Ranks between platforms

ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Now I know the matchmaking system isn’t good at the moment (ranks don’t reflect skill, last MMR trial failed, yada yada), but with what’s currently in place and what may be introduced in the new MMR system, should there be a difference with the Rank/MMR standards between platforms?

What counts as Red Rank on one platform can be drastically different on another, and you can really feel the difference in cross-platform heavy matches. It doesn’t help that certain controls for Killers vary between platforms as well, so what may be weak on Console can be strong on PC, and vice versa.

I find it painful to get matched with a team of Console players who get destroyed by a PC Killer because they’ve basically been thrown into the deep end, and I don’t even want to know how miserable it must be to play a Console Killer against a team of PC Survivors.

Should the system be tweaked so cross-platform matches feel more fair and not like a teeth-pulling simulator?


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335
    edited November 2020

    I feel the performance gaps of fps and latency between the platforms is a far more serious concern than which controls are being used. As survivor the differences are less pronounced than being an Xbox1 killer imo.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Skill may be across all platforms but the matchmaking isn’t. The period before cross-platform was available and the option to opt out of cross-platform has impacted the matchmaking, what’s required to reach Red Rank on one platform is different from another.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    You must be encountering better experiences than me. I’m not joking when I say that the vast majority of matches I have, console players in my team either die early or look like they don’t know what they’re doing. The amount of times I’ve seen a console Survivor run into the Killer makes me concerned.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    I guess I just see it a different way. I don't mind having cross play and find it to be a nice challenge, and I have met high ranks from all platforms that seem well placed, especially since no game is the same. You have so many variable in matches, so one person dying early may be a skilled player encountering a rough patch or having a bad counter to a killer. I don't like assuming the worst, and I have experienced amazing players across ranks and platforms. I myself am on console and have been playing for a few months, and I have considered leaving the community when I see so many posts about why console players suck or things of that nature, and it makes me feel like I secretly do suck at the game but don't realize it. Ugh, I guess all I can do is hope you encounter better cross play teammates, and good luck :)!

  • sugoimaku
    sugoimaku Member Posts: 17

    I suppose you have bad luck then. Of course, every few games I get survivors that seem new but are somehow purple ranked like me, but they're not always a console player. There are PC players that potato just like console players, they shouldn't be looked down upon because of that. People talk about console like they're all bad when really that's not the case. I've seen many good console players, and many good PC players, I don't really see a major issue with the occasion bad players (which you're almost always going to come across, no matter the color of your rank.)

  • sugoimaku
    sugoimaku Member Posts: 17
  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I play on both, so am I a better player when I am on the PC?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I feel like many people are misunderstanding what I posted.

    I'm not saying players from one platform are superior to those from another. What I'm trying to point out is how mechanics and controls from one platform can differ enough to impact the players on another platform. Adding on the faults of the matchmaking system and players from one platform to encounter someone who is more skilled yet in the same rank as them.

    For example, a Nurse on Console is not as influential as a Nurse on PC due to control limitations. So when a Survivor from Console encounter a Nurse on PC, despite the rank being the same, they will most likely get destroyed.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Console players get mad when you say it but in my opinion, yeah there is a difference between console and pc. My BF and I can guess with like... 95% accuracy when a killer is console. The difference is real and it's noticeable. It's not their fault, either.

    I started playing on the switch, have about 800 hours there. I switched to PC in summer and have about 200 hours on there.

    When I played on switch BEFORE crossplay, I had ZERO issue staying as a rank 1 survivor. As soon as I put crossplay on to play with my pc friends, we of course got red rank pc killers most matches. And even with a full SWF, I could NOT stay rank 1. I struggled to even stay in red ranks because I simply couldn't handle what PC players were dishing out to me. I'm not sure what it's like for ps4 and xbox, but if it is anything like the switch (which is by far, the console with the worst performance when it comes to running DBD) you are simply at too much of a disadvantage. You cannot loop tightly on switch, you have crazy frame drops, and it even feels like you are running slower than you should be (I'm not the only one to feel this way- other switch players regularly complain about this). I constantly got hit through vaults, dead hard was COMPLETELY useless, and you could even get hit at the beginning of your Sprint Burst in ways that NEVER happen to me on PC. This was not related to dedicated servers, either. I regularly play with another friend who is still on the switch and I see her having the same issues.

    As soon as I switched to PC, I had no issues at all staying at rank 1, even without having access to the perks I usually run on my old switch account AND while learning mouse and keyboard after being a controller player. Performance is just so much better on PC compared to console.

    HOWEVER, I do think that console players will catch up to PC now that they have the newest generation of consoles out. I think the biggest thing holding survivors back was the performance. Killers may still have a bit of an issue just because of controller limitations, but I assume they'll also do better. While I do tend to see a higher percentage of good PC players than console players, I HAVE seen plenty of good console players, too. They usually fare better when the killer is console, too, though. And of course- there are potatoes on every platform and I've played with hundreds of horribly awful red rank PC players.

    So to answer your question, if newer consoles weren't out now, I'd say, yes, console players should be considered lower rank by the game's matchmaking system. But with new consoles+better performance, there really won't be anything holding them back and they absolutely should not be scared of crossplay.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    I had a hard time entering red ranks before cross play, but since then it has been more swift. I recently hit a rough patch going from 4 to 6 after the reset started giving me brown and green MMR. Anyways, practice makes perfect. I played completely custom games with my friends for the first two or three months before touching solo q, and I think that helped me get comfortable with a controller and which perks would aid my play style. I think custom is a great way to learn if you want to play seriously, and then moving on to cross play online helps advance that. The only thing that sucks as a console killer is the insane 360s you get, but there are simple counters and you can usually predict who will do them and also learn about your own blind spots. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone can get better, and practicing helps :)

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I appreciate the thought out response and will have to agree with your answer. Things may improve as people transition to from PS4 to PS5 and so on.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I love how people actually believe this and go on to completely ignore all contrary evidence.

    Like the fact that the requirements to rank up are literally the exact same, that I see just as many complete potatoes with crossplay icons as without, and that I get destroyed by crossplay icons as much as by PC players.

    PC Master Race for life. So superior we have to make shite up to stay on top.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Probably not LOL

    he's not wrong about the goals being the same to rank up... but even as they're the exact same... it may be more difficult for a console player to reach that goal (simply from hooks happening faster) literally just based on the poor performance of their platform. I GUARANTEE every decent console player on switch, ps4, etc., would be better on PC. I was a decently skilled switch player but I was an absolute deadweight once crossplay came out because once I was in a chase with the killer, I couldn't hang and it literally was not my fault haha

    I can see the skill of lots of console players on crossplay, but I DEFINITELY see them have the exact same struggles I had on the switch. Skill can get erased if DBD is having a laggy day on console LMAO