What are the "now" Killers you would like to see in DBD?
We all know the classics, but what would be the "now" sort of killers, horror themed things are there? I mean there is Slender Man yes, The uh who ever from Sinister lol there is a lot of paranormal activity films going on or someone from Insidious.
The Ice Cream Man from the Image Comics series.
I haven't seen it yet, but "Freaky," looks pretty cool. I could go for that killer being in one.
Maybe the Lady in the Lake from Haunting of Bly Manor.
Peter Stormare's character in American Gods, Chernobog. (Probably butchered the spelling.)
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Ohhhh oh sand man! Tooth fairy!!
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Maybe someone from The Walking Dead? Negan, Alpha or Beta come to mind..
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Negan would be AMAZING
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The killer from "Hell Fest"?
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The Collector! Not sure people would enjoy another trap-based Killer, but that movie was some excellent horror.
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I know we already have the clown and people talkin about Pennywise for a choice but I gotta give a shoutout to my boy The Terrifier from the 2016 movie of the same name. If you have not seen this masterpiece then please do yourself a favor and watch it. Either him or a tornado made of sharks, either one works.
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That creature from the Quiet place was pretty cool....
I like the idea of a killer that works off sound, could trigger sound notifications in the game somehow with its ability or something....
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is Victor Crowley "now"?
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The family/weird cult from Get Out. The shapeshifting alien from Life. The newest Predator movie a horror to watch.
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Survivors: Fin Shepherd and Shawn (from of the dead)
Killers: I wouldn't mind a vampire from The Strain. I think the tongue attack would be great to see and cause infection like Plague.
Others that I would like would be something supernatural like La Llorana or anything similar to like that
I think general character tropes are way to go rather than licensed characters tbh. Id be more happy to see characters like werewolf or vampire. There's enough pop culture references and lore to differentiate from specific movies and/or books (unless werewolf plays basketball or vampire sparkles lol)
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Mathieu Kote
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I'd actually really like a You're Next chapter. I think we'd get a pretty cool modern hitman type of killer maybe with a crossbow and an axe and a badass survivor whose perks could offer new ways to fight back
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I would have to say the creature from A Quiet place. I feel like it would open up a lot of new power ideas. The problem with a lot of licensed killers is power rehashes. So many character are similar to the point where we might have the Bubba/Billy situation.
Id also like to see slenderman(if he counts as newer) a killer without a terror radius but instead sort of like a static and ring that starts to fill the screen(not to the point of not being able to see ofc) and a constant passive phase(like spirit but heavier doses) don't know what his power would be tho
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Hey teen wolf is a good movie.
Not saying it's a good Werewolf movie, but a good movie
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The crooked man would be a cool idea. Really friggin creepy. Used to have nightmares about that guy back when the indie game came out
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Peter Stormare!
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Beta, no question.
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First thing that came to my mind.
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Larry from the new movie "come play" could be fun.
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I love Teen Wolf dont get me wrong lol all I'm saying is the more behind these iconic characters tropes is bigger than most movie references, barring the iconic pop references that I referenced.
One of my favorite werewolf movies is Cursed, but the more dictates the rules of the movie versus the movie writing new lore.
The original Night of the Living Dead changed how zombies were viewed, which were more like voodoo zombies and golems up until then. Now that movie redefined the definition of zombies.
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A zombie killer would be cool. Kinda like a slower killer normally, say huntress supper, or maybe slower, but with built in tracking and the ability to go really fast once he/she sees a survivor.
I've always wanted a werewolf type killer in this game. I can see Onis power being close to what you could do with a werewolf. Gain up power as a human then BOOM a quick lethal werewolf.