Power struggle is stronger than DS Change my mind



  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I understand that but would you rather survivors have sprint burst,BT,dead hard, vault build etc or just power struggle and flip flop.

    If they make a build around power struggle then they are not running that many meta perks so it will be easier in chases.

    I'm not saying that it is fine but remember how the community was crying about any means necessary? This is the same thing again.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "Power struggle prevents me from picking people up at pallets"

    "Just dont slug"

    "I keep getting hit by DS"

    "Dont tunnel"

    Next I predict it's gonna be "I cant get any kills with all these 2nd chance perks?"

    "Play something else" lol

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391
    edited November 2020

    I'm literally a Plague main and I use Wraith a lot too (Add-on less more often than not) and when I play seriously i get 3ks consistently even with DS, Dead Hard, agressive BT usage and any other meta perks. Maybe u should try bringing mad grit, forced penance (underrated perk on legion) or Agitation if carrying survivors is what you're struggling with lol

    (edit; grammar)

  • wraithbaby3
    wraithbaby3 Member Posts: 30


    They should remove power struggle or make disable itself after 30 seconds.

  • Wiat it doesn't deactivate like ever?

    So next time you get picked up if they go down on a pallet it's just a bonus DS?

    I mean if that is true, than I actually agree with OP that IS better than DS and you can even use it on top of DS; and that's a terrifyingly strong perk. I mean think of all the times you walk through an area with a pallet and no survivor is around or you pick one up and they are on it.

    I never looked much into this perk or anything from PTB so I have no idea how it works, I wanna be clear about that, so if someone could elaborate I would appreciate it- because I mean, it could be the strongest survivor perk ever if it works like that.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    Survivor mains are constantly complaining that their teammates waste pallets. I don't see power struggle changing the meta, especially when it needs a non-meta perk with it to really be of any use.

  • Oh wow I just looked at it some, and it really does work that way. No cool down or nothing.

    This might be a stronger anti slug perk than we'll make it holy cow haha. Yeah this perk is amazing.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    You need to wiggle to at least 25% to use it. It is NOT more powerful than DS. Only way it would be close is if you use a 2nd perk with it. And even then, it’s still situational.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    Getting 25% struggle is not hard, it happens almost every time so long as you are not right next to a hook- the big thing here though is that it STAYS ACTIVE. So unlike DS, where you have to be tunneled, if you run to a pallet and go down on it, you have a GUARANTEED DS (Almost) EVERY GAME. No tunnel required, no time limit.

    It STAYS ACTIVE until you use it.

    Now, couple that with the fact with DS works differently, say you get tunneled off hook- you DS them, you run to a pallet, they down you again, you STUN THEM AGAIN.

    The only times you won't be able to get this off, are if you go down the first time right beside a hook, so just be wary of that, and if someone wastes all the pallets on you; but in a SWF that shouldn't really happen at all. DS does some things better, I am not really saying it's better than DS on it's own, but it's up there in terms of being an insanely powerful perk.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    But if they down you at a pallet and then pick you up you won’t be able to get to 25% wiggle progression to activate the perk. Even if they leave you slugged there. So no, it’s not stronger than DS

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    I need to see this perk tested, because I still don't understand it then.

    It says it stays active until activated.

    So if that is the case than apparently the text is incorrect and needs to be updated to "Until activated or until you are put on a hook or healed" because currently it says it stays active until you use it.

    So you would hit 25% your first time downed almost every time unless you went down right next to a hook; and you could just go down on a pallet and use it instantly later. Which would be VERY strong and basically force killer to never walk through pallets when second hooking a survivor; and also be unable to stop a survivor from stunning them at any pallet on second down.

    Edit: I checked out videos and it seems to just stay active until you use it; so apparently the text is correct. So yeah, you don't have to wait for it to get to 25% to use that pallet as long as you got it the first time you were hooked you can bank it until whenever you need it. Be it that free end game escape, or to stun a killer trying to tunnel you off hook; you have a free stun so long as pallets still exist on the map and you can reach them in time.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Power Struggle counter play is literally don't walk through unbroken pallets. . .

