What was the point of making survivors lose addons when they escape?

NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Up until a few months ago, whenever you escaped with an item with addons, both the addons and the item were added to your inventory, then they changed it.

I really don't understand why they did this, most changes in this game are made to even things out, to make things more balanced because they are too strong/unenjoyable, but for the life of me I can't understand why they made you lose addons while escaping. It doesn't make anything more balanced, it wasn't too strong and it wasn't changed because killers had an issue with survivors keeping their addons. It's simply a change that's supposed to directly make the game more grindy and boring. Yes, I understand that a reasoning for this change would be consistency, because killers lose addons as well, but I don't see why this would be needed.

If someone gets a benefit that simply is nice for them and doesn't harm anyone, and the other side doesn't get said thing, shouldn't we simply be happy that at least someone has the benefit instead of no one having it and removing it for everyone?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,598

    For consistency.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    and lets not mention the mess that are the over all bloodpoint offerings and flashlight "accuracy" addons.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    This might sound weird but the accuracy add-ons legitimately do help me with blinds, particularly on purple ones. The bulbs can go but the accuracy ones should stay

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    The deeper question is why do we have to rely on a nonsense RNG lotto system to spend BP on in order to have items and add-ons to begin with? What is the point? The entire system feels archaic and pointless, there only to make you grind endlessly. Toss in perks (and tiered perks at that) and it feels like trash made by F2P mobile game developers.

    If they want to have their little economy for whatever reason (despite it being a "party game" that's ranked-only matchmaking...) then just give everyone the same baseline items. Permanently, they don't vanish. Then allow them to click that item and select add-ons. The add-ons they select subtract BP once the match starts. No RNG, no nonsense. Same with upgrading the item itself. I upgraded my base medkit to a ranger medkit or whatever, and now it's that rarity for X matches.

    Ditto for killers.

    The economy would have to be adjusted to really make the good stuff cost a ton more (since you could get it whenever you wanted) but at least you wouldn't clear 5 bloodwebs and not find the single add-on or item you were looking for.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited November 2020

    Certain addons are extremely powerful, and distort the game a lot and are very much a sometimes food.

    Furthermore, survivors can bring 8 addons to the killer's 2. This not only meant that killers auto-lose their addons and thus can run powerful addons less often (worse because addons are more important for killers), but survivors had more ability to push a lot of power into games constantly.

    Especially at high ranks, it was super common to see full iri+purple/green addons on every survivor, which was just a bit much and distorted what addons and items were supposed to be. So survivor items and addons generally got a bit of a nerf overall to account for the fact that survivors get a lot more control over the trial itself with offerings.

    Honestly I just think the killer should have gotten 2 offering slots and maybe a 3rd addon slot (which would allow a lot more interesting builds), because there are still a lot of problems with the imbalance between how many offerings and items the survivors can take (BNP is... better but still not ideal, for example, and killers have almost no control over the map they are playing on), but it really is an improvement at rank 1 on both sides in my opinion for not every game to contain a ridiculous 5 second heal medkits, an insta-sabo box (back when that mattered), a fully kitted rainbow map, and a key. You generally can run greens and yellows whenever you want if your good as a survivor, but purples and especially iris are meant to be hard to bust out constantly.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    Unless i'm mistaken, it might be all placebo, I kyf-tested the accuracy addons and I couldn't find a single differenence in how the flashlight acts with or without the accuracy addons in different situations, maybe I missed something, they seem to do 0 difference to me.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    It was too easy to stockpile good add-ons. Many Survivors could run the best add-ons every game and essentially never run out. Add-ons really make a huge difference when you consider all 4 Survivors can use them. And lastly, I think it's only fair Survivors lose add-ons since Killers do as well.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,067

    I don't understand the whole losing add-ons because the other does. Sure it's consistent with killers but killers also have less add-ons to sort through. it would be fine if you could pick your add-ons but it's super rng based in the bloodwebs.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    If it is placebo then it's incredibly convincing because I'm almost certain that it does move less with accuracy addons, particularly the yellow one. It genuinely does help me get blinds so either I'm incredibly special or they have to do something

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,629
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    Somehow that minor difference helps me out lmao, I wouldn't be opposed to buffing them instead of just removing them

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    Well, looks like I found out what the accuracy addons do, also as tofu says, the blind hitbox is so big that im pretty sure if he was actually trying to blind a killer even the very innacurate purple flashlight would still always be blinding despite all the moving.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    "Up until a few months ago, whenever you escaped with an item with addons, both the addons and the item were added to your inventory, then they changed it"

    When was this? I been playing since the pandemic started, I never got to keep any add ons after I escaped. I only kept the item itself, but never the add on.

