How do you feel about dbd as whole right now ?

I thought I’d make a discussion post on how everyone feels about dbd as a whole right now. For me now it just feels stale as you could say. The new chapter got me excited, I bought the new killer and played maybe a one or two games of her and got frustrated with the bugs.

I switched to my mains Pyramid Head, Legion ( I do try to play all killers but they are my “mains”). I just don’t feel the same way as I once did before. I have a feeling it’s a number of reasons why I don’t feel the same anymore. One is the community, sure you get some survivors that just play the game to have fun but then you have the survivors who go out of their way to make the killers game miserable and the same goes for killer you can either play normally (which is a very big grey area) or you can play to make the survivors games a living nightmare. Now I’ve got roughly 1.5k hours, I’m definitely no Otz but I’m not a baby killer either. Even when I 4k I don’t feel like I did well or made any big plays.

Secondly I perk meta is also why this game is becoming stale for me. A lot of survivor perks and killer perks get overlooked because they don’t perform nearly as well as the stronger perks (dead hard, unbreakable, sloppy and ruin etc) Every time I am chasing a survivor I always guess they have dead hard and 99% of the time they have it. When a survivor runs away with balanced landing or hits me with head on I’m always like “Oh they had balanced landing nice” (in a good way).

Feel free to roast me or whatever you like but I’m just trying to understand why I don’t enjoy the game anymore by hearing other people’s opinions.


  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    i love it

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    im a killer man and i love games with abilities strategies and I love the horror movie characters

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    I have a love/hate relationship with it.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited December 2020

    The relationship I have with dbd is a hate/love. I hate it because of all the major issues. But love it because it is a very unique horror game that is really interesting and just fun. I mean come on, I have gotten to the point where if it is obvious that I am up against a SWF team I still know I will do good. The feeling of winning against a SWF is great, I can challenge people who are really good and outplay them against the odds that are against me. That is one thing I love about this game. However, it is painful to watch how the BHVR treats us, and dbd.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    glad i got back in to fighting games again and cyberpunk coming out as well

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    Read this: Hi, I'm a Dead by Daylight player and psychologist. A few gameplay tips for your mental health. : deadbydaylight (

    It's amazing. Humiliation is what fuels DBD. It's a very negative game. If you aren't playing with friends, I question why bother?

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Well, I don't like the new killer... feels like Victor gets cheap hits sometimes. Victor is just not fun to play against.

    I also really, really dislike some of the revamped autohaven maps. I think the developers forgot to add structures/objects and thought 500 trees would do?

    I am however, enjoying using Appraisal with other chest perks. But that'll get nerfed soon. Better enjoy it whilst it lasts.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I adore this game and I had been having a ton of fun maining Pyramid head. Now in saying that, the game is feeling rather stale. More and more matches are becoming frustrating instead of fun and I feel my skill is deteriorating rather then remaining stagnant or growing. I feel like it's way harder to 4k with ol' pp head this week then it did last week and Pyramid head is starting to feel rather stale after playing him almost exclusively the past two months. I've tried playing my old mains though (Trapper, demo and doc) but they just seem so much weaker and less rewarding to play that I find myself just returning to Pyramid head. When I play Survivor it's just camping killer after camping killer. I think I need a break from the game as I usually come back to it with a clear head with a few month break but I just can't because I'm essentially addicted to this game. Most of my days are spent playing DBD or thinking about DBD when I can't play it. Anyhow, my vent is finished. Now go on and have a lovely day you lovely people.

  • Babatom
    Babatom Member Posts: 23

    I mostly play survivor (killer just for challenges) with a couple friends. I have a lot of fun, but this is because I've recently changed my mentality.

    Actually trying to win/survive or whatever the win conditions might be (I know people have different opinions) was a black hole of misery for me. I was typically at rank 1, and every single killer had pretty much the exact same meta perk build, along with all the survivors I got paired with having the same survivor perk build. I found that the game is balanced around these top tier killers and survivors, and it felt punishing to try and have fun running other builds.

    Equally, the game far too easily rewards pips, so even while inevitably reaching my demise every match after being trounced, I was still gaining pips or at least the "congrats for participating" black pip, keeping me in that pool or hardcore players.

    Now, I go into every match expecting to die, and have fun playing random builds and made-up roles like one I've called the Janitor (I hand out items to the other survivors and pick up their dropped pallets). Which is kinda sad now to think it's the only way I can have fun in this game. But the best part is - I stay in red rank doing this, and I'd love to claim it's because I'm an amazing runner, but that's definitely not the case xD

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I'm not real happy with it. My play time has dropped off significantly since crossplay was introduced. The shadow nerf to rift progress through challenges as pretty demoralizing for me as well.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    In total I'm totally fine with the game. It has it's flaws which are constantly worked on. My only problem I noticed recently is roughly half of the community. At least in game. Which turned into a big whining symphony most of the time. It's either unnecessary toxic crap which tries to make the game experience horrible on purpose or the "genrush" or "tunnel" etc accusations that are totally pointless. Just as examlpes.

