20 games no twins killer yet

so i had 20 games by now at rank 8. still never played against the new killer.
can you killer mains please play the new killer more often? thx
Every other Killer release you see non-stop games of the new killer.
So tough to find anyone playing the Twins. lol. Even Blight saw a ton of play despite his jankiness running into everything and camera at his crotch.
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I played for almost 4 hours yesterday...no new killer. I have yet to play versus them yet...
feels weird...
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The twins are incredibly broken and victor gets stuck in the ground among other issues frequently rendering them incredibly difficult if not impossible to play.
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I actually am starting to like the Twins and want to play them more, but the stuck in the ground bug is getting too frequent now, its really sapping any interest in carrying on when you have a 1/5 chance to self delete your power when you use it.
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Might see them more (or at all in my case) once they're less buggy and not completely countered by lockers. I still don't think you'll see them much anyway, probably more than hag but less than demo.
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Victor can hit survivors through the locker if you didn't knew
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I'm not buying and playing a killer that's so unbelievably broken and still unfinished. And I'm glad other people have come to their senses and aren't putting up with it either.
I also really dislike them. Even without the fixes they look horrendously boring to play. Everything is so slow on them. Transitioning to Charlotte, recovering after a hit, getting a pounce on someone and then going back to Charlotte, taking literally nearly a minute to be able to use my power again? Nah I'm sticking with killers that are actually fun.
If they make a patch that lets you recall Victor at will, and reduces the time it takes to control Charlotte I'll give them a try but not right now. They're really dull.
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last night I faced her every other match so not all that bad, you just dont have luck
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Sorry, I have only spirits players in my games
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I actually love playing as them. Victor is a blast. But like others have stated, getting stuck in the ground and having to hope someone comes along and squashes you just so you can try again is irritating. Not to mention one of her perks dont work. Very glad i didnt spend money on them.
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I've been playing them nonstop. They're really fun when their power works. But yeah I feel you I swapped to survivor and got maybe 3 or 4 Twins games in a 2 hour session.
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I have crossplay off on ps4. I'm seeing the Twins a bunch, way more than I've ever seen Blight since his release. They are played less than other killers on release.
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Most killers play to win, the twins are heavily bugged so people don't wanna lose because of bugs. Can't blame them but considering that every other killer has some bugs aswell they could just play them since in my experience they are really fun to play as.
When they will fix them this killer will be the only killer that both sides will have fun to play as and against since myers release.
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I played them last night for the first time and they are so much fun I couldn't stop and without perks at rank 1 I did extremely well. They are underated for sure. Killers think they can't play without their meta killers and perks.
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I've played against about five. Two of them were either really good, or my team mates were potatoes. The latter being a strong possibility because I was in solo queue.
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Geez I wonder why.
Victor just stuck in the ground and you don't have a power all game,
why would anyone play him?