Question about the DC penalty

ringwinning Member Posts: 552
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

So recently I've had a lot of disconnections, and NONE OF THEM have been on purpose. I have had "No Network Connection" disconnects, bad lag disconnects, and something called "Session Expired" disconnects (these are all things that the game says after it disconnects me from the match, mind you I have never once had an internet outage.)

The point being is that I have of course incurred DC penalties because of these issues. It's gotten so bad that I was banned for 24 hours yesterday, so I decided to take a look at how to appeal the penalties. It says it's best to have video evidence and since I wasn't streaming during the time of these disconnects of course I don't have video evidence.

So, what can I do? I'm afraid to play the game anymore because I read that my next penalty would be two days then a week then permanent so I don't want to touch it until the penalty like... falls off. Does anybody know how long it takes to slide off? Should I just keep playing normally and cross my fingers for no more disconnects? IDK.


  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Or mods is there a better place to put this question???

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    You can submit a ticket to support

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you can have a no network disconnect because of problems outside of behavior or you. so to go from you to behavior you could easily pass through 4 or more routers and any one of these routers can say "welp i ain't got a place to send ya" (no network) and blamo you're dropped from the game and your client reports the "no network error". everyone always blames behavior's game for this, and claims they have never had an outage at all. Thing is it's a misconception that when you are connected to the internet that you go RIGHT TO the destination in this manner: Your pc -> Your modem -> <INTERNET> -> Behavior's modem -> Behaviors server the <internet> in this actually looks like this -> ISP -> Router 1 -> Router 2 -> .... -> Route X -> Behavior's ISP -> and there can be so many routers, this is where you get the PING status, it is the ammount of time in milliseconds to go from your computer to the destination and then reports back! (I am not saying you do or do not know this, but it is a general idea that many people have when they make complaints of which your " mind you I have never once had an internet outage" statement. you would not know of any outage between you and the behavior server outside of your isp.

    Next thing is because of the rampant disconnects in 2019 and 2020 behavior had to implement something and nothing automatic will be able to truly discern anything beyond someone clicking the "leave match button" without possible errors. so it's built to catch ALL disconnects and yes you get a penalty but there is a decay over time if you have 1 instance every day well you won't have much of an issue even then, but it doesn't mean 1 time now the next no matter how long after that is longer and longer etc. so be aware of that as well.

    finally as someone mentioned above, you can submit a customer service ticket and ask them about your disconnects and maybe something can be done, but I won't say it's 100% going to be cleared or not, that's up to them.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    What you can do if you're on steam is look into 'family share' options, that way you shouldn't be punished for unfair d/c.

    Hope this helps.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    I find it completely... paying 30€ (plus dlc) and playing a game at the risk of being permanently banned... especially when you know the many problems, and the unfair attitude of the players in this game like cheating, toxic attitude, etc....

    Yesterday I was banned for 5 hours, YES I left the game voluntarily, I don't like to be touched on the hook when I didn't do anything! The next penalty will make me quit the game and all devs games.

    Dead by daylight 1 yes, Dead by daylight 2 without me.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    And me too I would like to know when the penalty will go down to 5 minutes? Thank you

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all 5 hours means you disconnected many times during the day, not just once. this was your choice KNOWING the penalty was in there (maybe you didn't know the first time but after that you KNEW it was there as you had to WAIT!). second: what do you mean you don't like being touched on the hook????? what exactly is that? did the killer hit you on hook right after hooking? if so they are shortening your screams (different type of scream too) and moving on. if they continued to hit you on hook, they either do not understand this does nothing to your hook time, or they have anger issues because you got them angry with your looping skills or luck (I am serious, some killers get upset when it takes them forever to get someone so they resort to this and it's idiotic IMHO).

    Your other post, is apparently some point during each day a single instance of disconnection is removed, but there is only a few round about ideas on this as it is not specifically said when and what happens. first of all if you dc 6 times and have a 5 hour penalty, the next day when that resets it removes 1 time and thus you would be at 5 disconnect instances and your next disconnect would take you right back to 6 times and that 5 hour penalty. (numbers just used for reference, not exact times).

