactic and while yes some killers like pig or LF basically can't lose in those situations with their power you have to accept that the killer is the power role and should have the ability to kill a single survivor if they set their sights on it.

    Does this mean camping in any case is fair? No, but that can't be helped in a game like this where this tactic is necessary in some cases and overbearing in others but in a way it is fine because survivors when using anything at their disposal have a greater advantage then the killer in the 4v1 aspect. if they don't choose to do that that's on them and even if they don't perks meant to hinder camping and tunneling are in this game for a reason and using them wastes a ton of the killers time allowing you and your team to have a better chance of winning.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    if good survivors use everything they can to win, they win.

    if a killer wants to do anything to kill one survivor, they should be able to do so.

    if you can't understand that this game is survivor favored in spite of what the killer can do to a single survivor you don't have an argument regardless of how skill factors into this game simply because things the survivor can do also takes virtually no skill.

    having 4 survivors hold repair on different gens takes no skill and can barely be called a strat yet it is a massive threat to the killer.

    getting unhooked with DS and UB and just holding repair on a gen because you can't be punished takes no skill.

    taking hits for someone to get to a gate doesn't take much skill either you are just moving to be in the killers way at low to no risk depending on the killer.

    calling any of these things a strat is correct but that's also admitting that camping and anything thing else the killer does is a strat and is equally respectable.

    point is you can't focus and call what the killer can do skilless when there are things the survivors can do that is stronger and just as skilless. view things from both sides and maybe you can understand that everything both sides do is fair only because of what the BS the other side can do. Is that healthy for any game? No but that's how dbd is, it's a mess of balance that barely works because BS like camping, perk combos, ect exists. In no way can a game like dbd be balanced to suit the taste of anyone who doesn't like that they might not stand a chance if the killer decides so simply because of the design of the game.

    We will never see a day where camping or meta gen rushing will no longer exist because there is no good solution to these things so you have to accept that it's fair regardless of skill or simplicity as long as the other side can do something just as strong. In today's balance survivors have the advantage and hopefully in the future it will even out and then the devs can hinder the skilless strong strategies like camping but they will never actually go away.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    It's not good for you perhaps, or perhaps you are not very good at camping as killer, or don't even play killer. Over the years we see this in sports also that team becomes champions by playing defensive football, and chessplayers being the best by a "boring" strategy of chess and opponents complains, while they lose. This game is the same you can face a team were there will be 4 escapes if you don't change strategy, but when you do them survivors that was very good can start making mistakes and killer gets 3-4k after a basement hook and starting to snowball via "proxy camping".

    You think it's boring, that is not a proof of it being a bad strategy. It can be a bad strategy, and a good one it simply depends on that specific game. If you play to win you should be able to master lots of strategies because you will face lots of different teams.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I have. And like any other 10 year old I could camp and get a kill. its SO cool to masturbate and wait and do NOTHING. Not just for the survivor on the hook but for the killer who thinks it takes "skills" to do so. I also only play solo. I don't play in teams where it will ALWAYS favor because they can communicate. In solo game we are relying on others to play a game that will benefit their game as well as their teams HOPEFULLY. But of course without communication there is no way to know.

    I'm mainly in the lower teens for game play. The rampant camping is obnoxious. If you play higher skilled players - which I bet MOST of those who take the time to post in here do - i can see your arguments being valid. Especially for going against teams. AND I've seen MANY very skilled killers play and make all four kills without camping. When a 10 year old uses the same "strategy" that should tell you all you need to know about what kind of skills that person utilizes.


  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    I have literally never seen someone in a match get a 4k while camping. spending 2 minutes standing still as killer without bothering any survivors (except one) is the best way to get yourself genrushed. don't blame the idiots camping cause most campers i see are either new or salty and don't care about winning, blame the 3 other idiots in the match who decide they will win if they all run into the killer, instead of genrushing and completing at least 3 gens while the killer is camping.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    edited November 2020

    I didn't even Quote you but I asked if that person played killer or said you don't play killer because sometime you have to camp like if all gens are done that all the killer can do because you know if you go away from the hook that survivor will be saved make for sure the killer gets a 0K

    game not over till your out side the gate.

    one time I got 3k more like 2k camping but all gens were done and I had Noed 4 survivors alive I camped one there 99% the door try save the hooked survivor but Noed totem was behind the hooked survivor so it he end I traded hooks till all were slugged 1 dc 2 sacrifice and the other got hatch because I lost him it was dead dawg saloon

    so yes camping sometime is a good strategy at the right time.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Every scenario is different. Perhaps if i was playing with better survivor's my feelings would be different. At this point - i still play to do my best and hope my whole team doesn't die. I'm just that sort of team player. If players are being stupid then of course that's not what I'm talking about. Watching time go by 80% of the time when a killer tunnels, forget it - I'M out. That's how I play. And i bet that's why you also see so many others drop out too. Play how you want. My opinion stands that a 10 year old can tunnel and get a kill and be so happy with themselves as if they've accomplished something.