    A plain "gg" after the game, or not daring to think about good ol' "you got me there" / "I was like OOF" chat has become ultra rare. I'm already happy when a BS tunnel claim gets countered by his own teammate when I play killer or when I defend the killer against BS accusations returns a thx or something...

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I'm getting really sick of survivor as a role. I was holding out that the putsula petals was some indication of a more nuanced objective being added that might add some zest to the game but nah just hold M1 or hope your the lucky person who gets chased. Give me something, anything to add depth or skill to survivor? As for perks they feel like the team is at the bottom of the barrel. This game desperately needs some kind of survivor interaction that can vary the experience. Maybe add the ability to rebuild breakable walls as a one time use material. Transport a key gen part that can finish the last gen once installed.

    Killer is about the only role of interest to me lately because for me I can get endless enjoyment from the deathslinger and huntress range play. Killers have come a long way from the monotonous dull gameplay of clown and pig which is nice. Balance isn't the issue so many games are busted 24/7 but still have mass following and enjoyment to be had. Just break up the monotonous gameplay loops flip some perk numbers around.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I'm frustrated right now. Frustrated by how he current patch didn't get delayed despite the huge number of bugs and general problems introduced with it. DbD is a game I want to like, and there are nights where it's genuinely enjoyable. But right now playing it is just one big bundle of "yeah, that's bugged isn't it?" and that's not what I want to be feeling when I play. it's made more frustrating when the response we got is "here's a few BP as an apology, but don't forget about our new paid skins coming out!" It just feels...hollow, really. It's just hard to muster the will to potentially have a few frustrating games to warm up and get to the good ones when I know the good could get stopped up at pretty much any time with one of the over a hundred bugs this patch introduced (according to the threads here.) It's just not a good feeling, especially when the new chapter means I want to regain my 100% achievement completion. Mixed brain messages galore.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    sigh. Initially I was happy - but between what I've seen uhm, how they... react to responses to their game (this is the biggest), combined with the completely uninteresting chapter, and THEN the only perk that I'm interested in (not the only good one, mind you), Deception, working 50% of time at most, I'm starting to lose interest. I'm not leaving yet (so no, you can't have my stuff!), but I'm already starting to see my playtime drop. The problem is I don't really have another game other than Overwatch I'm really into, which sucks.

    But anyway, I see the bugs and issues - releasing a patch with the amount of bugs that were in it, is discouraging to say the least. It doesn't feel like they care enough about their player base to postpone their release. I mean hell, they could still pull it back now and say "give us a week"...

    Anyway, my 2cents.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    You get less progress for completing all the challenges. It used to be where if you completed all the challenges and played a reasonable amount then you could easily complete the entire rift. Without any warning or notification they changed it so that by the time you complete all the challenges and played a reasonable amount, you'd still be about 10-20 rewards short. That is a massive difference in grind time required to complete the rift. That is essentially an extra 100-200 games required to play to get the same reward.

    Now don't get me wrong here. I don't think the rift pass is a bad deal. I bought one rift pass and played through 3 rifts with it amassing an impressive amount of cosmetics. Since you earn the auric cells back you could just keep completing battle passes with one investment. I get that it doesn't make them too much money if the rift is too easy to complete. But it really took the wind out of my sails to keep playing the game. I would have preferred if they made it so you could only earn back 500 auric cells but made the rift easy to complete so players would need to invest 5 real dollars to do a new rift. They would make more money and I would feel like my time playing was worth the reward. Instead they moved the goal post mid race which doesn't sit right with me.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited December 2020

    ....meeeeh. I still have fun, my bois Blight and Demo are still fun and overall not hurt too much from the bugs, but man the amount of horrendous bugs in other areas and bad map design makes me not wanna play anymore. I'm getting sick to death of this happening again and again, the cycle of new content with 100 different bugs (quite literally 100 this time round) is getting so tiring. I don't want to be sick of it, I want this game to be great and I want to give the Devs the benefit of the doubt, but that's nearly impossible to do now.

