Is it REALLY tunneling/camping? Like.. Really?

Hi guys!

New to the forums, not the game. Old school Nurse player that's returned to the game not too long ago.

Now, this is probably something that has been discussed before, especially as it was something I noticed a very long time ago back when huntress was a new DLC. But what is it with survivors literally running straight for saves when I'm two meters away they crying tunnel/camp when they get rolled over?

As a Nurse main... There is absolutely no reason for me to camp. I can travel the map in seconds. But what I'm finding is I'll hook a survivor, blink, before my window is even closed I'll get that unhook notification, use my second blink to go back and boom... Unless the unhookers running borrowed time, it's an easy second hook. Even with borrowed time, wait out your fatigue and blink again. Oops lost him... Oh look, he's healing right near me.

Either that, or you hook somebody, and you turn around, megs teabagging clicking a light, David's sitting waiting for you to follow the Meg, Claudettes trying to camouflage close by too. Nobody's repairing gens, no game progression... Why the hell would I leave my post or at least leave my blink range?

This doesn't just apply to the nurse, any killer. I see this even at high level plays, survs getting far too cocky with their meta perks then absolutely screaming tunnel or camp when it doesn't go their way.

My point is, can these actions REALLY be classified as what they're claimed to be? Same with tunneling. While I do try to avoid it, let's say you've got 2 gens left as a few popped really quick, full team of survivors, ones been hooked twice and is running injured. Megs still teabagging clicking her light obviously trying to coax me into chasing her, but I have a chance to take a man out the game and level the playing field...

Yet, if I kill that one player and the remaining 3 get out and escape, you still get bombarded with 'Omg trash tunnel killer, learn to play'.

I know toxic behaviour has always been a thing, but I'm sure it wasn't this bad?

The Megs sitting there like, "I was standing right there and you just went past me" . Yes, because I didn't feel like chasing the cocky one literally trying to coax me into a chase, who's probably got the map down to a T and will just make me waste precious time. If you're one of these, it literally makes me ignore you.

The point of this, is survivors need to identify the obvious differences in a 'Noob Tunneler/Camper' and a killer using circumstances or stupid plays from survivors to their advantage. I feel if you're playing like this, you have absolutely no right to call any killer out on a tunnel or camp.

Just my two cents on it. It doesn't bother me and sometimes it can be funny to see. But what I used to love about this game is the friends I used to make. That seems so much harder to do nowerdays...


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Just stop caring about what survivors say and play how you want to play.

  • NurseYourWounds
    NurseYourWounds Member Posts: 29

    Oh I don't, I said at the end it doesn't bother me and sometimes it's funny.

    But what does bother me, is it never used to be this bad and I made a lot of good friends on here. It just seems to hard to do that now, everybody feels so hard done to all the time.

  • NurseYourWounds
    NurseYourWounds Member Posts: 29

    I guess that's the thing about opinions, they're going to differ and they're subjective. But that's what creates healthy discussion.

    Personally, I see a dramatic change. Don't get me wrong, there has always been toxic behaviour and early game mechanics got abused, a lot.

    But as somebody who has took a massive break and come back to a literally different game, I have noticed a huge increase in this behaviour. Maybe because its more popular now? Idk...

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Yeah it's disgusting the amount of entitlement survivors have in the game now. They have no reason to actually learn how to play the game, so they got the entitlement to the point where they just accuse the Killer of camping/tunneling anytime they lose instead of just learning how to play the game better.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    People who rush an unhook in a safe situation (other teammates are working on gens, killer is leaving area) immediately make the game riskier in a less fun way. You didn't do that at all, and having to pressure at 2 or 3 gens is fine. No matter how you play, someone is bound to get upset. I've had matches where I'm doing gens with people, saving teammates, and doing well in chases, and I still get a cocky killer hitting me at the hook and spinning around to say 'you lose' I think? Still don't understand why people hit multiple times at the hook if they've been tame lol. But the thing that helps me is knowing that I played well and it's just a game! So, good luck in your next matches and have fun :)!

  • NurseYourWounds
    NurseYourWounds Member Posts: 29

    To be honest, I do the hook slash thing haha! Not constantly though.

    Like you say, from my perspective it's more of a 'ha! Got you! Slippery little *bleep*!' because they've just juked and ran me around half the match. Basically, you did well young one... Now bleed lmao.

    Although I have played a survivor sometimes where a killer does this every hook he gets. That I don't understand.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well if you're going after the same guy after they get unhooked it IS tunnelling, but they gave you a very easy opportunity to tunnel the guy off hook if that's how you like to play. Personally I'd go for the guy who got unhooked, I'd rather spread hooks out so I can get people quickly sacrificed near the end 1 after another, I also get more BPs this way. But if you'd rather hook the guy twice it's your choice to play like that, just watch out for DS (even though Nurse couldn't give less of a damn about DS)

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I started ding it to the flashlight flickers when they get too cocky-- ESPECIALLY THE TEAMS THAT KNOW ALL THE PALLETS AND ISH!!! I just use Charlotte's shovel and bonk them, but I get slashed a lot in the end game by the killers if I evaded them the whole match and was a slippery little bleep!! Sometimes I imagine being covered in oil and it works, other times I get deep fried and sacrificed lol :)!

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Everything is tunneling/camping to some survivors.