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Should being an obsession actually do something?

chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Currently being an obsession just lets you know certain perks are in play from either side. It isn't entirely impactful.

So I had an idea, and I'm just spit-balling so don't get your undies in a twist.

If a killer gets in a chase with the obsession, they would be granted extra movement speed, and lunge range ( not terribly much, just enough to be noticeable ).

But, the killer would have a downside. If they cannot manage to down the obsession, get stunned by them or if they break chase. they gain stacks of anger, which would lengthen stun times, decrease interaction speeds, maybe some other stuff. This would decay when out of a chase with the obsession, don't know what the decay rate would be.

This would add more weight to obsession perks, with the killer deciding if they want to take the risk of not being able to catch the obsession. Plus the survivor would need to decide if taking an obsession perk would be worth it.

Obviously this would come with some overall buffs to obsession perks on both ends to make them possibly worth the risk.

But what do y'all think of this concept?

Edit: These are just ideas, I don't believe they should be implemented the way I thought of them, This is just to get ideas out there to get a ball rolling.

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