    No one is telling you to change your game. The comment is a judgement and an opinion. Like politics I don't expect to change your mind. J.ust point out an explanation for the common complaint of players DQ'ing. If you don't feel DQing is an issue for your games - Go on with your life and leave this thread.

    I've nothing more to point out or say. And quite frankly - "I'll Play Anyway I Want" while saying "Go Find A New Game" is the height of feeling your argument won something - much like a game - that a 10 year old would play.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38
  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    board game flipper...

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I don't camp personally. I'm a nurse main, so I get hate messages for... other things. But real talk though, if the killer has someone hooked in endgame, they should be camping to secure at least one kill. It's the smart thing to do, and you can't really get mad at it, because wen it's endgame, anything goes.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Get face camped about 1/3 games in red ranks now. If there isn't an ebony mori for tunneling, there's face camping. It's gotten so ridiculous that we just suicide or leave when it happens. No reason to play a scuffed match that was lost from the offering screen.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I feel the same way. There are scenarios where of COURSE you stay by the hooked player. At the end of the game it makes perfect sense to put let the players decide how they want to proceed. Escape easily or help out a teammate. What the majority of us are indicating is getting hooked in the first 3 minutes of a game and watching the killer do nothing else. I've even accounted killers who don't even try to get a rescuing survivor and instead just sit there and watch the hooked survivor die.

    SAYING "well, the other survivors should instead go do gens DOES not erase the fact that MY game is now pointless. So NO. I'm not sticking around like a drown worm on the hook. So if the kill is so important - and the LESS points for the kill is so important - HERE have the points I"m out. Simple as that. YOU get your points. Now you can move on and do whatever the F you want and I can TOO. Win - Win .UNLESS you ge upset about players DQ'ing. For those Killers - ohhhh tooo bad. I'm not sorry about it - and as evidence in this thread NEITHER are you for the reason its happening in the first place. You don't get to complain -

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    If I see survivor(s) on the way to the hook, do I

    A. Pretend not to see them and "search" for other survivors

    B. Go to the furthest regions of space

    C. Go AFK

    D. Take advantage of the situation

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Guess what. That isn’t anything close to what I’m describing. If survivors can be seen and you go chase them - great. If survivors can be seen and you plant yourself in front of the hook to watch one die - THAT is entirely different? You see that right? You see the point of pretending that takes any skill is false.

    If I see a player while I’m on the hook being stupid than of COURSE I could care less if the killer gets them. That’s the POINT.

    If this entire thread has proved ONE thing is that telling a Killer not to give the survivor no other choice but to stop playing that round since INEVITABLY it’s just watching the clock waiting to did - DON’T cry about players DQing.

    thats it that’s all. Take it or leave it. Eat or roast it. Serve it on toast.

    PLAY however you want to play.

    BUT don’t get surprised when survivors aren’t twiddling there thumbs when they could be going to the next round.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    oh yes they can complain about dq's. why? dq's are against the agreed upon rules. everyone who plays accepts them when they first load the game and accepts the end user's licensing agreement! with the exception of game breaking bugs, disconnection is not allowed and YES it is stated in the damn rules posted on this forums.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    but you are telling others to change their game. you are trying to tell people it's TOXIC that it's against the rules, that it's a punishable offence to camp or tunnel, it's an authorization for survivors to disconnect which IS against the rules of the game. so let me compare this to something you might understand better. so take a college basketball game, they have something called a ZONE defense where the defending team makes a box around the basket attempting to make the opponent get tired, sloppy, and make mistakes or get the shot clock to run out in order to get the ball in order for the other team to do the exact same thing that's a snooze fest! Now move up to professional basketball, and the zone defense is AGAINST the rules.... if it's used it is penalized, but it's something that the professionals could use but they had to do it on the sly and make it look like man to man when it really wasn't. If caught they'd be penalized. SNOOZE fest! now that rule has been eliminated but there was a time that something in one place was allowed, but another disallowed is much the same as disconnecting (which you advocate), yet camping and tunneling have been talked about by the devs in that it is a legit strat, but perhaps not the best strat to win DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION.

