Did any one here play og mw2 ?

Never played it, although I played a ton of MW3.
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Aww the funny number I wish kids These days would be like those in the og mw days
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Best kill streaks hands down. Although assault jug with health regen was op af haha
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Nevermind, I won't say it.
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Ah yes the MW2 lobbies...
Everything in that game broken as hell but that what made it fun. One man army, Commando/tactical knife, Danger close noob tubes,etc.
Used to hunt people grinding head shots in Free for all with tactical insertion then getting cursed out for ruining it haha
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That game gave me hair on my nuts
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you know they where not serious most of the kids coxuldnt even tie their shoes let alone hack some one
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I wish but its beyond hacked at this point.
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Yeah same here with the zombies part, multiplayer makes me wanna scream now on cold war and stuff
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MW2 Rust 1v1s just hit different, even though I was like 9 playing it those were the golden years
now new cods are iffy at best multiplayer but zombies is acceptable so I play that mostly
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ye the zombies carry the new cods like jesus the best last cod for me was ghosts
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honestly extinction mode was pretty good in that one but it started the downward spirial in multiplayer because even though it was decent it couldn't top bo2 which came before it so they always kept clamoring to make good mp after that
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Ye definitely g the story was bad multiplayer was fun with amazing killstreaks. But lacked good maps and ye extinction is really fun
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I've actually recently gotten back into CoD with Warzone and now Cold War, and I'm having fun. Haven't really played since Black Ops 2.
And I sure did play MW2. A looooot of MW2, if I could track my hours on my PS3 it would probably be up there as my 2nd or 3rd most played game ever. It was a glorious example of "If everything is broken, nothing is" and despite how stupid it could be it was a lot of fun. Kinda hard to get mad at even "cheap" deaths when you probably dish out a handful of them in the same match as well, you kinda just had to accept that sometimes you get blown up by someone shooting portable nukes with OMA + Danger Close, or you get shanked through time and space by care package commando speed demon.