You would have to pay me to play this game right now.

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

10k bloodpoints every day or 3 brown items is not even close to how much of an apology BHVR needs to do for this patch.

Their best course of action would be to reverse this patch and take another 3 weeks developing it till its like... actually finished content.

Calling this patch a joke would be an insult to other jokes. Because nothing about this is funny.

Its now beyond BHVR being a disapointment to being an actual insult to their community

They are basically saying "We know we can release this because we know we will make a profit from the people who buy our DLC and Cosmetics with no care for the games actual health"

Until we as a community can show BHVR with our wallets that this isn't acceptable. They will contuine to release buggy and unfinished content with the insurance that people will buy it no matter what.