Help Me Get Better Maybe o:


I know, I know, the only way to better yourself at the game is to practice and 'git gud', but that's exactly what I'm trying to do!

Perks don't have all to do with how good you are at looping, but they're called perks for a reason. I wonder if you guys can help me put together a perk set to help me get better at looping. I don't struggle with finding pallets or windows so I don't use WoO; the area I struggle most in is that, I get found by the killer, get hit, and then thirty seconds later get hit again. I can't seem to run them for a long time.

I tried using dead hard but I just end up on the ground and exhausted most of the time :\ so I gave up on that. And sprint burst was nice but once the killer catches up to you it's sort of gg for me. Should I just stick to my strengths and keep running sneaky builds?


  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2020

    Not much to it apart from experience. Keep playing, watch videos on how to run tiles, have a plan in mind before a chase begins, get used to optimal pathing before dropping a pallet. Also play killer to learn how to play against and mindgame the looping. Pretty much just keep playing the game, maybe practice in customs too against friends.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,789

    They won't make you better at looping per se, but Lithe and Balanced can extend a chase. I personally prefer Lithe, because there are always lots of vaults around so you have a choice about when to use it, and it can carry you to the next tile so you can keep chasing there. Balanced can do the same thing, but you have to be more mindful of running to a high point.

    Some people use Iron Will or Quick & Quiet to make it less obvious where they go if they break line of sight with the killer, but that's more about escaping chase, I think.

    I guess, if you were really bold, you could run Object so that you could always see the killer and use that to try to loop better, but it can be dangerous, too.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I don't think there is a perk that can help you getting better at looping. All I can say is keep practicing. Don't be afraid to practice looping and getting downed. Looping is the only fun a survivor can have. If you wanna get better at it, don't be shy of going down. Put you running shoes and go loop some killers :3

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,338

    If you're having trouble with looping, I'd really recommend looking up some guides on how to run common tiles, as that's what you'll be dealing with on most of the maps.

    Dead Hard is a really good perk when used well, but really unreliable for dodging hits (dedicated servers and all that). The best time to use it is if you're in a position where you're close to a pallet or a window, but not close enough to make it just by running. If you Dead Hard at the right time, you can use the distance you gain to get to and drop a pallet or vault a window. Do keep in mind that this requires good timing, as a badly timed Dead Hard can put you too far from the pallet and get you hit anyway.

    Sprint Burst and Lithe are also good picks. Sprint Burst means you can never be in a bad position when working on a generator. If you're working on a generator in the middle of nowhere, you can use Sprint Burst to get to a safer tile. Lithe is the same concept, except it only works with window vaults and you don't have to manage your exhaustion meter as much.

    Another good combination for looping is Resilience and Spine Chill. These perks both affect vault speed, totalling to a 15% bonus when injured (assuming both perks are Tier 3). This will let you get away with vaults that would usually leave you hit.

    However, no matter how many perks you have, the thing that will save you the most in this game is knowledge. If you know the best way to run certain tiles, you will extend your chases on average for quite a while. It's also good to keep in mind what tricks the Killer will try and pull to mindgame you.

    OhTofu uploaded a helpful tutorial a couple of years ago, but most (if not all) of the information should still be accurate:

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Thank you everyone for your input!

    Do any of you think Windows of Opportunity would be useful even though I don't use it?

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Windows of opportunity is good for even veteran players because unless you're galaxy brained you're not going to be able to keep track of what pallets have been used throughout the match.

    Really I'd just watch for the killer's red glow, and put yourself in the killers shoes. If you were the killer facing you, what would you do?

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    If you want someone to greatly help you watch Otz or Otzdarva ( Don't if I spelled that right), he has amazing tips for each killer, I recommend for new player/ rank 20s to play Trapper first, just so they can get used to playing a killer without using you power.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    The thing about WoO is that even when you're not using it, you're using it. Spine chill + WoO has turned me into a confident survivor. Maybe not confident enough to ditch them (ha) but I'm always ready for a chase.