This build on Plague?


I'm having serious trouble on plague but I really want to learn to use her effectively so I'm playing around with builds.

I took Otz's advice and used Hex: ruin but I don't have Retribution so I'm using undying.

I used to use discordance but I chose surveillance because of gen regression?

And I use I'm All ears to see the survivors when they vault and know when and where to vomit.

What do you guys think?


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    A plague build without sloppy butcher? Pfft

    Okay more seriously I haven't played plague since before descend beyond, but I mostly run all gen or slowdown perks - without healing gens get slammed and you have to be really aggressive. I wouldn't recommend I'm all ears, something snowbally like infectious fright maybe? (all her own perks are great on her)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    I like running corrupt intervention and infections fright. Given she can puke on the few non blocked gens it gives you a ton of early game control. I find that really important because folks stop healing and such and just do gens instead; so you want to get people infected or hooked as soon as possible, ideally before first gen pops. Once you get things rolling she can snowball pretty well, but you really need that solid start.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m all ears is probably unnecessary as you can always hear where a survivor is going if they’re infected. Plus there’s black incense.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    It's alright. I know Ruin/Undying is the meta but I think it's over-rated. Sweat teams know the totem spawns. Yeah it delays them but then you're just running with your character's base kit. (Which can also be alright.)

    Surveillance on plague is kinda odd, because you can puke on a gen and watch the survivor icons in the bottom left corner and if one of them suddenly get sick without you puking on them, then well now you know a survivor is there and they're afflicted. It's kinda built in for you.

    I'm all ears can be nice if they're already injured, but you have an add on that reveals survivor auras when they puke so if you're really trying hard, then you have perk/add on overlap.

    ...and reading that back over makes me realize I'm just showing negatives.

    I like Nemesis/Play with your food on Plague. They're under broken status and you're moving a lot faster to catch up to them, and Corrupt Intervention is always nice. I also like Monitor and Abuse or Tinkerer. Sneaking up on a broken survivor can be absolutely devastating no matter how good they are.

    Just my two cents though.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    As a former Plague main that is also getting back into the groove of playing her, I would honestly suggest sticking with pop/corrupt until you have tier 3 Ruin. She is almost the archetypical snowball killer, so Ruin does indeed do wonders, especially with Undying, but tier 1 Ruin is a bit of a joke.

    I would suggest replacing I'm All Ears with Infectious Fright - you should be able to hear infected people coughing through walls to get a good idea of where they are, however if you want to keep I'm All Ears (it is pretty decent with Corrupt Purge, after all) then I would suggest replacing Surveillance for IF instead. Either way, IF is a must have on Plague. Either everyone is instadownable or you have the second strongest power in the game active and you NEED to use it as much as possible.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Thanatophobia can make for a decent replacement for a slowdown perk since good survivors will never cleanse. Blood Echo can be useful to an extent since everyone is always injured. Basically if it makes survivors want to heal, run it.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I tried using my puke as a built in Surveillance and it was just really confusing if I didn't have a three gen or have only one gen infected. If I had multiple gens infected then I had to get lucky and hope I picked the right one.