    The only thing that can save this game is a hard reboot, their code is way too spaghetti to work on, and it only gets worse the more they add.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I love it. I'm still having a blast with this game, even as solo survivor. It's honestly rare that I run into issues that are commonly complained about in the forums (camping, tunneling, dying on first hook, etc...). On the killer side of things, I see far less toxicity than I used to from survivors and can appreciate being outplayed. There are bugs, and I have faith that they'll be resolved. For now I'll just continue to enjoy this game as I have been for a long time now

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited December 2020

    This is pretty much my feelings as well. Just change the fact I'm not playing much right now and add in that longstanding balance issues just don't get addressed, even if their fixes are potentially simple. Giving DS deactivate conditions for example or making Iri. heads limit your hatchets to 1 instead of just reducing them. This is part of the reason the meta is so stale, the way too strong stuff is still way too strong. I personally feel like the balance team just does not understand the game.

    Considering the most recent chapter debacle and direction of the game as a whole, I am not very optimistic about the future of DBD.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    As I said in other post it's going in the bad direction. Instead of nerfing killers and make matches last longer with another objective for survs they buff so many killers to semigods and now survs only can genrush to escape. We could have very good and longer matches, and now we only have M1 simulator and run in straight line.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Like it's the only option in the genre with the license power/long term support. I'm praying some good competition comes out soon so I can jump ship.

  • Pentimenti
    Pentimenti Member Posts: 1

    Unfortunately yes, and I play both killer and survivor. There is a very, very obvious imbalance in gameplay that isn't being addressed and HASN'T been addressed. Many are frustrated, but we can only hope it starts heading in a better direction.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Won't not recommend it to new-comers/players as the grind and gameplay experience is bad and if there's a sequel after 100 new Survivors and Killer's worth of DLC has finally died down, the community should be more involved.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I'm kind of in a 'tired of it' phase right now.

    Don't get me wrong, still one of my favorite games, the new Ormond is visually amazing, and I had a blast with the new Killer; but just the vast amount of new bugs, combined with the bugs that specifically [BAD WORD] with Huntress, Legion, and Wraith - my three favorite Killers, has killed my excitement.

    If I get on DBD again this year, it'll be to try and complete the Rift by playing Survivor with a friend - she seems to still be having fun with DBD - but if I don't finish the Rift I won't stress it.

    I mean, 90% of the charms are as boring as they are useless and, IMO, every outfit but Ace's and Nea's suck (and I already have better outfits for both of them). Not much incentive to try and go out of my way to grind Rift tiers.

    I might play DBD again later if/when I get into a 'DBD sounds fun' phase again, but I'm not lacking other things to do with my time.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Anyone who recommends this game, in it's current state, to a brand new player and lets them play it blind is either a heartless cad or hates that person.

    The game has such an absolutely miserable grind (even if you know to get David/Bubba levelled up first for WGLF and BBQ respectively, getting the perks you want unlocked and levelling up the characters you want to play will take forever - this is assuming you're not interested in DLC characters and their perks, if you are interested you'll exponentially increase your progression grind), an unwelcoming community (plenty of people - even streamers and content creators with communities of their own - openly mock new and inexperienced players), no official guides or tutorials on how to play the game decently (the in-game tutorials suck - especially with regards to chases and the unique powers of the Killers), busted matchmaking (as a Red Rank Survivor I played against a legit Rank 20 who didn't know how to kick generators a week ago), and a number of bugs and issues that you aren't warned about anywhere in-game (just imagine you're brand new to the game and pick up and try to play The Legion or The Trapper right now).

    I genuinely don't get how people can actually start playing this game in it's current state unless they play with a SWF.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I Love your name does it stand for something cute in englisch? :O

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I go back and forth... from playing the game a lot to not at all

    I do enjoy the game for what it is but not much past that

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765
    edited December 2020

    I have what I call a love hate hate relationship with this game. Been playing for like two and a half years, around 1400hrs or thereabouts. play both sides but less and less killer as the performance issues mount. Because I play on an Xbox1x the bias from that point of view will necessarily color all that follows.

    Concept: Horror game, 1vs4, admittedly hard to pick up as a new player, but two roles to play, many killers from popular slasher movies and such, all with unique powers and counterplay. Most excellent premise. Vast possibilities.

    Optimization and performance: 60 frames minimum guaranteed. Ever going to happen? Been almost 2 years. Frame drops whenever any status effect is applied (Exposed, Sloppy, Lithe, Bloodlust, Myers teiring up, etc). Frame drops on the indoor maps, especially Lery's. Frame drops when a gen pops nearby, chests are searched, going into struggle, a rat farts anywhere on Lery's, etc.

    Latency: Before Blithe came out ping 40-70ms, then most Xbox1x's got the insta-overheat issue lasting for a week. Next patch hotfixes the overheating but ping is now 140-160ms ever since, with no change in rig.