    . . . Which you should already be doing in case of hidden Survivors waiting to drop the pallet on you and free the Survivor your carrying.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    You can force it to be unavoidable.

    Also, going through pallets is usually fine unless it's a SWF, and even then it's sometimes the only way to go to reach a hook in time or so on- this would always let you do it anytime, so even if you didn't have the perk the killer will have to assume you do, and will start having to not go through pallets on second hook survivors no matter what. Also it's faster sometimes and can save you time, risk reward, now it's all risk.

    I don't think it's going to be the strongest perk ever or like, some meta changer like OP seems to imply- but I think folks are really downplaying and underestimating this perk from the looks of things.

    There are compilations of people using it already, and almost every situation is the forced scenario. So tbh I can see this perk actually getting nerfed and having a time limit or something.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    I already don't walk through pallets 95% off the time? How is this perk going to affect me?

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    Oh I think I get what you’re saying now. No I don’t think that’s how it works tbh but I’m not 100% sure. But it’s a very slim chance that would be how it works. Maybe it just means once you get 25% it stays active (on the same wiggle state) until you press the button to throw down a pallet. Like you activate the perk when you reach 25% and it stays active and then you get to 90% and a killer walks by a pallet so you press the button to activate it and throw down the pallet.

    this same thing would happen if the killer picks you up and then drops you and then chases somebody and comes to pick you up again. If he picks you up and drops you instantly you will be at around 25-30% wiggle progression, since you’re already at the activation point, once the killer picks you up, you can activate the perk.

    I’m basically certain it’s not “if i get down and then wiggle but the killer ends up hooking me, but I was at 60% wiggle progression so it stays active all game long and the next time I get picked up I can stun him instantly”. That would be too much and I’m sure that’s not how it is.

    same thing goes for if you get down, then the killer picks you up and you get to 30% wiggle then the killer drops you and chases somebody. If another teammate comes over and helps you recover and picks you up, and then the killer downs you within seconds of getting up, your wiggle bar will be reset to 0 (since a teammate recovered you and picked you up) so you will then have to wiggle to 25% again. (Same thing for unbreakable)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    Edit: Man I wish the PTB was still up, all the videos with the perk kinda suck tbh.

    They either play killer, only show the perk being used and not any of the game before it, or they show only videos of them never going down at all lol.

    Edit 2: okay, so I found some videos and confirmed. It deactivates as soon as you have been hooked; so the description on the perk should be updated. Also, folks have been using flip flop in order to make the anti slug work, but I mean we'll make it is already a good anti slug for one perk slot.

    So yeah, the perk is still not weak, but it won't be too much of a problem then. That was concerning for a bit haha, if it never deactivated that would have been brutal.

    So now this thread exists: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/209104/update-power-struggle#latest

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited November 2020

    The counter play to the perk is not walking through pallets past a certain point. It will be another perk that will be too situational to be used more frequently than the current meta perks.

    It may force some tough situations against SWF, but for that we have to wait until live to see. Usually there's 1 survivor perk that sounds crazy on paper when combined with certain perks but doesn't actually translate well into the gameplay itself.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Slippery meat + salty lips > Deliverance. At least the one or two times I tried it

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    I can only assume you are not serious. The only way to guarantee this perk works is to go down in front of a pallet with a healthy teammate near by who is close enough to threaten with the pallet. This scenario does not happen that often, most killers pickup even at pallets and this is under the assumption that you went down at a pallet and had not dropped it which genuinely seems unlikely.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    It's going to be a bit strong in The Game if you want to Basement Hook.

    Other than that, eh. It won't affect Deathslinger, maybe Huntress?

