DC penalty when leaving against farming killers.

Lately about 50% of my games are against farming killers, perhaps because the new DLC is near. I don't want to ######### farm, I want to play the ######### game, so I'm either stuck not playing the game for like 10 min as I try and rush gens and avoid the farming killer or I DC and still have to wait either way.

The DC penalty is trash.


  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    because reports dont do anything. Its better to have no DC penalty than a DC penalty.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Yep, precisely why DC penalty is broken and should be removed.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I've also had tons of farming killers lately. I assume it's because the Tome is so grindy. I got two DC penalties the other day because I had two different games where teammate decided to block me in a corner when I was cleansing a totem. Meanwhile my survivor queue times can take 15 minutes without any penalty. I also played killer today to work on challenges and had survivors DC in 5 out of my 6 games. Glad that penalty is working so well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Farming is only reportable if the killer forces you to farm. It's happened to me before. I kept being pulled off gens and downed, then survivor and killer blocked me in so i couldn't do anything. that's reportable, but yea generally no not reportable.

    as others said, do the gens, stay away from the farm take a depip and enjoy a few free points, get out of the gate asap and you're good. no need to dc from a "farming match" just don't participate. also reporting DOES take action I've had been sent mistaken emails by behavior before stating they took action. even though you don't see it, the best you can do is start recording the game while they are farming, then you report and fill out the ticket submitting that video as evidence. DC penalties are working as intended for cases of "FARMING" the only thing that should not be counted but nothing can be done with a basic detection watcher there is if the game crashes or the network connection is broken but to determine both of those there was to be communication and checking of network packets. won't happen.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    If you are the only one to do gens it should take you roughly 7 minutes to do them and leave. That is assuming not another person touches one. Or you can DC and wait 5 minutes. The choice is yours.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Ah yes, DC penalty is trash because it can't detect if a killer is farming or not

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Farming is such a snoozefest. So freaking annoying to sit in queue only to get someone who wants to farm. I really don't like the d/c penalty. Everyone should honestly ask themselves if their experience is any better since the d/c penalty was implemented. Take an honest look at it. People still d/c, and those that don't want to eat the penalty just go afk or give up. It really just prolongs the inevitable for a few thousand extra BP for everyone else. Whoopdy doo. No amount of band aids will fix the game underneath. D/cs are a symptom.

  • UGWRayne
    UGWRayne Member Posts: 15

    I dont feel its trash...its simple dont quit. Play the match and move on. Why DC anyway? Kinda childish actually. You quit because you didnt get your way. We all hate a specific killer but, it happens. Also others are right, now its 3 survivors doing 5 generators instead of 4 doing 5. Puts the survivors at a disadvantage immediately. Bitches DC. Just play.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You do understand what the OP is complaining about right? They're not talking about DCing during normal.matches, they're talking about DCing when all the killer and survivors want to do is farm. It doesn't even matter if they are at a disadvantage because they're literally not even playing the game.

    But yeah, it's simple, just don't get found by the killer when other survivors are ratting you out, and constantly trying to farm with you 4Head, when it's up to the killer and the other survivors if you get to quickly leave a dumb farming match in the first place. Very cool advice.

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    I agree, i hate farming, it's stealing precious time, where I could play a normal game. but with the dc penalty i cant leave either. DC penalty should be removed

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    "now"? farming killer has always been trashy, People want to play the actual game not play blodpoint farm simulator

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    "People"? I have no problem with it. Would I want to every match? NO. Would I report someone for it HELL NO get out of here with the complaining.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477
    edited November 2020
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    ok so you shouldn't be punished for face camping, tunneling, farming or playing the game. all killers get all three hooks (or remainder of those hooks) when a person dc's, they get full points as if chased for short time (5 seconds say), hit twice, hooked each time. also if there is a dc the hatch is completely disabled and doors take twice as long to open including doubling any modifiers like remember me.

    hmmm will this happen? nope I don't think it ever will.... you just want to cry that you didn't get the match you wanted and leave it to try and get it again... what happens if the next match is not to your liking? your killer is the wrong one? your map isn't survivor (or killer) sided? and YES this is about killers dc'ing too. outside of the game's own stated rules when dc'ing is alright are two reasons 1) verified network/client issues, not I crashed, behavior fix your crap! and 2) if you are in a life or death situation because of a killer in game (phobias of clowns does induce some very hefty panic attacks).

    was I being sarcastic in what I suggested? yup i really don't think it'd be done. but you know what your comment there is just as idiotic as my comments. atleast I talked about my thoughts in my post here.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    If just want the game to recognize the difference between losing connection and quitting a match. DBD is the only game I ever have connection issues with while playing.

    CoD works fine.

    Genshin works fine.

    All of my Xbox games work fine.

    It's just DBD.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    if you want that, then write a program that can tell the difference between a player using windows to block internet connection and the network between the player and the server having issues. if you can't join the club, even I can't tell you how to let the computer know this in a timely manner. I would (as a network certified tech) have to look at the logs of the affected computer, the affected dedicated server, know the correct packet connection and look at the packets before the disconnect to have even a CHANCE of deciding if it's intentional on the player or not. this would probably take about 2 hours of dedicated work and someone that understood how packets are done to catch the difference and that's if you could even do so!

    CoD server connection is a different network connection route and type between player and server and it has had it's own connection issues that have lasted for days where you couldn't log in at all.

    Genshin also is a different network connection route and type between player and server and beyond that I have no information as I can't stand that game personally.

    Your xbox games work fine, again what games? what is their connection route and type? what else is it? is there spurrious information coming through that causes the console to make an illegal (code wise) call in the os? this can happen and DOES happen.

