Jesus christ, the twins are the most effective campers in the whole game

I was having pretty mixed games for the most part until I started using the strat of leaving Charlotte near the hook then unbinding Victor to go look for survivors. Now I am having pretty consistent 3-4ks for the most part, its just NASTY, you have a killer camping and patrolling gens at mach speed at the same time, Billy's map pressure has no ######### compared to that.
Also, pray to god you dont go down near a basement or a hill with a hook, Charlotte's anti camping mechanic does not work on elevations. So if they hook you in the basement or a hill you are pretty, pretty #########.
hag is better
If you camp an open hook with victor he can't prevent the save against a healthy survivor all that survivor has to do is wait until you hit them then do the save. victor can't switch if he is near the hook and charlotte can't be near the hook.
If it's in basement charlotte is the best to camp it but if a healthy survivor takes victor you just basement camping.
Now why is hag better? can camp the whole area around the survivor which is better than the twins can do and in basement she can prevent the save and get the savior. she doesn't even have to be at shack just near it and can do just as well as charlotte if charlotte tries to stop the save after it happens in fact hag has a better chance to get both survivors.
edit: if a killer can't prevent the save or get both the survivors they are not the best, bubba is even better since he an just outright kill the survivor by camping with no way to save them without getting downed yourself.