Killer is only fun when you feel in control

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Over the course of my gameplay, I’ve tried pretty much every Killer, even ones I initially thought I wouldn’t like. And I realized something:

The most fun Killers are the ones that have the most control of chases and the biggest opportunities to outplay Survivors at loops or avoid them entirely.

I cruise through my games with Deathslinger, Spirit, Legion, Hag, Blight and Pyramid Head. And I know most of the stress is on the Survivor side because they have to sweat to outplay me, not the other way around.


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This I go out of my way to let them see my mending by a gen just to make them aware of how bad Legion is.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    hit survivor, use burst of speed to catch up to survivor, bodyblock survivor, come out of frenzy, down them. Legion can work just like wraith does, you can use your ability to negate the burst of speed survivors get after hitting them.

    For pallets, you use enduring and spirit fury.

    If survivors stay injured, you rely on m1 with enduring and spirit fury. If you spot injured survivors from far away, you frenzy to catch up to them then you bodyblock them as much as you can and then exit frenzy

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    All it takes is for Legion to catch up to the survivor, wait out the stun, and bam they're like 5 meters away. That's how most of my games against Legion go, anyways.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    'dropping pallet early is a counter' Except Legion can vault. Try again.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    most survivors are braindead

    fortunately not every pallet is positioned in a way that the survivor can get to the next pallet before you are able to swing into it to get spirit fury value

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Goes the same for both roles.

    Killer you feel like you should be in control so when your not it is frustrating. It's why it's more stressful but also feels more rewarding.

    It's why playing solo I find frustrating because I can't control what my randoms do. In a swf I can at least know that everyone is being efficient.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, I understand. I prefer the times when I feel like me and my opponents are fighting for control, which is why I like Blight so much.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I almost always 4k as legion. My strategy is more in the endgame though. I used to bring a perk to make chases easier like unrelenting, enduring/spirit fury, bamboozle etc. But now I run thana, nurses calling, tinkerer, and discordance. Clearly, discordance and than a make it where they have to really work to get gens done without me catching them team up. Nurses calling lets me always find them if they do heal, and tinkerer lets me know where to prioritize gen pressure and get those sweet jump scares. The whole game, my main objective is trying to keep my best 3 gen in tact. Then I usually get a kill before we get to the 3 gen point. If the gens are close enough, I patrol them and if im chasing and see tinkerer or discordance pop, i always drop chase and go for the defend. Frenzys movement bonus makes it where i can almost always get to a gen before it pops. Eventually, they try to hail Mary it and slip up, and i start snowballing as they get frantic.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405
    edited November 2020

    I kind of... disagree?

    I really do think it depends on your mindset. Despite I also think that no one wants to play a role that is hopeless, barely able to counter the other side, imo you don't have to be overpowering to have fun. Unless you're... a control freak?

    I usually play Pig and let me tell you this: she isn't the best at chases and it's not that easy to use the ambush to play. Still, she is the most fun killer to me. It feels nice to land an attack when you use the ambush right and I think it's funny to sneak up on people.

    I like using her stealth and this helps me get some good chases, but it's not something the survivors suffer to counter. I don't care if I get a 4k. If I can get some scares and hooks it's good enough because I have fun using her powers. I love the rbt because of the movies and also because it turns the game a little bit more forgiving to my bad choices. I can be sneaky and I can lunge from far away.

    Sometimes I'll get survivors that are better than me (that's not hard to do) and sometimes I'll get those who aren't (and that's quite frequent? Not saying they're worse than me, just that on an average level, if a survivor is on the same level as I am as killer, it's easier for me as killer to down them than for them to escape or hold me for too long) and I like it like that. If one side of the game is always having the total upper hand, I don't think the game is balanced and it's not what it should be.

    If it's miserable on the other side, I don't think it's fun.

    For last, I love people saying some survivors are "brain dead", but forget the matchmaking of this game is atrocious. I started playing this game about 5 months ago. I play about once a week, sometimes more... and both as killer or survivor (usually survivor these times, because I wanna have fun with friends). And let me tell you: I don't know many of the maps layout. I'm still learning the tiles and how to play them as both sides. Sometimes I'm lucky to be next to a tile I have an idea of how to play, but sometimes I see myself in the middle of unknown grounds and I don't have a plan, so I can only take the chase so far. And even dying quite often, I still am locked at purple/red ranks.

    On the other hand I get people on the other side who's already familiar with the maps and loops. So I don't think it's really fair on that sense. Both side have their learning curve.

    Well. After saying so much I don't even know if it makes sense, but that's it.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I disagree, there's enjoyment to be had in many different ways: Make a good play? Finish a challenge? Grab Dwight off a gen and spin in circles because you love him? All are fun regardless of the outcome of the match.

    Besides, it's kind of a rush to play from behind and try to gain control! Just gotta create your own enjoyment if you ask me

  • DrThanatic
    DrThanatic Member Posts: 5

    OP must have never had a meme game playing as Ghost Face

  • PsychoticNarwhal
    PsychoticNarwhal Member Posts: 46

    Tbh i try dance with ghost faces cause hes my favorite killer besides pyramid head😂 i don't play killer often due to the blinding effect gives me a migraine