BHVR has hit a new low

I have no idea how it is possible but BHVR has managed to show us that the PTB is more than just useless, by releasing the probably most broken killer/update in this games lifespan.

This post ( ) sums up a fair amount of bugs being introduced with the 4.4.0 patch several of them being gamebreaking and a handful of these gamebreaking bugs affect other killers besides the twins.

This is probably the worst patch DbD is going through, I do not want to go around saying this game is dead because it certainly isn't and it won't be for quite a while, which might change if the Devs won't step up and actually listen to PTB feedback and not just some random "statistics". Just because something seems fine on paper does not mean it is fun to play with or against. I really love this game and the Devs but this just looks scummy to me; releasing a patch that is not even functioning and charging full price for a DLC killer that has a list of bugs that excedes the doctors power descritpion in length.

Even if they will fix things with a hotfix eventually within the next 6 months or so, the damage has been done.