    You say it's just dbd.... great way to make your case when you can't address all the possible issues. players here complain about "bugs" where survivors are silent while on the ground on pc and I am on pc and I have NEVER had this issue. I've read about so many people that have had their dbd client crash on their pc, yet my pc has no such issues, 2 times maybe a few more but well below 0.01% of the games i've played were caused by the actual client but my Operating System making incorrect calls on hardware. I have had a few network issues both my home network, my isp dropping connection, or some where in between but again less than 0.01% of the games i've played had this happen.

    With all this information I'd say perhaps there's an issue you don't understand affecting your dbd client... btw... network issues has nothing to do with the dbd client what so ever so it can't be just dbd.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'm not even playing on PC, so more than half of your argument is invalid.

    Xbox titles include: Halo, GoW, L4D, Need For Speed, Titanfall, Watch Dogs, and several others.

    Just because you haven't experienced an issue, doesn't mean it's not there. I know for a fact you've experienced survivors making no noise. Everyone has. Crashing can occur for several reasons. Streamers have had the game crash from just pouncing as Victor. Guess they ruined the match and deserve a penalty?

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2020

    I agree that the penalty is trash. But not for this reason. Over the past few days I've had my game crash on a PS4 Pro and a PS5 many times and have had to wait out the timer each time. Those instances were not my fault and I should NOT be penalized for it.

    While I hate farming, I just do it and get through it and leave.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    here is the rub 1) your XBOX is a PC (PERSONAL COMPUTER) it checks all the boxes to make it a personal computer. 2) you are approaching this from the wrong way. this is what is up: in mid 2019 the amount of disconnects rose to a point that the devs HAD to take action and put up something. unfortunately they did not have the time nor the expertise to put up something that is more than you disconnect you get penalized. Even then it would take a team of networking people to look at each case of internet outage to try to even determine if it was an issue that isn't the player.

    you can submit tickets to deal with those instances and there IS an option about disconnect bans being incorrect. but i doubt you want to take the time to understand how much work that entails. when you crash it might not even be your client.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Yes, because DCing in a farming match just hurts the remaining survivors SO much.

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    DC penalty is good. Unless you're repeatedly Facing basically every match your penalty won't go above 3 minutes. Check your email or something. Better than before the penalty, where if I looked at a survivor the wrong way that DCd and made me feel bad for every other Survivor and usually just give them a win.

  • Ifill99
    Ifill99 Member Posts: 10

    I've literally had a day where every killer has been farming... 'Just do gens and go to the next game' If I did that I would have spent 8 hours farming and not having fun... Farming is NOT FUN, You can't just 'go to the next game' because what if the next one is a farm, when people say just do the gens, there are times where you are downed on the floor and survivors are just healing you so the killer can down you straight away... There's no choice in the matter, getting blocked in corners, being slugged and kept on the ground, your game freezing (which happens every other week) is all reasons why people dc.... How can you be locked in a game when there's no ski check alert popping up and when you leave you get banned from playing again... Everyone who says just farm does not play this game properly bcs every dbd youtuber I see play this game complains about crashing, so don't lie and say this game doesn't crash when it clearly does..... DC penaltys are absolutely terrible and the devs won't do anything to change it...


  • Ifill99
    Ifill99 Member Posts: 10

    Btw when someone says to me 'it's your fault for leaving' I'm now waiting 30 minutes for my game to comeback because I have been unable to play for the last 2 days due to farmers, slugger who just keep you on the ground, and killers who block you and FORCE you to farm... But ya'll want to keep the dc penalty so whenever your game crashes you can get banned even longer.... Any dbd streamer/youtuber will vouch for me when I say REMOVE THE DC PENALTYS because the devs don't play this game so they don't care... Thanks for making me wait for a game when I've had no choice in quitting, I've been thrown out of the game because my ps4 crashed and now I have to wait 30 mins... THANKS GAME!

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    This might be hard for you to believe but the devs play this game, some of them stream it as well.

  • Ifill99
    Ifill99 Member Posts: 10

    Well obviously they don't play this game enough because they aren't changing something that is pissing off a lot of people, quite a few people have left dbd recently and having your game crash and then having to wait 30 minutes to play again is something people aren't happy about... You can't deny that it's an ineffective way to stop people dcing, fighting fire with fire isn't a solution, people's game crash or they're stuck 24/7 and the only way they can do that is "play something else for like a week, try civilization" The devs really do care about this game even though they said that exact quote

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    If I recall correctly, implementing the DC penalty significantly reduced the number of DCs.

  • JaydenZapata
    JaydenZapata Member Posts: 13

    He was giving an example. It actually also does relate a lot since it's basically what you said but just has deathslinger in it. Also aren't you accusing too because you clearly didn't read his post either. I'm 95% sure @theArashi read your post. Your acting like one of the developers can just make a DC Penalty that detects farmers. DC Penalty is actually pretty good because it gives you a break for repeating the same old thing and instead browse items in shop, spend bloodpoints, find right perks, offerings, and items for your next match. :/

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    to report someone forcing you to farm you will HAVE to submit video evidence to prove your point. if you just click the button they can not act without further evidence. so you have to record the match or have it recorded you can then link that information there. but you have to do the SECOND report to do this. some things don't need the second report form what so ever.

  • 1- there is literally no way you could possibly expect the game to know the difference

    2- this is pretty much the type of person that is why DC penalty has to exist for anyways

    3-if you're THAT upset you can just point at a hook for a moment and a killer will down and hook you, and then you can just ######### on the hook, and be out of the game in like a minute with no penalty if it's THAT big of a deal for you.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    And who wants to waste even more time doing that. Not me.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    then you make your own reports fail, not that they are ignored. stop blaming others for your inaction.

This discussion has been closed.