######### happen with this community.

This game make me feels so down, toxic community everywhere.

I can't play as killer because red ranks premade make my brain explote, it's not a good strategy for learning the game, I'm afraid to play this game again, and is not different playing survival, playing alone with randoms is worst than play as killer, taking apart tunneling and camping, survivors dont do anything for nobody its prefers makes a gen.

I don't really care ranked up my account anymore.

I bought this ######### for nothing good.

Anybody know how the ######### I get my money back from ps4 ?


  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Men Up -_-

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Matchmaking is still the biggest problem.

    there is just hoping that MMR will come soon and actually works as it is intended to

  • Man, ever since the newest update matchmaking went from bad to unbearable. I'm a rank 16 killer, and EVERY SINGLE MATCH I've been paired with red rank survivors that are just humiliating me.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Actually same. In every lobby since the chapter release there were at least 2man red Rank, most of the time 3-4man with at least 2 in red ranks. While I am a rank 11-12 killer.

    I am just playing around, trying to get a grip on the killer mechanics etc.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I agree with others that matchmaking is still DBD's biggest issue, but considering that this new chapter broke the game in ways that weren't even broke in the PTB, I wager all of their time and resources are going to be going to fixing that instead.

    Whoever gave the green light to release the chapter in the state that it's in either needs to be fired, or at the very least admit that they screwed up and that they'll vow to fix the game. It's one thing for the new killer to be broken, but the new chapter also affected other killers like Legion, Bubba, and Oni which is ridiculous. How anyone could feel comfortable selling this to their community I'll never understand.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I understand how that feels wholeheartedly. I play Demogorgon on Ps4 and I'm a Rank 1 killer, Every day some random Ps4 player messages me nasty things and then blocks me right after. I honestly laugh at them then I eat a cookie because do you know how hard it is to get a 4k with Demo on Ps4? Especially at Rank 1

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You eat a cookie for every insult you get from DbD matches? 😱 how are you still alive?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I think Matchmaking should be simply a matter of how many Matches have you played, i.e. time in grade. I think there are too many variables in this game, so the only thing which is fairly static across all Players is how many matches they have played as Survivor and how many matches they have played as the Killer (or a specific Killer if we want to be really fancy).

    So all Players who have played say between 1-25 matches should only be paired with other Players of the same. *You have to have a broad enough number to have enough players for the group. The size of the matches should increase as you go up, of course. I'd say do this:

    1-25 matches together.

    26-50 matches together.

    50-100 matches together.

    101-200 matches together.

    201-300 matches together

    *And so on. Do all people hit the same level of proficiency in the same number of matches? No. But they have the opportunity to do so, and in that broad a listing, they should end up within striking distance of one another. Forget about Emblems, Ranks, and all that jazz. As Otz (all the big DbD players say in fact) there is NO SUBSTITUTE for hours in the game. That is the ONLY thing we should be using to match like players to like.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    It's not as much as you think xD

    No need to worry I play like 5 games a day and get insults 2 out of those 5 games so I'm not eating too many of those cookies lol

    Usually after the 5th game I get bored of being "sweaty" and I play Survivor for the rest of the day

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Sorry but that wouldn’t work.

    i have WAY too many hours in survivor and still can’t loop efficiently. That won’t change with more hours at this point. I shouldn’t be out against any killer players with equivalent amount of hours because they will in all cases wreck me.

    it also wouldn’t work well for casual SWFs with different experience, you could argue they would just need to take the highest amount. But then see me and my rank 17 friend with 30 hours in. He doesn’t stand a chance and I am clearly not skilled enough to compensate that. RIP us and our unlucky random teammates

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122

    With devs saying "Object of Obsession is fine",

    the answer is pretty obvious, they just allow bullying in this game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not what was said. One dev said that OoO had no significant statistical impact on survivability. Another dev said that even if something is fine from a statistical standpoint, it doesn't mean it won't be changed, if it's deemed unfun to play with/against.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It would work fine. You aren't the only person with this issue. I also am terrible at Looping We aren't talking about individuals who are statistically irrelevant (like you and me). We are talking about a matchmaking system which will service the majority. Most people, statistically, do improve on a curve directly related to time in grade, i.e. practice. How much time you have to practice is the only RELIABLE standard by which we should match Players. Those of us who simply never get better might just benefit from ending up playing against better players. :) People who have less than 10 hours in this game, should only be playing other people with only 10 or less hours in this game. People with 2K hours in this game should be playing other people in their own range.

    Will this be harsh to inept Players? Yes, but truly inept Players are rare. Most people get better with practice. If the ranges are forgiving enough, this system would work, and it would in fact work a lot better than what we have now.

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122

    They also said they gonna leave it as-is.

    if they don't think it's fine would they leave it untouched?

    Stop playing the word trick.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited December 2020

    Were those their words, or did they say something like "we have no change in mind for this perk right now"? If the former, I'd like a link to that, if you wouldn't mind.

    EDIT: Also, I'm not the one playing word games. I corrected your statement with a more accurate version, is all.

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122

    The same dev stream, evan said he gonna leave OoO as-is.

    Sure correct me to a more accurate version,

    but the idea is still the same, if dev doesn't think the perk is fine they won't be leaving the perk as-is.

    The whole statistic thing is just their reasoning of why they think the perk is fine, am I wrong?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, you are. I'm gonna paraphrase House here for a minute:

    You come home, your paint's peeling, the curtains are gone, and the water's boiling. What problem do you deal with first? None of them, because the building's on fire.

    If OoO is fine from a statistical standpoint and other things are not, they're naturally going to focus on the things that aren't fine from a statistical standpoint.

    What would you have them do? Fix something that is annoying, yet doesn't have a significant statistical impact on the game, or fix something that has a big statistical impact on the game (at the extreme, where simply bringing that thing will result in a win)?

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2020

    "Fix something that is annoying, yet doesn't have a significant statistical impact on the game, or fix something that has a big statistical impact on the game"

    I don't see the connection, why do you need to choose one.

    and I am just speechless to you for defending them not fixing OoO,

    good bye, have a good day.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't see the connection, why do you need to choose one.

    Because I'm asking you which you believe to be a priority.

    and I am just speechless to you for defending them not fixing OoO,

    I'm speechless in that regard as well. Literally, in fact, since I didn't defend anyone. I put forth facts and asked you a question about how you believe the devs should prioritize things.

    good bye, have a good day.

    Goodbye. You too.

  • Iceyrawr
    Iceyrawr Member Posts: 122

    In that case, I do think fixing OoO is the priority, the top priority even.

    You don't just ignore it because it doesn't have a significant statistical impact

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Entitlement is rampant in this community, especially in the survivor side like you mentioned. Nothing is ever their fault and all games should go exactly how they want to and the other side must only use perks that they're okay with(non meta perks). There's really nothing anyone can do about toxicity since we can't do anything about their low self esteem issues.