Suggestion: Stop adding DLC for a while and focus on fixing DbD's several issues

We all saw the patch notes for Binding of Kin. This is something no one should expect yet so many people did. I think the devs should take a year (or longer) break from the 2-3 month DLC releases and focus on the problems this game has. I think the community should be the main group that addresses the biggest problems and has BHVR prioritize those problems. This game has a lot of problems but if the devs focused less on pumping out new DLC and listened to the community for once, the problems would be bearable for us. No hate on anyone in this post, this is just a recommendation.


  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Wont happen, fixing stuff does not bring in money and investors want money.

    Take Warframe, Warframe is a game made by a tallented team that reallly really does care for their product, even though imo the miss the mark a lot.

    The biggest problem with the game (and this is a community concesion basically) is that they also just keep pushing new content rather then fixing old or even build upon old content.

    New content is dropped in and basically forgotten with the next update.

    But the think is, they feel they need to...or perhaps they really need to do this kind of stuff to keep the cash flow coming, new trailers that hopefully attracts new players.

    No new player is going to look at the list of bug fixes and balance tweaks and go "hawt damn, imma play this game now" but a trailer featuring that is something.

    I do completely agree though, but it seems to be the nature of the beast, I want quality changes as well and the worst part is many of them are not even hard to implement, just some tweaks that we, the community, can then try for a couple of months and see if it is improved that way.....but nope.avi.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited December 2020

    Game have animations, textures, models and maps. Probably coding is a weak part of this game. They need to rewrite the code in parallel separate build 5.0.0, to make solid stable base of game which would not break the game with every new update. EVERY new chapter or mid-chapter always bring more and more bugs. There was no update without somethig going wrong. I'm not a specialist but it seems like rewriting the base code from ground with perspective to new updates will make this game healthier. Of course it's a ######### load of work so it should be done in parallel of live game and released when it's ready.