Just venting really

It's really annoying I'm just trying to play killer tonight trying to grind up some decent bloodpoints for the twins and I'm just not allowed to have fun I played multiple killers I play and it's just same game after same game I play doctor I hook 2 people everyone escapes finish the game I'm rank 8 and I'm going against 3 rep 1's and a 12 I go to play clown, I kill one person the other three escape two red ranks and a yellow and purple, I play pig mori one dwight three others get away all of them teabagging, play more games as a few different killers plague,deathslinger twice, all horrible games I think I played well and kept pressure but the whole time it's just toxic red ranks teabagging and gen rushing me and I'm just so frustrated with the game.
What did you do wrong to let them escape?
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If I knew I would tell you the only bad mistake I made in any of those was in the doc game committed to a chase or two too long, aside from that I really didn't do much wrong it's just sadly with how this game is there's nothing you can do against a good swf or even lone survivor who's communicating and knows what they're doing.
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Hmmm. Yeah, the matchmaking can be frustrating if you keep getting good squads, but im sure there's room to improve. Better mind games maybe? Idk, just know you'll have a day with a lot of wins to make up for it.
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Yeah hopefully maybe when I play the new killers I might have better luck
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I'm sorry bubbale! I have had bad games like that where my rank gets busted overnight! It's tough, but I like to remember that I can only go up from there! Good luck in your next matches, and I hope they're fun (and plentiful in pips!) <3!
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This game has reminded me why I ######### hate people and stay home and do nothing but play video games
At least Friday the 13th had bots