AFK Killers (again)

Just curious if there is ever going to be a safety net for survivors from losing rank to the flood of killers going AFK with insidious? I normally don't care every once in awhile but my god today has been outrageous.... Like Devs... come on man... give us something....
Why not let a killer be afk and just do all the totems and gens for ez blood points
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This, or you could try finding a toolbox from a chest to sabo some hooks, gives you 500 BP per sabo
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Forgot about chests haha
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If you can track down the Killer, you can gain pips. Otherwise, just take the BP/item and get out. Not much you can do
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Lol. Are running into BasementFace?
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If people want to AFK as killer....for some reason. Please dont bring insidious.
That way, I can get escape / vault / chase points from your AFK ass before leaving :)