    But Deathslinger will definitely negate the Perk completely.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    Just run both like a god. Power struggle ds unbreakable and any exhaustion perk/spine chill.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Deliverance is a 100% chance of self unhook. Slippery Meat+4 Salty Lips+ Up The Ante still doesn't reach 100% (it's barely over 50% actually), so there's still a small chance you won't get the self-unhook. Still not good. Plus as I said, if you need other perks/offerings to make Perk 1 better than Perk 2, Perk 2 will always be used.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    It's a perk that is not only situational (being downed inside a pallet) but also requires at least 2 perk slots to be even remotely useful (flip-flop) and even then you could just pick then up instantly to counter. The only way to abuse it is to have another teammate nearby pressuring the pallet save, in which case that is 2 people not doing gens which is still good for you.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    The amount of people that think this will be some new OP meta is hilarious.

    Even if did become meta, infectious fright already is and will let you know if someone is close enough for a save. If they're not, you pick up instantaneously and don't walk through any other pallets.

    Plus Blood Favor, which is underrated and strong on its own, will prevent the pallet from being pulled down at all if you down someone in a pallet. It's a direct, hard counter if you're that afraid of this perk build. Pair that with infectious, which is also strong on its own, to know who to go for next or what way to look away from to prevent a flashlight save.

    Y'all are overreacting to this big time. You should be more afraid of the permanent haste, looping with friends build, that already exists which makes it damn near impossible to catch TWO people looping the same structure FOREVER.

  • NemIsLive
    NemIsLive Member Posts: 111

    I'd like to say that MOST of the time when I get downed by the killer, I'm under a pallet or right next to it. Using flip flop, unbreakable, and power struggle, I'm confident that MOST KILLERS wont instantly attempt to pick me up in the red ranks out of habit. This'll eventually screw them over, so really it's just a win:win situation for survivors and a lose:lose situation for killers.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I didn't use up the ante. They gave sloppy and increased chance to get you off the hook and more attempts so I tried it with salty lips. It seemed to work each time for me but I only tried it twice. I'll take my chances over the no heal from deliverance mostly because I have to not be found and hooked first and have to get the first unhook for deliverance to work.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    If enough people start using it, killers will just eat ds if ur at a pallet.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The killer has no control over that, and you know it.

  • Yeah but at least you have to either have slugged them, or they need flip flop and it's two perk slots. It's still useful but far from any meta perk.

    If it actually worked the way the perk description says it does, it would be one of the new meta perks for sure; thankfully it doesn't though so it won't be that bad at all.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Use Infectious Fright. Boom.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    Well yeah but power struggle isn’t good without a 2nd perk. Only noobs are going to walk through a pallet after they’ve been carrying somebody for a while, and power struggle isn’t activated unless you get 25% so its going to be pointless to run unless you use a 2nd perk for the first couple weeks. But that’s 2 perk slots out of 4. With your perk set up id rather use iron will or something instead of power struggle lol

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    maybe your killer doesn't but with blight I catch more people not at pallets then at pallets

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
    edited November 2020

    I'm saying even if you did use it it wouldn't have mattered. What matters is which perk is better on their own, because if you need to use additional perk slots or even offerings to make a perk better, that's a waste of another good perk that could've been used, or a good offering that could've helped.

    If self-unhooks become meta, then everyone will run Deliverance because then they can use the other 3 perk slots for other meta perks AND have a good offering, as opposed to Slippery Meat which can waste up to all the Survivor offerings and 1 one your perk slots (1 of everyone's slots, if they also bring it), meaning for your self unhooks you guys used 4-8 perks and up to 4 offerings. Whereas if everyone brought Deliverance you only use 4 perk slots. See what I mean?

    EDIT: For your situation of not being found/downed, run DS so you won't get tunneled (another meta perk), if you really want to stealth try Off the Record to mute yourself and leave no blood, and if you get slugged Unbreakable (3rd meta perk).

    Getting the 1st unhook isn't really hard, just be immersed until the Killer downs someone. Unless its a bad Killer, you'll get your unhook.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    It doesnt even matter to me if its situational, even though I think people who dismiss it as such grossly underestimate how abusable this perk will be with the right set up...

