A Single Dead Hard Survivor in The Killer Shack Defeats the Trapper Without Bloodlust


I've recently become rank 9-10 with Trapper and in this match I lost so much time because I didn't realize how much I could use some Bloodlust. I refer to the Trapper, me, in first person, and the one Survivor who got the better of me is the Looper.

Looper is found, or let himself be found, and runs to the Killer Shack. No problem for Trapper, always found that place my home and dominated it if possible. Trap on the door w/pallet. Looper loops door w/o pallet and window. Looper keeps looping and can do it consistently for a while because the killer will never get any faster. 1-2 gens lost. Survivor gets hit, but that means starting the looping process over again.

I can't practically mindgame a purple/red rank in that situation, need a hook fast. Trap on the window. Looper Dead Hards over first trap. I didn't pick up the trap and went around, and off we go to another tile, but by that time, 1.5 gens are left with the other 3 Survivors diligently repairing gens. Looper finds time to taunt every 1.5 loops, but when eventually downed, I tried to go for the other Survivors before they were finished, but going across the map had the last gen finished, the Looper healed, and all four escaping.

If I knew any better I wouldn't focus on the Looper for too long, but even so, just one person in the Killer Shack can now take more of the killer's time than ever, as Bloodlust is disabled without any compensation, and with the Trapper it might as well be the Survivor Shack as long as you bring the right perk.

In conclusion, I hope BHVR re-enables Bloodlust for good (for specific killers only?) or otherwise properly redesigns loops to prevent infinites.