CHAPTER IDEA: A Broken Story

Harowing Member Posts: 21
edited December 2020 in Creations


Riz dela Cruz - The Horror Writer

An aspiring writer, Riz spent countless nights in her desk to write down twisted concepts of her land's folklore until one night she had a dream. Spindly legs shrouded in fog and shadows, creeping silently towards a light. Of men and women fleeing in terror from an unseen force. Each scene like flipping a page, and with each vision her imagination run wild until she woke up, desperate to write down what she has seen and it wasn't until she grabbed her book that she was no longer in her room, but in a place that is both familiar and strange.

Riz dela Cruz is a Horror Writer, able to prepare her team for the inevitable fear that is to come.

Her personal perks, Telltale, Highlight, and Collaboration allows her to keep her team away from harm and maneuver around the trial safely.

She is writer first and foremost, and she's there to ensure that everyone gets the ending they deserve.


  • Telltale

Your talent has allowed you to see signs of incoming danger.

When the Killer is within 16 / 20 / 24 metres of you, you see the Killer's Aura for 3 seconds.

Forewarning has a cool-down of 100 / 90 / 80 seconds.

"There's evil written all over this place!"

  • Highlight

You are able to take note of the important details in your surroundings.

Press and hold the Active Ability button for 2 seconds while you are standing beside a Chest, Breakable Wall, Generator, Hook, Pallet, Totem, Traps, or Window. Its Aura is revealed to you for the remainder of the trial.

Highlight can only reveal 1 / 2 / 3 Auras to you at a time. Using it again while you are at maximum replaces the oldest aura.

"Got to remember this for later."

  • Collaboration

Unlocks potential for you and your team's Aura-reading ability.

While you are interacting with another Survivor, any Auras that either of you can see are shared with each other. This does not apply to Auras revealed by the Map or Key Item being held by a Survivor.

Once you are no longer interacting with another Survivor, this effect persists for 10 / 15 / 20 seconds.

"Sharing stories with others allows you to see the bigger picture."


The Witch

Born from an innocent writer, it was only when the Entity understood what was written that it was given a twisted life. Shaped through the creative words of its owner, The Witch is now a crude women that serves the Entity whose only goal is to play its part in torturing the survivors in an endless and ever-changing nightmare.

The Witch is an insidious Killer, forcing the Survivors to cleanse the Effigies she create through her power or risk themselves dying from her hands.

Her personal Perks Heavy Burden, Dark Deviation, and Hex: Fading Hope, she forces Survivors to stop their progress and suffer the longer they stay in the trial.


The Witch draws blood from the survivors, enabling her to create and curse them with an Effigy. Hitting a survivor marks them with a Blood Curse. While you have a Blood Curse on at least one Survivor, you can use the Blood Link ability.


Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds to spawn a special Blood Totem in a random place in the map. This links all active Blood Curses on any Survivors and applies the Broken Status Effect on them until the Blood Totem is cleansed, in which all affected Survivors recover from the status effect and the Blood Curse.

When the Blood Totem is created, any Survivors linked can see the aura of the Totem.

You can create any number of Totems, provided that each Totem is linked to at least one Survivor. (So if you've created a Totem with a Blood Curse from all 4 survivors, you can't create any more totems).


  • Heavy Burden

You force the Survivors to carry the weight of other's failure.

When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Hook that is at least 32 metres away from you, their next 1 / 2 / 3 Skill Checks will become a tremendously difficult Skill Check.

"It was then she decided to be alone, avoiding the crowd, avoiding danger." - Riz's Story Book.

  • Dark Deviation

Your touch causes the Entity to take root, halting progress at once.

You gain a Token every 120 seconds for a maximum of 5.

Performing the Damage Generator action will consume a Token and call upon the Entity to block the Generator for 20 / 25 / 30 seconds.

"Blocked by a dead tree, your only way of escape no longer exist." - Riz's Story Book

  • Hex: Fading Hope

A Hex that causes the Entity to expand its grasp over the trial.

Every 120 seconds, all Survivors receive a stack-able 1% / 2% / 3% penalty to their Repair speed.

Once all Generators are completed, Endgame Collapse's timer is reduced by 30% / 40% / 50%.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

"Time is short, make the most of it or die trying." - Riz's Story Book.


Common / Uncommon / Rare

  • The Blood Totem reveals the Survivor's Aura linked to it for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds and again every 60 seconds.
  • Inflicts the Hemorrhage and Mangled Status Effect for 30 / 40 / 50 seconds to the Survivor who cleanses the Blood Totem.
  • Survivors suffers the Oblivious Status Effect when the Blood Totem is created for 8 / 10 / 12 seconds.
  • Reduces Survivor's Cleansing Speed for your Blood Totems by 10% / 20% / 30%.

Uncommon / Rare

  • The Blood Totem's Aura is not revealed to the Survivors until 10 / 20 seconds later.
  • Gain the Undetectable Status Effect for 10 / 20 seconds when you create a Blood Totem.

Very Rare

  • Inflicts the Exposed Status Effect for 30 seconds on the Survivors who are linked to a Blood Totem when it is cleansed by a Survivor who is not linked.
  • Survivors who are linked to a Blood Totem suffers from the Exhausted Status Effect until it is cleansed.

Ultra Rare

  • Hitting a Survivor inflicts the Blood Curse on all other Survivors within your Terror Radius.
  • Inflicts the Deep Wound Status Effect on linked Survivors when the Blood Totem is created. The Deep Wound can't be mended and is removed when the Blood Totem is cleansed.


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Killer power:

    That's like a weaker Plague.


    Heavy Burden sounds good but it will only be usable at tier 3 against good players. The requirement to be far from the hook needs to be removed.

    I don't know if you're aware of this, but a blocked generator will not regress, so Dark Deviation is going to be useless.

    Hex: Fading hope needs 120 seconds to actually have any effect, but it's a hex and there's no way it won't be cleansed by then. It's basically a wasted slot.

  • Deadlock
    Deadlock Member Posts: 215

    This is an awesome concept. I could totally see this coming to dbd.