Nurse Addons

So I was on the fence about even creating this post. Nurse is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most powerful killer in the game. I mean jesus the woman can blink through walls for crying out loud. I found myself getting bored of killers like Freddy or Bubba that I flocked to when I bought the game. They were easy to learn in my opinion and just didn't have that... special something that made me feel like there was always ways to get better. I started playing nurse randomly and even though it was a special kind of hell at first there was something about a challenging killer that kept me coming back. Over a ton of hours I managed to start getting decent with her and started looking closer at her addons only to realize that they were kind of...underwhelming.

I learned soon after what nurse used to be, which was absolutely gross, but had much better addon opportunities. I feel so left out on something I wasn't even around to experience. Her addons, even the irri variety, seem like more of an April Fools joke rather than anything else. I sit here now, with nearly 100 hours logged on her and I realize that I'm pretty much playing the same without addons then I would with them. Sure spasmodic nurse is a good meme every now and then, maybe even three blink nurse if you like to torture yourself without actually being able to blink through objects which is the entire point of her kit but what's the point of them if they're just a meme? I ask myself this a lot. I understand that balance is important, but not even an irri addon could add something like three blinks with just a shorter distance?

It just seems like the devs said "this killer is too powerful, let's destroy her addons and base kit refresh and never look back" The number of nurse mains I see as a red rank survivor is just sad, it's just spirit, huntress, forever freddy, deathslinger. Nobody who is new to the game dare encounter the insane beast of a learning curve that nurse has with no addon capability to really make her have more powerful gameplay then she comes with. Every killer has an addon that makes their power a little crazy, but nurse's most rare addons are honestly just kind of a joke. Maybe I'm just an entitled nurse main who wants something more but with addons like hers, can ya blame me?


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    Ok, several points I would like to add:

    When it comes to her Add Ons, Nurse should NEVER have more than two Blinks. Still, they gave her an Add On which provides an extra Blink, but with a huge Downside. And this should exist. Or, they should not do an Add On which adds an Extra Blink.

    When it comes to her Iridescent Add Ons, you have to keep in mind that those were Common Add Ons before. So players who played a lot of Nurse had hundreds of them. You cannot just make them strong Add Ons then. They should have removed the Iridescent Add Ons and gave players a BP-Compensation for them or something like that. Or at least make Add Ons Iridescent which were rare before as well.

    In general, before her Rework, there were quite a bunch of Nurse players who just slapped on Extra Blinks or Range and were able to compensate for their lack of Skill with her.

    When it comes to Nurse in her current state, I think the biggest problems are her Bugs. If she is bug-free at some point, Devs can look at her Kit, but I doubt that they will change it anytime soon.

    Last but not least, the reason why you dont see many new Nurse Mains anymore is because there is not really a point in learning Nurse. Lets say you win 95 out of 100 games with Nurse when you are good. This would require quite a huge time of learning her. But you can have similar results by just playing Spirit. Or, you can go super-easy and play Freddy and while you are not as strong as a Nurse when playing Freddy, you can bypass all this learning for a Killer who is not that much worse.

    Back in the day Nurse was the only Killer which really stood out, but now there are some decent options. In general, you can 4K with every Killer at Red Ranks, but if you want strong Killers, you can have Spirit, Freddy, Pyramid Head, Blight, Oni and even Doctor and Billy to have decent results. So there is a strong variety which means, to play a strong Killer, you dont have to learn Nurse anymore.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    The old good days. I remember stacking up to 5 blinks and slapping a game map offering. It was so fun

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    I agree, most of her add-ons are really bad.

    She literally does have 3 Bloodpoint add-ons, 2 of these hinder you aswell.

    Her Ultra Rare add-ons are probably the worst in the game, I'm sorry but trading 1 chain blink for tier 1 Myers speed isn't worth it at all.

    One of her add-ons makes her 115% Killer, but then what's the point of playing Nurse if you want her to be a basic m1 Killer?

    And the worst add-on in the entire game in my honest opinion is Campbell's Last Breath, it literally hinders your ability to blink so badly that she becomes unplayable at times.

    I hope she would get another add-on rework, but that probably will bever happen...

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Pretty similar to what the other guy commented.

    Because she's the strongest killer in the game, it would be insane for her to have strong addons. We've already been through 3 years of her with the literal strongest addons in the game and the devs learnt that the balance was just completely skewed. Extra blinks don't work, range addons without an increase charge time don't work.

    I think her addons are great now, recharge and range are still actually very strong. Some of her other ones aren't as strong but provide some interesting benefits.

    Another thing is, nurses base with no perks or addons is more than enough to competently win games. She was desinged in a day where survivors had some of the most broken stuff imaginable, and other killers could hardly compete. These days, countless changes have brought other killers and killers in general up. Due to this, there really is no need to play nurse any more and completely decimate teams. Other weaker killers are able to do it perfectly fine, and people have realised that why play nurse when you're good at her and can get consisten wins, when you can play another killer who may not be as strong but will provide interesting and closer games, requiring you to play smart and carefully and proving more of a challenge.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Every nurse thread ends up in feedback purgatory. I love her, but I don't think she'll ever be fixed.