Which do you prefer. Thrilling Tremors or Surveillance

So I'm a little torn between these 2 perks as they're both really good multi-gen tracking perks. Problem is, they don't work together due to blocked generators no longer regressing. I'll be listing the things I like of both perks

I love Thrilling Tremors because the condition is pretty lenient. Picking up survivors is a must in every trial and since that is the condition, it's not too hard. As a bonus, it has a minor slowdown effect on gens where they'll get blocked. The main deal is that I get to know which gens are being worked on at that exact moment and I'll be able to plan ahead. I like to pair this with Dead Man's Switch to scare survivors off their gens which will end up blocking them, essentially creating a Ruin Tinkerer scenario that can't be countered by Repressed Alliance.

Surveillance is nice because it pairs well with the Ruin Undying meta. Sometimes I like to swap out Tinkerer with Surveillance when playing Demo since I already get undetectable from going through portals anyway. Problem is once Ruin finally dies off, I end up having to manually kick gens.

So what do you think. Which one do you prefer?


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It depends. I prefer Thrilling Tremors with PGTW on a mobility killer, Surveillance with Ruin, Surge or perhaps even Opression on a more defensive killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    For me, Surveillance. The cooldown kills Thrilling Tremors for me. Plus Surveillance synergizes with a few perks while Thrilling Tremor anti-synergizes with those same perks.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I've always loved me my Surveillance. The information it gives you is incredibly useful as not only does it tell you where you might need to go when they turn yellow, it also tells you now where you don't need to go because if it's still white, you know you can completely ignore that area.

    Even after the accidental buff was taken away (evidently once the gen regressed to 0, it was supposed to go back to red but for a long time, it always stayed white), I still have it on basically every killer.

    Thrilling Tremors while also good, basically only gives you the info for 16 seconds or so. Once that 16 seconds is up, you're right back to being starved of information.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    It depends on the killer you're playing. For me personally, I would rather go for regression rather than information, as often times you already know which gens are being worked on, or can at least make a good guess. So I'd rather dedicate a slot to something like PGTW or Ruin, but if I had to choose between these two, I'd choose TT. The only exception to this is if I'm using ruin, and here's my reasoning. Surveillance without Ruin (and also surge kind of) really isn't that great, as dry kicking a gen is very ineffective. Sure, you'll know when someone gets on it, but how usefully actually is that, if all you can do is temporarily push them off the gen, without any regression other than the dry kick. Thrilling Tremors will give you information that is more useful, however without PGTW it also isn't that great. I should note that it takes 4 seconds to regress 1 percent of a generator with a dry kick, meaning a genn at 99% will take over 5 minutes to fully regress.