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Huntress Nerf conclusion



  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Well it's official now, Clown is a better Huntress confirmed :(

  • HarryHatchet
    HarryHatchet Member Posts: 29

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Well it's official now, Clown is a better Huntress confirmed :(

    Dont worry, give them another 4 Months and freddy is above nurse/billy/clown xD

  • lowlife
    lowlife Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2018

    Reviving this dead thread to ask for help; excluding spirit who is now pretty much my main on the rare occasion i play killer, I hadn't played as killer for months. does anyone else still think huntress is suicide to play as? I've just ended up D/Cing from a game because her hatchets never hit, aiming is the most infuriating thing for me, shes slow as fck, i get looped like crazy, and to top it all off im getting bullied to ######### and im literally crying as a result like idek care to admit it at this point I. Am. In. Tears. And the funny thing about all this is that i have the fondest memories of her being the only killer i ever used and usually succeeding with her. Something feels so off and im reaaaaally hating haha. My main question here is, how the fck do i take back this killer, be good at her again. Cause im stumped and quite frankly i dont wanna be bullied again by the toxic survivors cause im really sensitive and it kinda hurts like being crushed by a tone of bricks :-(

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    @lowlife said:
    Reviving this dead thread to ask for help; excluding spirit who is now pretty much my main on the rare occasion i play killer, I hadn't played as killer for months. does anyone else still think huntress is suicide to play as? I've just ended up D/Cing from a game because her hatchets never hit, aiming is the most infuriating thing for me, shes slow as fck, i get looped like crazy, and to top it all off im getting bullied to ######### and im literally crying as a result like idek care to admit it at this point I. Am. In. Tears. And the funny thing about all this is that i have the fondest memories of her being the only killer i ever used and usually succeeding with her. Something feels so off and im reaaaaally hating haha. My main question here is, how the fck do i take back this killer, be good at her again. Cause im stumped and quite frankly i dont wanna be bullied again by the toxic survivors cause im really sensitive and it kinda hurts like being crushed by a tone of bricks :-(

    Yeah, I'm with the consensus that huntress is pretty much ass. The only time she ever kills me is when my team sucks. Whenever I see her I breathe of a sigh of relief and think "Oh, it's just huntress." She sucked before the nerf, too.

    Want survivors to take the huntress seriously? Restore her hit boxes and give her normal movement speed when she's winding up a hatchet. Now you've got a killer.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited November 2018

    Huntress is my main and I'm still dropping 3k or 4k on almost all my games on PS4. Can't comment on PC which I know has some serious differences with the K+M controls but on console, she is still very viable. Assuming you can land hatchets with consistency.

    Plus it's really fun to watch a survivor group freak out when they realize you have iridescent heads and an extended belt. Please, come over to unhook that survivor I'm sure you won't be slugging around after this long bomb sneaky hatchet mwhahahahahah

    edit* spelling

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited November 2018

    @lowlife said:
    Reviving this dead thread to ask for help; excluding spirit who is now pretty much my main on the rare occasion i play killer, I hadn't played as killer for months. does anyone else still think huntress is suicide to play as? I've just ended up D/Cing from a game because her hatchets never hit, aiming is the most infuriating thing for me, shes slow as fck, i get looped like crazy, and to top it all off im getting bullied to ######### and im literally crying as a result like idek care to admit it at this point I. Am. In. Tears. And the funny thing about all this is that i have the fondest memories of her being the only killer i ever used and usually succeeding with her. Something feels so off and im reaaaaally hating haha. My main question here is, how the fck do i take back this killer, be good at her again. Cause im stumped and quite frankly i dont wanna be bullied again by the toxic survivors cause im really sensitive and it kinda hurts like being crushed by a tone of bricks :-(

    Huntress is still an effective killer against "average pleb" survivors, The only problems occur when the survivors know how to loop a huntress because then you are really a 110% killer trying to run out the loops.

    Sure it doesnt happen always, even at high ranks because rank system = lul, but that fact killed huntress pretty much for me in high ranks.
    Now that I derank to stay away from the red ranks (red = warning, dont enter), I play her from time to time again

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited November 2018

    @Master said:

    @lowlife said:
    Reviving this dead thread to ask for help; excluding spirit who is now pretty much my main on the rare occasion i play killer, I hadn't played as killer for months. does anyone else still think huntress is suicide to play as? I've just ended up D/Cing from a game because her hatchets never hit, aiming is the most infuriating thing for me, shes slow as fck, i get looped like crazy, and to top it all off im getting bullied to ######### and im literally crying as a result like idek care to admit it at this point I. Am. In. Tears. And the funny thing about all this is that i have the fondest memories of her being the only killer i ever used and usually succeeding with her. Something feels so off and im reaaaaally hating haha. My main question here is, how the fck do i take back this killer, be good at her again. Cause im stumped and quite frankly i dont wanna be bullied again by the toxic survivors cause im really sensitive and it kinda hurts like being crushed by a tone of bricks :-(

    Huntress is still an effective killer against "average pleb" survivors, The only problems occur when the survivors know how to loop a huntress because then you are really a 110% killer trying to run out the loops.

    Sure it doesnt happen always, even at high ranks because rank system = lul, but that fact killed huntress pretty much for me in high ranks.
    Now that I derank to stay away from the red ranks (red = warning, dont enter), I play her from time to time again

    Crouching really is the huntresses biggest weakness lol. I would love a lob shot, the ability to toss a hatchet up and over the loop. It would take some coordination and skill but how fun to be running the loop, toss one into the air and then push the survivor into the drop zone?!