Until Dawn (game) CHAPTER
Yesss!! I was just finished playing my game until dawn for like the 10th time literally! And how ######### cool would it be to have a cross over !! With Sam and Mike as survivors or literally like on survivor with the cosmetics of it being any of the other characters!!! And the Wendigo as the killer!!! I’m not sure how they would be able to incorporate the ability since it’s blind until you make one slight movement maybe using that as a ability with the killer ?? It’s be so awesome ! Hag isn’t a wendigo as she is a swamp witch cannibal more as like she is a Skinwaker and not a Wendigo ! The mines or the lodge could be the map more hopefully the mines as the Wendigos ability would be to crawl ontop of things and leap at people. Oh this concept would be so amazing if it could happen since silent hill happened!!