Looking for killer suggestions

After a long day of being tilted and playing against your typical annoying red and purple ranks with tons of crutch perks I'm looking for a suggestion for a killer to stick to for awhile and maybe some tips for them since I kinda switch around what killer I play a lot and have probably really only gotten good at freddy,clown, and legion but even then my matches with clown and legion are super inconsistent.


  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Any killer with Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer is pretty strong against solo survivors, if you're pretty decent at the Killer mechanics.

    I pretty much 3-4k every game because of it, unless the survivors are pretty efficient.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'd try learning Hag. She's rare so people don't have a routine for dealing with her, but I wouldn't commit to chases with her.

    Strong killer in the right hands.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    In terms of raw power and skill ceiling height, nurse and blight are far and above the average killer, personally I would recommend blight because he is probably one of the most fun killers in the game due to his mobility and power. And being the 2nd strongest in the game (in my opinion with 1600 hours and having played every killer to an extent) is pretty high up for how much fun he is

    it probably only takes 3-4 hours to get into a sweet spot for being able to do decently as blight while still having room for learning and mistakes