A New Dead by Daylight Chapter

Okay so, hear me out.. This is a very square 1 idea, but I think it would be extremely interesting to see it playout. I'm curious to see if anyone else cares for this idea. Which two characters do you think would best fit these roles?

A Survivor and a Killer, both seeking escape.

The Survivor, fed up with the trials suddenly turns on their teammates. After all, if death truly isn’t an escape, maybe it’s time to try a different approach. All those times you sold out a teammate, all those times you didn’t go for the save — no matter the reason, the Entity has noticed.

The Killer, fed up with bloodshed and filled with remorse. They begin to let Survivors go, frantically encouraging them to complete generators so they may leave — no death, only escape. No matter the reason, the Entity has noticed.

A shell of your formal self remains, but a new form is born from your inhibitions. Maybe you’ll run into yourself in the next trial, forced to face that which you thought you had escaped.


  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    That's actually really cool

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It'd be tricky to implement but it sounds cool.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    The idea is good, it would be good to see for the first time see a killer and a survivor working together to escape the kingdom of the entity