Are DC penaltys gone again?

I have noticed on both sides where I have since survivors just dced once they got downed, and thats something only people would do if DC penalties wouldnt be here, and it was frequent too. I just finished a game of Clown and as soon as I hit a bottle and got a down on a nea, she dced. After that everyone just hook suicided. Next I play a survivor game and its up against a Ghostie boi, we were at 2 gens but Ghostie boi then manages to get us all, and then this Felix dcs.

Am I dreaming or

Is DC penalty again removed by the hackers?


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    DC penalties are still up. People just DC because 'Insert reason here'. Nothing new.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I got several survivors who dc couple of days ago. I played killer and downed first guy really fast. He dc'd so it looked like ragequit. Then second survivor dc'd and third suicided on hook. Fourth survivor was hiding and when I find him he dc'd. And after that I realised that hatch didn't spawn and there no survivors left. So I got to dc and get 5 min penalty. I checked match info in settings and ping of dc'ed survivors was shown which means they were there. First guy send a heart to post game chat and it was quite suspicious.

    Not sure if they were hackers or they found an exploit but I reported them just in case.