    What do u mean few months ago?

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    I honestly wasn't sure when they made this change, ive been playing this game for way too long to remember, but after some digging I found out that survivors no longer keep the addons as well since escaping with an item that had addons attached to it since patch 3.6.0, which has been released around mid february 2020.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Oh.. that's when I started playing, about mid February. The intro video at the time was the deathslinger intro. I'm assuming that's when the deathslinger came out.

    Not sure what the game did back than cuz I was a noob and clueless about the game.

    But at some point I realize I was bummed out when I found out I couldn't keep the add ons.

    Didn't realize I missed the cut off time and that u CAN keep the add ons had I played earlier.

    It's unfortunate too becuz I bought the game on a Halloween sale few years ago, just happen to finally try it February of this year.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Escaping letting survivors add-ons was more or less changed because of SWF squads going all out and keeping the majority of their items/addons so they can continue to go all out in every single game.

    Much like the anti camp feature the game had tried SWF abused the mechanic so badly it got removed.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't recommend dbd before 2018 to anyone, the game became playable around early 2018, you didn't miss out on too much, gameplay wise, maybe you would've wanted the experience.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193
    edited November 2020

    I wouldn't say it's "abuse", maybe barely any killers were good enough to be able to win against them, I don't see the issue with keeping addons for a long time if no one manages to kill you with them.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The issue is "Win More"

    If you win by bringing over power addons/items(I believe this was done before the toolbox nerfs) then you'll keep winning as you can keep reusing them forever.

    Imagine if the Iridescent Head + Infantry Belt would refund themselves if you got 3+ kills if you'd want the killer equivalent.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Idk, I'd like to say I would of enjoyed it. I am survivor main who plays killers for daily cuz u know ... Most of the dailies are killer oriented.

    I totally stop playing other games. I only play dbd and nothing else. I bought several copies of dbd. I play it on PC PS4, Xbox.

    I bought multiple dlcs across those platforms.

    Before crossplay, I queue myself up while I'm playing on another platform so I never had to wait much. While others complain about the wait times. I only waited a few mins or even seconds.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 943

    would you rather killers keep there addons?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I love this argument because that "1/3rd" has to be done continuously between the what... 20 killers there are? a number which grows every few months, and needs to not only get stuff to create builds in the first place, but THEN maintain them, all through random chance spending?

    Survivors only need to get everyone to 40, then pool everything into one survivor. Hell, good survivors can even stockpile items from chests, or use a perk to stockpile items AND addons from chests. Killers have a separate progression for every single killer that you wish to play, so it requires getting everyone at least to 40 for unlockables, then however many webs to get a build that actually works for them, then make sure they don't run out of addons that are arguably mroe important than survivor items or addons. back and forth. forever. It's a disgusting amount of grind by comparison, but woe are survivors because green keys can be in webs.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,629

    If you spend the BPs you earn with that Killer ON that Killer and you are using BBQ, you get 1 Bloodweb done (and a little bit of the next Bloodweb), without the use of any BP-Offering. Considering that most Add Ons have either multiple versions or are pretty cheap, it is fair to say that Killers easily get the Add Ons they like, unless they want to do crazy things like using Iridescent Add Ons every game.

    Like, 25k BPs is an average Killer game (and a good Survivor game most likely including an escape), with BBQ thats 50k BPs. Thats a Bloodweb. Like I said earlier, on my Trapper I have like 3-5 Bags per Bloodweb. This means I can go for 3 games at least with that Bloodweb, which allows me to get more Bloodwebs aka more Bags. So I will never run out of Bags.

    Let alone that grinding Killes is WAY easier. 20 games with BBQ and you have 1 Million BPs. I have all Survivors maxed out and am doing that for Killer, and it is way faster.