    Connectivity: I am aware of the multiple stops between my router and the lovely ded servers, but several brutal errors/hiccups still occur. Most common is "No Internet Connection" despite not interrupting Streaming or party chats, or like drifting out of team lobbies while still appearing in them & squashing matchmaking, and just last week Error 401 Player Level Update errors. No other game lags you right out of matches quite like DBD, and toss in the random crashes we all get for good measure.

    Level playing field & Crossplay: It is hard to feel you're in a fair right in either role, but especially as a console killer, when performance issues are aggravated by things like Sound card this, Video settings that, Filters this other thing, and numerous other options legit or otherwise that all console are locked out of. It is my biggest gripe with Crossplay along with the performance issues, and I doubt I'm alone in that.

    Notice all of this doesn't include concerns with perceived perk abuse, physical map designs, the growing bug colonies, game balancing, etc. That's because all of the above lists hinder the gameplay so much they must be addressed before the rest of the problems imo. The Xbox's and PlayStations are capable of running more demanding games than this one, especially the 1x and PS4pro, but have such a hard time digesting DBD. Just DBD.

    For various reasons I and many others are going continue to play this game on an Xbox1 for the foreseeable future. Perhaps the game shouldn't have been ported to console, but it was. Perhaps the devs shouldn't have committed to the 60 frames pledge, but they did. Just get a PC doesn't hold up against that, and neither does "git gud". All I want is justice for my platform and not to feel very much forgotten & left behind.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I'm getting tired of it because every game I go into is a sweaty game no matter if I play Survivor or Killer. Then I get these nasty messages in my inbox if I match the Killer's/Survivor's sweatiness. I'm just honestly done when can we have a classic mode where this ######### won't matter and we can enjoy the game and not having to sweat as hard

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'm still having fun.

    Things can always be better, and i too find this patch quite a trainwreck, but it'll take more than this to turn me off.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Same place it usually is. Broken and buggy, looks great and atmospheric, but with no idea how to balance anything.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Great cosmetics, survivor is alright (props to the cosmetic team for actually doing something good), despite all the bugs I'm in awe of Zarina's penguin onesie coming.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    The way I feel about DBD right now is how Dunkey felt about league.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    Holy crap you're right. When I finish a match i don't think "hell yeh" I think "thank god that's over"

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Well, I took 2 months off. Came back, finished levels 1-3 in Tome V in about a week? And I’m pretty close to going back to some other games. The new killer looks ridiculous. Somehow Chucky is an impossibility, but now we get to kick a little deformed baby that has unlocked the ability to regenerate itself back into his sisters chest. I’m sure the next killer will require slaughtering a litter of puppies or devouring a box of kittens. Seriously, the Twins is the best most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in this game. I’m actually highly surprised Victor doesn’t have an instadown add on (unless he does? Lol), exhaustion add on, blindness add on, etc. it’s just...dumb

    few more days maybe, then I need a break from this game that has just gotten ridiculous

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    It feels horrible to play as both roles, tbh.

  • DrVita
    DrVita Member Posts: 1

    If the the ranking system worked I'd probably enjoy it a lot more. I am like a rank 12 killer and I either get matched with rank 4 survivors or ranks 20 survivors. So its either getting bullied or a cake walk. I would love nothing more than to actually be matched up with survivors near my rank. Sure the game has a lot of other issues but I'd take bugs for days if they just fix matchmaking.

  • Thekingdavid7
    Thekingdavid7 Member Posts: 1

    I love the game, but the one thing I dislike is the toxicity. And by that I don't mean tunneling or camping. Not even flashlighting killers to make them mad. What I mean by toxicity is the people who take this game so seriously that they want everyone to play how they want them to play. The people who treat this game like life or death and cuss people out in the after game chat because they didn't play the game to that specific person's expectations. I think it's stupid, and I feel like there are too many people who take this game too far with that type of stuff. Overall, it should be a casual fun game, and I love the friendly people that I do meet in my games!

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,343

    There's a lot to love and hate for me. The game has always been a broken mess, as has been mentioned before, but it was more enjoyable when I first picked it up during year 1 than in it is in it's current boring, stale, uninspired state. It kinda feels like you just go through the same repetitive motions, and not in a good way that keeps your attention. We also still only have one game mode, and at this point it seems like the dev team puts all their time, resources, and attention into these same specific areas of gameplay and not expanding into new territory that would really bring something new to the table in terms of how the game can be played. The meta is stale, the maps are becoming stale quickly, especially with how many variations of the same map you'll get. Add to that the inconsistencies between the resources each side are allowed to is just plain offputting sometimes. It started off on as a high note for me, but over time i've grown to only play if I have friends on because it's just not as exciting for me as it once was.