    Honestly I have no sympathy for you as you chose to disconnect those times knowing the penalty exists. if you get that triggered I'd suggest you find something less triggering as in this game you're going against a person and they are unperdictable!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    When you DC, the killer gets points for that; the difference between the points they get for sacrificing you and the points they get for you disconnecting is not that big. If you're already on the hook, you might as well just suicide so that you still get any points you earned. You're screwing yourself out of a lot more points than you're taking away from the killer, not to mention the dc penalty you incur. You're not hurting the killer, only yourself.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    actually it can be different, depends on how many actual hooks there will be but for the killer the points given when someone does d/c, you end up getting points in brutality and not sacrifice as it should so the even is not considered for emblems properly. also same goes for the survivors as well. but I agree with you @TragicSolitude

    if you're already on the hook why not just try to escape three times and not struggle, you keep your points, don't get a penalty and they don't get to keep hitting you. I personally find it's idiotic to keep slashing you but some of them think this reduces your time on the hook but it doesn't. but why give up points even if a couple 1000, when you're already there and give the killer something for what they did. and you don't get the penalty so guess what..... you don't get that 5 hour penalty. I sympathize that the killer was being an ass but not for your time out for disconnecting.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    If it's the first hook, the difference in BP is 575 points. If it's the second hook, it's 375. Either way, that's not a lot of BP. Yeah, it gets more complicated if you take category and emblems into account.

    You're right about some killers thinking it reduces time. If a killer keeps hitting me on the hook, I'm usually like, "This has got to be a rank 20." Lo and behold, it usually is. The game doesn't teach new players crap with its excuse of a tutorial, so a lot of new killers really do believe that hitting survivors on the hook has some sort of effect. Why wouldn't they? Nothing tells them otherwise, and the survivor reacts to being hit. So, 90% of the time if I'm being hit on the hook, I know it's nothing personal; the player on the other side thinks it's a legitimate part of gameplay, and that misconception really isn't their fault.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    I know, but now I'm talking about the time I give him to farm his points, the points I don't care, I've unlocked everything. I've left, reported, I'm moving on no time for him.

    Penalty for disconnection : servers sometimes unstable (impossible to play), hitbox, one shoot, cheat (not always, fortunately), disconnected from the host ... so many things there is not only rage (I do not rage, consternation) ! Not useless to tell me "your connection", my connection is perfect, I'm not the only person to complain.

    What's next? I'm banned for life, so I'll be forced to quit the game once and for all.. If the game must empty, so be it!πŸ˜€

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    actually if they are there hitting you on hook they loose emblem progress from being too close to a hooked survivor, that's 2 minutes of emblem progress penalties. means they are not going to get a double pip or possibly a single pip if they do that to you for 2 minutes. they don't get points for hitting you on hook, they are not getting anything unless another survivor causes them to get points (trigger a trap, runs near the killer and puts them in a chase etc) so honestly it's funnier that they do this and you weather that "ASSAULT" because they don't get extra points of any kind in the way you describe and loose out as I described. You DC you loose any and all addon's, offerings, blood points and items, plus you get the dc penalty.

    you say servers are sometimes unstable, this is a misconception as the servers are rarely unstable in general BUT your connection to them might be and that is out of behavior or your control. one shoot? do you mean one shot mechanics? Cheating: happens even when killers aren't being dicks honestly, i've seen survivors cheating, i've seen killers cheating but i have never been able to prove it once. Your statement of "I do not rage, consternation" this is something you actually do and you have said it many times, you won't sit there while the killer hits you while on hook, disconnect is raging. Also your connection to your isp might be perfect, but what about the connection from the isp to the next router or that router to the next router in the hops? you can't know that your connection is good beyond your house, even your isp has drops at times.

    you may think you're perfect in every way in this game but you dismiss areas that are out of your control and then cloak your own rage quitting in a cloak of righteousness that others can see and know what you are doing, you are projecting your own failing upon others and trying to claim the moral high ground which you do not have for many reasons.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    People like you are why DC penalties should never be removed. I’d even say make them more punishing we don’t need babies on this game.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    If I had your GTs I'd play killer against you, I'd do exactly what you do... tunnel, camp, hit hock... just to know the reaction, because in the end it's often when you've never been there that you don't understand anything. Play only killer, nerver play in survivor.. logicπŸ˜‹

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    When did I say I only play killer? Quote the part of my post I said I only play killer that’s right I never did. I play both sides and go hard against killers and survivors I’ve been hit for an entire match on hook by killers before it’s not rare. Don’t assume things about people it’s really annoying.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited December 2020

    ... there is no one in this game who has never been tunneled, camped, and hit on the hook. Even "mains" play the other side occasionally, and if someone has played survivor they've experienced this.

