Which killer should I play?


I'm a survivor main and my main killer at tier 3 level 50 is spirit. I want to be able to expand my range of killers not just because of dailies but because of variety and each killer has strengths and weaknesses that can teach me about aspects of the game I've never thought of before.

Currently as a survivor I struggle in prolonging chases and being found by the killer. My friend suggested that due to my playstyle, I might like ghostface (I assume because he's sneaky.) Does anyone else have an opinion on this or suggestions?


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    You can try wraith. It might help you to understand tiles better and how to play them

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Trapper. He forces you to learn the maps in a way no other killer does.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Well, in my opinion Ghostie is probably the best stealth killer in the game (Though, if we go by the stats, Pig performs better) and his playstyle can change up quite a bit. Very little in this game compares to stalking a survivor through a high-up window, slowly making your way closer. I love moments like that. But his reveal mechanic is kinda broken right now, which can feel unfair for both sides. He also has very, very little chase potential - the only thing he has is popping Night Shroud in a loop with a lotta LOS blockers.

    Other than that, I find Oni great fun. He has a very strong chase and power with Bloodfury, but his early game is weak.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    GF's is the strongest of the stealth killers but I feel like his power doesn't have much depth. I think wraith+addons you have more options.


    He can do nothing at loops, has no mobility and your power which doesn't help with either has a cooldown for every reveal/hit.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Personally, I've found great enjoyment in playing Blight.

    Some of the crazy things you can do, primarily involving Rushing across the map within seconds, is absolutely bonkers, especially paired with things like BBQ.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I just tried wraith and uh... that was a nightmare. I guess he takes practice. xD

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I see that a bunch of people are not recommending ghost face because he has no chase potential. Anybody else have any ideas on how I can learn chases better? (Still playing the wraith for now.)

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Well, Wraith doesn't chase. You're better off surprising people and doing hit and runs. Your power is stealth. Be BONG BONG sneaky.

    To chase better, find maps on the internet with the basic layout of the maps this game has. Yes pallets etc will be random but landmarks are static, pretend you're playing those maps and look at routes you want to try to take. (If you're Trapper, think about where you'd trap on those maps.)

    A lot of time I chase survivors I'm not following directly behind them - I'm cutting them off because I know the map and I know where they're running. If they're not looking behind them to see me break off (you can see the survivor turn their head if they are watching btw) Map knowledge is huge.

    As for survivor, did you know if you're able to walk, do it for a little bit and you'll make the killer drop bloodlust? It's really useful if you're not using pallets to make them drop it.

    Really, just study tiles and figure out how to efficiently run them. There's really only one right way to do each tile, and an experienced killer will be ready and hoping you'll mess it up. Dead Hard can extend a chase for another minute if you do it at a pallet. (Don't use it to stop a hit unless you're desperate. The game will leave you exhausted and twitching on the floor sometimes.)

    Do your homework before the big test. Also the big test is a hulking killer with a heavy weapon. Have fun!

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    Demo or blight.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    Pig... My go to

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,785

    Personally I think Ghostface is hot trash. His power is either broken where survivors can't reveal him and he gets free downs, or he is revealed too easily and constantly robbed off his power. A killer who can have their power controlled by survivors is bad. My advice steer clear of him.

    If you want a good beginner killer and like being stealthy then go with Wraith. He's very basic, very simple to learn.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Honestly I would recommend Legion if you want to learn the killer side of Looping. As far as I know, they're the only killer who has to engage in basic M1 chasing even if everything is going well. Legion's power gives you the time you need to do those basic chases and makes it so you only have to win one of them... but you still have to win one.

    Wraith does a whole lot of surprise attacks. If you're looping as Wraith, arguably something has gone wrong.

    Pig's Ambush is actually quite good for anti loop and sometimes Pigs stealth gives you a free down.

    Demo has Shred that can get him hits that others simply wouldn't be able to.

    Trapper can get a ton of mileage out of his traps if the survivors aren't paying close enough attention.

    Ghostface, if things are going well, you're marking, sneaking up on people and stabbing them down in 1 shot before they get anywhere which means there's no looping going on.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Ghostface can teabag

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    He takes a good build and add-on combination. He is very build dependent, if yours isn't good, Wraith is terrible. You need at least a windstorm add-on, when you use one he becomes a decent killer.

    Good go-to perks for Wraith would be BBQ, enduring, Nurse's calling, sloppy butcher (although he does have a green add-on that gives you the sloppy butcher effect on surprise attacks, which have a VERY generous time window). Pop is also good, I like running pop with shadow dance so I waste no time in kicking gens. He's the one killer I use pop on because he uses it the best. You can't go wrong with corrupt either. And I see some wraiths run make your choice, which is good if you have an aggressive playstyle and fast movement speed because you can get back to the hook in time before they even have the chance of hiding.

    So there's a mini wall of text on what I think are decent perks for Wraith, because once you have a good build on him you're kind of set, there's not much after that to learn he's very simple to get into (aside from maybe what we call "windstorm lunge" which is literally just lunging the moment you uncloak and using the speed boost to give yourself a massive lunge. There's a bit of timing involved to get a good lunge and you need to know where you can use it which comes with time, but it's pretty intuitive)