    And well, saying that you have more and more Killers... Nobody forces you to play every Killer.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Well it did buff AitH so perhaps more use that perk now.

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    Killers kept their add ons you'd see nothing but tombstone Myers and No Power Onis

    If survivors kept their add ons you'd see nothing but brand-new parts and Insta heals.

    It's a little annoying to lose the add ons even if you escape or get a 4k, but when you think of the alternatives, it makes sense

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think it was just to add some sort of risk to good add ons. Bring an instaheal? Better commit to using it.

    Likewise with sabo toolboxes. A purple toolbox with stacks speed add ons is insane at hook breaking now. If you could keep them on escape it would take away the risk of having such a powerful utility.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197

    I still feel like survivor should share and item,addon,offering pool maybe even perks but that be to good.

    like anything you get in survivor bloodwab all survivor can use them also it wont suck turning a survivor over.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    Your question is very interesting. The main reason, in my opinion, is that powerful accessories increase the chances of winning, therefore, if victory allowed them to be kept, it would create a vicious circle, whereby if you have those add-ons you win and if you win you have those add-ons.

    There are however some considerations to make. First of all, the killer on average earns more Bloodpoints than a survivor, for the same skill. Then, the killer has a much narrower Bloodweb than a survivor, which means they can more easily find and select the resources of their liking. Third, the killer obviously does not risk losing his power if he's defeated, while the survivor risks losing his item by dying.

    In practice, if before there was an imbalance in favor of the survivor, now there is an imbalance in favor of the killer. Personally, I would take three corrective measures: 1) unlock the ability to get an Ultra-Rare add-on with Ace In The Hole, to reward looters who love to collect treasure and give them extra motivation to search for chests rather than genrushing; 2) to introduce a sort of Used Market, to resell the useless stuff to the Entity at half price; 3) to review the add-ons list, to make all of them really worth their price.

    Maybe @Almo , the chief of the Balance Team, could tell us if they have some plan to fix the imbalance explained above. :)

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Survivors can gain additional items outside the bloodweb. Killers can't. Stop whining.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Killers actually play differently, while survivors are just literal reskins. The only differences between survivors are legit exploiting skin tone, cosmetic tone, and voice volume. If your argument is truly that "nobody is forced to play every killer," then you really need to consider that "survivors need zero items or addons to perform their role adequately, especially compared to pretty much killer with no addons."

    I'm a survivor main who sinks all their BP into killers, even though I cant play the role due to the lack of colorblind options (or even just design choices) in 2020. Take that with whatever size grain of salt you choose.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think you realize how toxic and mean spirited this community is.

    My guess is they did it because killers thought it was unfair. Never mind that BBQ made it much easier for killers to get bp. They did make WGLF better than it was, but I still think BBQ is much better and easier for bloodpoints. Toolboxes are irrelevant now, so the only thing I might bring in is a medkit, but so many killers are farming now that I don't want to bring anything in that is going to be wasted. If killers equipped something for their ability and didn't use it the entire game, why would I care if he got to keep his add ons at the end of the game? But nah. Let's just do something that hurts survivors for no reason.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think it's fair to lose add ons you don't even use. It's easier for killers to get bp with BBQ. Ebony moris are so common it's not even funny.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,659

    Not sure if this has been mentioned, but if you use the perk Ace In The Hole and escape the trial, you'll keep the add-ons you have (unless you used something like a septic).

    Have been using it with my map when doing the totem challenge. I felt bad losing so many add-ons! But this one simple trick might help you too.

    But seriously, if you think about it, the change does make sense. It should probably have always been like this. At least we have a way of keeping our add-ons via a perk - killers do not have this luxury.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 81

    As main surv with 4700 hours, I agree with this change. Actually, I don't think survs need items and addons in the same way as killers, and you can always spend some BP and get some, it's not the end of the world.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Then either use them or don't bring them? If a wraith brings a shadow dance but never breaks a pallet while cloaked, should it get refunded for free? Hell, if survors DC on first hook and create a 3 minute game, should all the killer's addons be refunded because they didnt get a fair game?

    I go barehanded into most games, it boggles my mind how much people complain they "don't get to use" their syringes or pill bottle addons. If you dont get to use them, you didnt even need them to begin with. Why complain?