    (Also, I like how in your previous post you wrote "thank you but keep your analysis,we don't know each other ." and then made a load of assumptions about someone else, telling them how they play.)

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) -So leaving the game = rage... I'm not a guy, I don't have that temperament, I quit because I'm drunk like a girl, that's all, like now ! Ciao

    A very SEXIST comment here.. thank you very much. you have anger it is a human emotion. I said Disconnecting from a match (RAGE QUITTING) is the same as raging. finishing the game or leaving via methods allowed in match are not rage quitting but COULD be considered such. with this attitude you will never have a good match more than once or twice because something will trigger you.

    2) "you may think you're perfect in every way in this game but you dismiss areas that are out of your control and then cloak your own rage quitting in a cloak of righteousness that others can see and know what you are doing, you are projecting your own failing upon others and trying to claim the moral high ground which you do not have for many reasons."

    -Let me tell you something, doctor! When I play killer I let the 4 survivors go, too often ! When I play survivor I propel myself on the killer when a survivor is chased... and you know what ? Sometimes I call voluntarily the killer to kill me and to let the last one go out by the trap door... and I will confess something, I leave the game to open the trap door ! So thank you but keep your analysis,we don't know each other .

    your response to this is nonsensical. not even anything I talked about. you said you have perfect internet connections but you have no idea how your connection is once it enters your ISP's modem/router/connection box.

    3)"you say servers are sometimes unstable, this is a misconception as the servers are rarely unstable in general BUT your connection to them might be and that is out of behavior or your control."

    -The people I play with too, we agree more than 15 people..

    The answer here is that more than 15 people is not even 1 one thousandth of the people that plays dead by daylight. I never said they didn't have issues, but most issues are client computer based OR actual internet connection issues. you will find that 15 people is not even a drop in a bucket as there are 30,000 players over all average players per day give or take some, and your 15 people are probably going through the same network router that is having problems. learn how the internet truly works, you don't turn your computer on, open dbd and instantly are on their servers and there is nothing between you and behavior. you'd be really surprised how the internet actually works, there is a real reason this internet is called the world wide web!

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    I presume? It was a supposition, to defend oneself is to admit it..

    "People like you are why DC penalties should never be removed. I’d even say make them more punishing we don’t need babies on this game." No lesson please, no lesson !

    Basically I didn't even come to discuss with this person (who allows himself to follow me on another topic).. despite the fact that he knows perfectly well that discussion between us is impossible...! I say, it's deliberate.

    "you may think you're perfect in every way in this game but you dismiss areas that are out of your control and then cloak your own rage quitting in a cloak of righteousness that others can see and know what you are doing, you are projecting your own failing upon others and trying to claim the moral high ground which you do not have for many reasons."

    I'm starting from a disconnection penalty to this..

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Mm yeah, we find the non-existent of course! Sexist? In French this sentence makes sense... sorry I didn't write google !

    I didn't say it was 24/24... of course I have some good games, otherwise what am I going to do on this game ?

    I've read enough and I understand, don't worry !

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited December 2020

    The argument is going all over the place. That's what happens on forums in general, really. Let's try to simplify this a little...

    You said you leave matches because you don't like the way the other side is playing. The killer hits you on the hook a bunch, you don't like it, you leave. The developers of the game do not consider that to be a good reason to leave a match. That is why the disconnect penalty exists, because the developers do not want players leaving matches just because the players are unhappy with how it's going. You can argue about that all you want and claim it's not fair, but after years of players complaining about the rampant disconnects in matches the developers have made their decision and it is highly unlikely they will change their mind.

    You asked "I would like to know when the penalty will go down to 5 minutes?" As far as I know, the developers keep knowledge like that to themselves because knowing the exact numbers would lead to people trying to get around the system. They don't want players to know when the penalty will go down so that disconnecting becomes an option again because the developers don't want players to disconnect in the first place.

    As to your connection problems, there are a lot of people who play DbD who do not have connection problems. You can request technical help with the issue on the DbD forums, through a help ticket, and/or from your internet service provider.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Unfair for the surviving team YES, unfair for the killer NO. Does the killer earn his points ? Complain about what exactly.. survivors complain ? Nothing change you know..

    Problem of connection ? As a killer I don't have any problem. I specify, it is the only game with Resident evil resistance where I have connection problems...

