What are your favorite perks and why? (survivor and killer)

Personally I like using dead hard, deliverance, decisive strike, and adrenaline. Most of the time i get tunneled so ds is a good perk for me to use. I use dead hard like this: the killer is chasing me, i run at them then use dead hard, they swing then i go to the nearest loop or they lose me in general. I run adrenaline because at end game if someone unhooks me i get healed and can run to the nearest exit and escape. With deliverance, ds is a good perk to go with it because if i get a survivor in early game then at late game if i havent used ds i can get off, if they get me right as i get off i use ds, boom done i escape.
(lmao this sounds so dumb)
Self Care survivor side and Discordance Killer side.
I may not even use self care the entire match survivor side and stay injured, but it makes me feel bold enough to take risks. If I take a hit, oh well. I can fix it even if everyone else is hammering gens.
Discordance because it takes a lot of the guesswork out of patrolling. Survivors will pair up on gens even against killers like Legion at red ranks. They do not care, and thus make my life easier.
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Survivor: Kindred. Even before the buff I loved it as a way to combat campers. I want to camp me? Great. Let's make sure everyone knows it. Post-buff it's even more useful as I can determine if I need to go for a save or not.
Killer: Dark Devotion. I know it's not a game winning perk, but I love terror radius shenanigans.
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Save the Best for Last is by far my favorite killer perk. Feels good to get max stacks and find creative ways to keep them (when chasing the obsession).
On the survivor side... I really like pro-altruism perks like Aftercare and We're Gonna Live Forever or objective-locators like Plunderer's Instinct and Detective's Hunch. Iron Will and Spine Chill are generally pleasant to have as well.
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Survivor: Head on and DS. I use head on to help my teammates when they're in a chase or being tunneled and I usually find myself in tight situations or cornered In a room so having an alternate escape route is nice. DS only for the sole reason that I get tunneled way too often. I'm no where near to be considered toxic, but I guess killers want me out of the game early as possible.
Killer: BB&C. Extra bp :)
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Ace in the Hole and BBQ Because i love hoarding add-ons and items
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Hex: Devour Hope.
Greatest risk, greatest potential.
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My favorite perk of all time, for whatever reason, is Dying Light.
As I secure more and more hokks, the match slows to a crawl and I gain the upper hand, until about 5 stacks, wherein the generators have dropped to a snail's pace and are only getting slower.
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Still pretty new to the game so am far from knowing what's best or even what all is available to me either as Killer or Survivor.
As Killer though, I've found myself preferring perks which notify me where people are (so, the Crows one, trap enhancement perks, etc). Some perks I am totally against are any perks that are geared towards giving me any help once the gates are opened. I figure if survivors have gotten that far, they deserve it and I'll clean up whatever I can on my own from there. I don't care for any end of game advantage like blocking exits or seeing all auras, so I prioritize my perks to support me in hopefully ending them before they ever get that far and if I can't, then, they played well!
As Survivor, I'm playing Dwight currently so I prioritize any team support perks and add-ons. I don't have as much experience on Survivor though so haven't acquired any top tier stuff yet.