Killer Fun, Honest Question.

So I was sitting here thinking about the health of the game as well as balance changes that have been made for survivors and Killers. It struck me that it's never come up in a Behavior stream, the fun factor for killers or what is impacting new killers. From what it seems new killers don't exsist. I would like people's take on this. I'm not saying one side has it harder than the other. I'm not saying anything about killer mains vs survivor mains. Please don't twist my words. Just something to ponder. Interested in people's insight. I do realize it's 1v4 so that has some sway over the discourse. That being said all the licensed killers are pulling in people to play the game.
If I'm doing well Killer is much more fun then I ever find survivor, however it's also much more stressful, especially knowing early on if I make a small mistake it could be game over for the 4k.
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I think people tend to gravitate towards survivor because they can play with their friend(s). If they added some kind of multi-killer mode then that could fix the issue but that would probably never happen :(
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I play both equally. My issue with killer will always be that it feels way more stressful at high ranks, and the second you make one little #########-up, you may end up losing the game. Whilst on the other side, survivors have so god damn many second chances. It's infuriating.
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I'm a killer main and while I agree with others that killer is more stressful I've recently discovered that Bubba is my stress-free killer.
I know survivors like to complain that X killer has no counterplay, but I'm genuinely surprised that I never see those complaints for Bubba. He's easy to use and at a high level of play (no camping/tunnelling) he's kinda busted.
Even Freddy has to put some thought into where he puts his snares. Bubba really just has to press m2 for insta-down.
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As a 90 percent solo player, I feel like killer is the way to go if you are just playing the game for fun and not just for the W. Now I understand that different people have different ideas of what a win means in this game as both killer and survivor but for the purposes of this post I will assume that the W is 3/4 survivors dead minimum. If you are playing to go hard and get those wins then killer is by far the more stressful option because as has been stated many times in this forum, 1 mistake as killer can cost you as lot more than a mistake as survivor in the high ranks.
Conversely, if you just want to play the game in a very chill fashion and not worry about wins or whatnot, then killer is by far the less stressful option. I say this because when you are playing just to have fun then you control all aspects of the match. If you don't care if the gens get rushed then you can do whatever you want and control your own gameplay experience. If you want to play for just fun as a survivor, you can't guarantee that your teammates will be cooperative nor can you guarantee that the killer wont be toxic. Playing casually for fun as a killer means that even if the survivors stomp you, it doesn't have to affect you.
TL:DR If you want to just chill and play for fun, killer is way to go imo.
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I'm a killer main who doesn't play killer anymore unless I have archive challenges. Survivor is just more fun for me these days and there is a lot less bugs on survivor side. Killer is just too stressful since there are so many variables to keep in mind. And they just keep adding more like breakable walls, survivor perks with little to no counterplay etc. For example the new perk power struggle. It can be avoided most of the time, but the problem is that every time you are making your way to the hook you gotta plan your route even for something's simple as that, it will also take you longer to hook a survivor just because of the fear that they might have it.
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I’m Rank 1 on both sides. But I find myself playing Killer slightly more because of faster queues and more bloodpoints.
If Survivors got the same bloodpoints as Killers do and they had consistently fast queued, I’d probably be a Survivor main though
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Yeah, I've kinda noticed that Bubba is the way to go if you want some stress-free experimentation with builds and memes.
His power is efficient enough to carry you if you decide you aren't enjoying the build, even against competent Survivors, his mobility isn't bad at all, and he's also one of the bet chase Killers in the game.
Frankly, I'm surprised nobody complains about him other than the Basement/Insidious Bubba stereotypes.
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Same. He's just so stupid and fun. Usually I play Hag, Pig, or Plague, with some Freddy on the side, but Bubba is hilarious. Plus I like the tantrum scenes from the movies so much that if I'm really getting outplayed I just buzz around the map hitting things.
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This! I've been finding myself mostly playing Nurse and Spirit because at least they can either nullify or make second chance perks useless and don't have to depend on survivor's mistakes. But at the same time the stress of these killer's is dealing with survivor's salt because survivor's couldn't mindlessly these to killer's.
As a killer, I try not to play scummy and I try my best to make the game fun for every one, but the amount of second chance perks survivor's have, and the fact that killer's have to capitalize on survivor's mistakes just makes killer stressful and drain's your will to play killer.
I've recently been playing a lot of survivor but the problem that I have with survivor is that it's boring and not as fun as killer. I know it sounds like I need to take a break from the game, but my next break will be last and I don't wanna give up on a game with so much potential.
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I play both sides as well and this is a pretty similar to how I feel. There's too many second chances and we're potentially getting another one with the new chapter.
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Killer is stressful and its challenging to keep track of all the things you need to. But i love it. Even when i lose, as long as it was a fair game, i just have to respect the survivor skill. I feel like survivor is less fun unless you're really good at it, cause you spend so much time feeling helpless
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I'm a former killer main who changed to survivor. I find killer much more stressful and hectic, plus there's something about getting bullied by four people in a group that bothers me more than getting bullied by one person who's doing the same thing to everyone else.
From the POV of new players who want to focus on killer, it's a rough intake process, because the matchmaking is so bad. Around the time you hit rank 15, you start getting matched with people way above your skill level, and it feels like you don't even have a chance to learn. I think the ones who do the best are the ones who don't have any meta-knowledge about what's considered polite in the community and just clobber everyone, because that's what the game rewards.