    so my point here? is stop whining and get better. here are all the snooze fest things you and others mentioned:



    Gen rushing (yes 4 people on seperate gens is a form of gen rush but to truly be one, you need tool boxes, brand new parts etc to really be one)

    taking hits for the survivors to get them out

    weaponizing DS

    making the killer pick up a ds enabled survivor instead of closing the hatch

    blocking the hook

    body blocking other survivors into a corner or revealing to a killer where they are

    body blocking survivors in a corner for longer than a short while (example: bubba/billy saw charge = short, mikie getting to tier 3 = long) both pretty much bad but the former atleast only takes advantage of a survivor's miscalculation on where they are to down them quickly and progress the game.

    now if you look at this list I see 3 things that are killer sided and 6 things that are survivor sided. and only ONE can be 100% reported to behavior and another is situational. if you see a camped survivor and can't bait the killer away you best get gens done quickly or you will all be sac'd. simple as that. let them camp, let them loose emblem points, you get what you can, get out and get in another match with points and no penalty. how hard is that to understand?

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I'm a new player, and I will admit I've camped hooks because I simply didn't know any better - didn't know the maps, the strats, had no perks, etc. It was frustrating getting a hook and having survivors simply run by and unhook them, forcing yet another ring-around-the-rosie chase, so yeah, 1-by-1, I camped until they were dead.

    With that said, even when I did camp, it still only takes a second for a survivor to speed by and unhook them, and some teams managed to do it very well against me (though again, I was low level with no good perks), and escape, and win. Camping isn't a definitive winning strategy as a killer, and, it's boring standing there.

    I've become more experienced with the game now and have more perks so, no need to camp and I can roam more but I still get plenty of hate mail accusing me of camping when really I'm just being watchful and alert.

    For example - I know a survivor is nearby and going to attempt a save so I fake like I'm leaving and then turn around to arrive right after they've unhooked. Or, I place traps and get an alert after I've legitimately left to go hunting, so I turn around. Am I camping? I guess, but am I just supposed to let them get away with it? Of course not.

    My opinion as a newbie here is, you can debate the ins and outs of various play styles and the context of a variety of different situations (like the 1 example I just gave), and at the end of the day, I think it's a draw on whether you want to call camping an actual strategy or not.

    If someone is hardcore just standing there slashing the hooked survivor until they die...yeah, it's #########, but it's not a instant-win strategy.

    As others have said, let people play how they want to play, don't worry about them, just worry about you, and how you and/or you team are going to counter it.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Another post telling Killers what they can and can't do whilst survivors gen rush, use every broken loop at their disposal along with every meta perk available to them.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm afraid killers don't care if they have your permission or not lol :x

  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2020

    This game is soo fun, but the community is so full of complains and toxicity in general.

    Whenever i play killer, some random survivor show up with some "Stop/camping/slugging, etc u "#%!&$"

    Whenever i play survivor the killer comes up with some "Nice gen rush u !#%!$&"

    Honestly, what's wrong with people in this game, does really nobody realizes that in this game u get punish by wrong decisions made in the moment? You unhook a survivor at the wrong moment, repair at the wrong moment, take a wrong turn, take too long chasing, etc, you get punished by being hook, losing a gen, losing a match, etc. That's how it works, nobody is obliged to play according to your standards and you as a player are not entitled to impose a playstyle. I swear that most of the post in this forum are about players complaining about how other players play.

    As far as my experience go, experience that is not that big, since i'm kinda new, in red rank, on where i'm currently sitting. If u tunnel or camp as a killer u lose. If a camping or tunneling killer does win, it's the complete fault of point thirsty survivor. So if someone is falling for a crappy strategy like that, it's that persons fault, not the killer.

    Same with killer, if u get gen rushed with brand new parts and purple tool boxes, it's the killers fault for not knowing how to control, put pressure on the map and taking care of generators. It's not the faults of Survivors.

    Survivor needs to repair and scape, killers needs to kill. Nobody is playing the game to make it easy for the counterpart.

    So stop falling for stupid strategies (it may hurt u but yes camping it's a strategy, a crappy one, but a strategy nonetheless ) and learn how to counter, if you don't have no one to play with, go to the discord of DBD and play with people.

    Post edited by Gore_Nargai on
  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Thats just common sense tho. Who tf is going to be like "well I dont want to camp so I'll just let the survivors win"

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I'm only talking about camping in endgame. Never said anything about gens. Your game isn't pointless if you are camped in endgame since you still got to play.