    Anyway, you're right, bye.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    your comment was sexist because you equated raging with ONLY the male gender/sex. I do not think you can blame google translate for that.

    just because you have no issues with call of duty, or anything like that does not change the fact that your connection issues could be related to your computer as well as something to do with the route you take through the internet to get to the dbd server. this route will be different than the route you take to get to a call of duty server. you can see this by using tracert (this is the NAME of the program) on your windows computer it will show you all the hops your connect takes if you can find the server's ip address or URL. If your issue only happens as a survivor then I'd say it's something to do with your computer more than your internet but without extensive testing I could not say, but i personally have had little issue, even when i hit european dbd dedicated servers because i'm playing with my friends in europe.

    I broke down how the dc penalties decay over time a while back for this person, they just don't care about the rules and want to complain because they are having issues. I don't know what else to say. I'm with you 100% in your descriptions.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Their comments are downright embarrassing.

    I wouldn't have even bothered acknowledging them.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    some people need to know what they said or how they said it. also some people have misconceptions that they believe to be true and it's hard to tell what is or isn't like that. i dunno I try to do my best to be accurate and fair.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Beware, for accusing someone without foundation..

    Yes, but no, you're still talking without knowing because I'm on Xbox not PC !πŸ˜™

    As I am nice, I will express myself properly, I will try since English is not my strong point. I can tell you in French, Norwegian, Korean, Japanese or even Mandarin if you want..

    "-So leaving the game = rage (((I say "rage" because you told me that I was leaving out of rage on the other message)))... I'm not a guy, I don't have that temperament, I quit because I'm drunk like a girl, that's all, like now !" (((I don't know about you, but me in Europe, here more exactly, we girls give up very quickly "i dont have that temperament")))

    quit (no ragequit). A ragequit is someone who insults the other person, tbag, who is clearly unhappy. I quit because I feel I'm wasting time, like now.. and finaly, Ragequit is to pay attention to someone in the chat or in the messagin system, and quit is move on to the next part !

    So since you don't understand I won't answer you anymore, thank you for stop following me as on my other topic in the future, be consistent.

    And to get back to the main subject, why one day he activates this system and then another day he deactivates it ?Hopefully they deactivate it once and for all!

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Play stupid DC games, get penalties. It's as simple as that. And if people with bad connection issues are getting caught in the crossfire, then their ire should be reserved for the people who made this system necessary in the first place.

    End of story.

    I will champion the DC penalties until they day they finally relent to having some form of the salt mines in DBD, so anyone who wants to DC tantrum can do so with their own kind.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    wow. you just don't even consider anything but what you want to believe. please go ahead and I will respond to what ever I desire to respond to, your asking me to do so does not enkindle me to be polite and do the same because I know what I am talking about and have the certificates and knowledge to back it up. I am a cyber security tech, a network tech, a computer tech and I have been one for years. I understand the internet and the fact you are on the xbox matters not with your network issues as the internet is the internet no matter the platform. your xbox is much the same as a computer and if you look the file system is modeled after the micorsoft windows interface as that is what it grew up from, as well as it uses much the same hardware that computers use but just is not as modular and customizable as any other pc. I have worked with computers since the 1980's, and built computers by my own hand since the 90's and modified my computers since the 80's. I learned how to use networking interfaces before there was a global internet that you know today, I even know how to use command line interfaces long before windows 95 ever existed.

    Finally since I now have listed a small portion of my computer petigree, your issues with the dc penalties is because you believe you are better than anyone else. Your english is very good I will say, and when I have not understood what you mean I politely asked what you meant and yet you have never even acknowledged that I have been cordial to you this whole time without calling you names or anything like that yet you take the road of trying to make me out to be the villain, where you actually are the villain here because you are the one breaking the rules of the game.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    What is the relationship between your CV and the topic? Sorry but I don't have a company I'm not recruiting, SIR!

    My English comes from the translator and my few English skills, that's why you didn't understand anything you're not the only one. I'm mean, because I leave a game before the end of the game... we'll have seen everything, I understand why I'm here now !

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936

    I'm going to lock this right here, because it's gone way off topic and there's some comments that are completely outrageous! @ringwinning as you say you are having a network connection I am going to suggest you contact support about your issue,

    And I will remind people that if you commit to playing the game, when you leave the game for no valid reason (being hit on the hook is not a valid reason!), then you are spoiling the game for the other 4 players in the match, and that's precisely the reason that the DC penalty is in place.

This discussion has been closed.