    Ultimate its yet another perk on the survivor side that can have it's description swapped with the following: Undo the fact you were outplayed or made a mistake by pressing/holding a button and waste the killer's time for free.

    DS, BT, UB, SB, DH, SG all of these can have that description...and Power Struggle is no different.

    The only perks that killers have that come even close are, NOED, Enduring, Spirit Fury and Unrelenting....the only strong one there is NOED... compare that to the survivor meta...

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Idk, it sounds like flip flop, unbreakable, Power struggle and an exhaustion perk like DH would be pretty strong. Yes DS is a favorite but if you can in fact continually use power struggle then that combo used right might make survivors hard to catch and harder to hook

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Technically counterplay would be supervised bleed out. Or,

    Don't slug them long enough to get under a pallet. Or,

    Just eat DS early (not really counterplay, I know). Or run spirit fury with enduring... That'll be hilarious.

    I've not gotten the pleasure of using this due to being in ps4 but I can't wait to check it out.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I'd use tenacity instead of ds... The threat of ds is usually enough to make the killer hesitant.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited November 2020

    The issue I think OP is referring to is using UB, Flip-flop, and either DS or Tenacity.

    With that combo (especially with tenacity), if the killer suspects you have DS you can crawl and recover quickly to a pallet. Then if your recovery is over 50% it converts to the 25% wiggle and you can pull the pallet down immediately when picked up.

    But that takes 3 perk slots for it lol. And if you do have DS and it's still active it's the same button for the skill check as the pallet drop so I bet most people miss it and drop the pallet late lol.

    Edit: it actually takes ALL perk slots.

    I forgot to count Power Struggle 🤪. So yeah... Probably not worth anything other than meming.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    It is not a bug. there is no where in perk description where it says perk is disabled after use. In decisive strike description, it literally says that the perk is disabled after a fail skill check or use. All the perk says is that it deactivates after you drop a pallet from a single pick up to a hook. Its so you are unable to wiggle for like 25%, get hooked and than use previous 25% to activate the perk on next down.

    Power struggle... is a perfect example overpowered SWF perk that ineffective for solo queue. Flip flop+Power struggle is not really that good for soloq purely because nobody will know if you have this perk equipped, however this perk borderline oppressive for SWF. Reason being that its really easy for survivors to threaten pallet saves and flashlight saves by simply existing near a pallet and that is super easy for coordinated teams to have a single or even two players following the person being chased. Its like perfect lose-lose situation for killer, if you pick them up, they get pallet saved and if you do not do it within 15~ seconds, than that person is impossible to pick up. Effectively this perk combination hard counters 4 man slugging as these two perks are... like an infinity use version of unbreakable. SB/DH+DS+Flip flop+Power struggle can easily be a meta SWF build. Time will tell for how unfun this will be to face or how popular it will be if at all.

    I guess its purely ok when survivors can create lose-lose situations for killer its not ok when the killer has anything mildly effective. no bias at all.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    This is either willfully ignorant or a lie.

    Power Struggle is deactivated when it triggers successfully


  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    counter part ds by its self is ok because you can slug to cancel value but ds with unbreakable is the same out come

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    On ptb it could be used infinite and there was nothing stated about it

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318
    edited November 2020

    Deactivated does not mean disabled. Its like... Mettle of Man. If you take 3 protection hits, Mettle of man activates and you ignore the next hit that would put you in dying state. after that, your aura is revealed to the killer until you are put in the dying state, after that. the perk deactivates meaning it resets. you can activate Mettle of Man as many times as you want per trial. Its the same with Power struggle, It can activate as many times as it wants as long as conditions are fulfilled.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Well I don't use unhook perks. It's just not my preferred way to play, but when it comes to DS I don't like running it too often either because I have to let them catch me before the timer runs out or also use unbreakable and it's just not worth to me though I always forgot about the locker thing with it so I could do that instead though if I do that I'm probably gonna run head on too just in case I get an ass hat that waits at the locker.