New Chapter Idea - Dying Light

trevorj91 Member Posts: 30
edited November 2020 in Creations

New Killer: The Night Hunter - 115% - 32m Terror Radius - Tall

Killer Powers:

Tendrils - The Night Hunter launches his Tendrils in a straight line directly in front of him up to a base 30 meters away. Upon coming in contact with an object, the Tendrils quickly pull the Night Hunter towards the destination. If Night Hunter comes into contact with survivors at any time during the launch, he will injure them and stop the launch animation. Hitting dropped pallets and breakable walls will destroy them.

Base 24 second cooldown (24 charges at 1 charge/second). Tendrils travel at 30 m/s (750%) and launches the Night Hunter at the same speed. 

Upon landing after the launch, there will be a 2.5 second delay in which the Night Hunter has tremendously decreased movement speed while recovering. Survivors can be hit either by the Tendrils or by the Launch. Missing the Tendril shot (out of range) will only use half the max charges.

Additionally, shining a flashlight at the killer will reduce the current charges of Tendril at a rate of 4 per second, but will also notify the killer with a directional marker.

Scream - The Nigh Hunter screams, revealing his location to all survivors for 2 seconds while applying the Killer Instinct for 2 seconds on any survivor within the his terror radius. Scream has a base cooldown of 36 seconds.

Like Legion, the Killer Instinct is still applied to survivors in lockers.

Killer Add-ons:

Brown: +4 Meters to Terror Radius, +0.5 Seconds to Killer Instinct

-3 Second Scream CD, +5 Meters to Tendril Range

Yellow: +8 Meters to Terror Radius, +1 Second to Killer Instinct

-0.5 Seconds Launch Recovery, +10 Meters to Tendril Range

-2 Second Tendril CD

Green: +12 Meters to Terror Radius , +1.5 Seconds to Killer Instinct

-6 Second Scream CD, -4 Second Tendril CD

Healthy Survivors hit by Tendril Launch suffer from the Broken Status Effect for 60 seconds

Purple: -9 Second Scream CD, -1 Second Launch Recover

-6 Second Tendril CD, +15 Meter Tendril Range

Iridescent: Tendril has 2 Charges. Adds 4 seconds to its CD

Survivors hit by the Tendril Launch from more than 16 meters away enter the dying state

Tendrils is not meant to hit survivors with, hence the addons I created. This will be a killer focused primarily on map pressure and information, and very much lacking in chases.

Killer Perks

Quiet Night - The noises of generators undergoing repairs can be heard from a bonus 6,8,10 meters. Additionally, noise from grass and footsteps is slightly, moderately, tremendously (15,25,35%) louder. 

This perk honestly isn't that good. It's mostly meant for players who are... audibly impaired, or for the small generator sound advantage.

Destructive - Damaging a generator instantly regresses it 2/3/4% and causes the entity to block it for 3,6,9 seconds. Destructive has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

I like this. Kicking gens without regression perks is pretty useless for the most part. This perk will make it pretty alright, and even prevent survivors from quickly tapping it to stop its regression.

Hex: Burden - As long as Hex: Burden is active, unhooking and healing actions take 20/25/30% longer. The survivor who cleanses this totem suffers from the exposed status effect for 60 seconds.

This perk allows one survivor to take the threat for their team. Its not likely that the Exposed will have any real effect, but it leaves the opportunity. The 30% may be a little bit much, but it only adds less than 5 seconds to a med kit heal and just under half a second to unhook. Not powerful, but not bad.

Killer Mori

Left slash, right slash, ground pound, pounce into exploding the survivors head.

New Survivor: Kyle Crane


Parkour Fever - You vault windows and pallets 9,12,15% faster.

Although extremely powerful when combined with Spine Chill and Resilience, that's 3 out of your 4 perks. This perk could mean the difference between surviving some of those medium vaults.

Not This Time - Speed bursts from getting hit last 50% longer and apply the exhaust status effect for 60,50,40 seconds.

Not exactly a ground-breaking exhaust perk, but it's already bad enough trying to chase down a survivor after hitting them without STBFL. If that survivor is getting 50% further, it really ruins the killers morale. This perk would honestly be kind of OP without the exhaust, especially on certain builds.

Craft Master - Once per game, you may spend 24,20,16 seconds to repair a destroyed pallet.

It's once per game. How often does one pallet save you more than 16 seconds. There's also the factor of teammates knowing if it's there or not. Use this perk right, and it's annoying AF. Use it wrong, and it's next to useless.

Post edited by trevorj91 on


  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117

    Unique perk ideas that are fairly balanced, a Killer power that provides decent map maneuverability, and who doesn't love Dying Light? To be honest, I thought about writing a Dying Light concept chapter as well numerous times. It'd be a great fit, and Techland are great people. They'd almost certainly be up for giving BHVR the license.

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117

    In light of Dying Light 2 releasing soon, I decided to come back to this.

    Dear BHVR, this may not be a super-popular license (neither was Pinhead tbh), but The Night Hunter would bring a refreshing gameplay experience that DBD desperately needs. All you gotta do is play the game and the mode yourself, or watch a couple videos of others do it, to see what I mean.

    With a few tweaks to these perks, it would be a truly great chapter. Players nowadays want focus and freedom of gameplay.