What is the benefit to the killer of hooking in the basement?

It only has one entrance but the survivors can run around you at it, there's 3 lockers the survivors can hide in, and a chest.

The only way a killer can make use of the basement is if they are camping so they can do it to multiple people at the same time.



  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    The entrance has been made just wide enough for a survivor to run past and then they are in a building loop.

    Aren't we not supposed to camp?

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    It's harder to safely rescue someone from the basement.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    The basement hooks are meant to scare survivors into not wanting to rescue. Like how, if I get hooked in basement nobody wants to save me. Fortunately, the grief of their fallen teammate unites the other 3 lost souls to work on the same objective. However, by focusing too hard on their task at hand, they fail to notice that they have 3 more gens to go and that their teammate only has seconds of life left.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    If you hook 2 guys in basement at same time, you win. If survivors not swarming you with flashlights you should probably not waste time trying to hook in basement. Hook in basement is time consuming for killer and for survivors. And if you not want to defend basement, you shouldn't hook in basement because you will waste big amount of time.

    Defensive killers like Trapper and Hag can make basement save impossible. Bubba and Huntress are also great basement defenders. All the rest killers are good in basement only if survivors are overaltruistic.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It is literally a free camping tool. That's why so many people hate it.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Easy to defend, extremely difficult for the survivors to get a safe rescue.

    If you're playing against a Bubba as well.. good luck lol

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    I wouldn't say that. If it's nearby I put people in the basement for the hell of it. Mainly because "if" I come back I will likely catch them leaving the basement. Unless it's during the EGC, the gates are open and you have no means of downing another survivor before they escape. Your better off hooking and then go hunting.

    Say I put someone in the basement and I leave. I didn't get far, I haven't found another person yet and the save was made. So I decide to go back to the basement and I might find 2 people. As far as I am concerned that is not camping. I left, the save was made while I was still close by and there was no one else for me to chase.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    It takes a while to unhook survivors who are in the basement, also you may think 3 lockers to hide in is a bad thing for you, but if a survivor goes to hide in one to get away from you, just listen near the locker, you can hear them. Certain killers can make it impossible to save without a down, for example, the character in your profile pic, Trapper, can put a trap next to him while standing at the top of the staircase, and one person has to go down unless they heal or have dh.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Basement works great for any highly mobile killer without needing to camp. Billy for example, can turn around when he gets the unhook note and be back in plenty of time to down one or both of the Survivors coming up the stairs.

    Lockers are a wash, if the killer didn't see you come out and didn't see scratch marks, they know you're either in a corner or in a locker.

    The basement is an incredibly strong tool for a killer.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    Simple, to create better pressure.

    The basement is much more out of the way than a hook above ground, so it's a time waster for them.

    That and Basement Trapper. Mmm that's good.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's much harder to resque someone from the basement. If the killer is near you are most likely taking a hit trying to get out.

    Some killers make better use of it then others ofcourse. A huntress or billy that knows what they are doing are almost always getting another down if they are near a basement resque

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,588

    As well as the obvious camping advantage, it's also a time thing - it takes longer for a survivor to get rescued from the basement than it does a regular hook. That's longer they are off generators as well then. Of course it also works both ways, it takes longer for a killer to take the survivor to the basement in a lot of cases - it's why I will always use the faster hook, even if the basement is available, because I'm very aware of the time it will take for me to hook someone in the basement, walk back out and try to get into another chase.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Insta down killers (Myers, Billy, Bubba, Oni) and killers that can get downs extremely quickly by using their power (Hag, Nurse, Huntress) can snowball really fast if the survivors don’t save from the basement safely. Plus you can have killers camping or proxy camping for an easy tunnel - Ghostface and Pig can stealth around, Freddy and Demo can teleport from a distance.

    It’s not worth using the basement most of the time if you’re a Clown or a Doctor type of killer, or if you don’t intend to guard it. But you don’t need to be able to physically block the stairs for the basement to be dangerous. Like you said, there’s only one way out. That inherently makes it riskier than any other hook save.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I wouldn't mind a basement update. Give it a secret exit point. Make it so there's only one unbreakable hook. The game is now designed to punish killers for camping so they need to update this aspect of the maps.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    If your trying to loop the killer at the basement shack you know the risk if you get caught.The basement is fine the way it is. If I'm going to haul a survivor down there I'm going to utilize it. There is always a gen or 2 near by so I will patrol and hopefully see scratch marks so I can follow down or meet them at the top of the stairs when the rescue is made. Like someone said above you get 2 hooked down there very hard for them to recover you probably won.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Oh and also yes there is a small decrease in one emblem for being to close to a hooked survivor but I can't tell you how many facecamping killer I have played against and they still score 30k BP just get a gold emblem instead of a red.

  • Bellizz
    Bellizz Member Posts: 13

    Trapper has entered the chat

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It's a great way for me to get use out of Make Your Choice.

    Even with that MYC required distance, it's not uncommon for me to get that hit in.

  • vKishiBatv
    vKishiBatv Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2020

    Killers like Trapper, Hag and Cannibal can easily get use out of the basement..

    There are 4 lockers (2 at exit, 2 in back) and a chest for survivors..

    Late game, its often effective at luring survivors for an unhook which has potential to be more than one kill..

    There's also Monstrous Shrine to consider as well..

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Also those basement hooks don't disappear. U want to keep as many hooks on the map as possible. Especially for the end game collapse.

    Also, is this a troll thread?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I disagree. Camping is when you stay near the hook deliberately waiting for the save. I did not stick around with the intent of coming back. I left with the intent of resuming the hunt and the save was made while I was still nearby. It's not camping if you unhook in the killer's face.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    The only thing that needs to change about the basement is the Perks "related" to the basement. See below:

    Monstrous Shrine:

    Level-1: The basement shrine requires the "Unhooker" to make one successful Skill check to free the Survivor.

    Level-2: The basement shrine requires the "Unhooker" to make two successful Skill checks to free the Survivor.

    Level-3: The basement shrine requires the "Unhooker" to make three successful Skill checks to free the Survivor.

    Territorial Imperative:

    Level-1: Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 3 seconds when they enter the Basement .

    Level-2: Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 6 seconds when they enter the Basement .

    Level-3: Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 9 seconds when they enter the Basement .

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Yes u are right becuz of the difference in the intent. But survivors won't look at it like that. And thus will claim u were proxy camping. Regardless of intent. The motion is the same.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    I usually run Territorial Instinct so I have a heads up when a survivor goes for a basement save and typically I patrol far enough my raduis is gone yet close enough I can usually catch them around the building. Only really use on huntress for sniping and wraith for speed under cloak but it works pretty well.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    It is not just for high quality camping, but it is also good to create pressure if you are lacking. If you can manage to hook 2 people in the basement, then you should consider staying near the basement guarding a 3 gen in you are lucky.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    The point of the basement is to make it extremely difficult to escape. You alrwady have 3 lockers to hide in so unless the killer has territorial or sees your scratchmarks headed to the basement they probably aren't going to waste their time with 3 lockers. Heck if you slip in as they are leaving or follow them down the stairs and go into a locker while they are hooking they have no reason to suspect anyone is there.

    The basement is meant to be dangerious not camped so nerfing it to have a secondary exit defeats the purpose.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    and this is why there are so many threads complaining about camping. The survivor's don't see the other end of the spectrum. They unhook, see the killer is upstairs and they assume he was sitting there waiting for the save. They don't consider the possibility that they made a mistake by rescuing too early. The killer wasn't far away or maybe the killer saw your tracks and came back. Which dev said your not allowed to hit someone who was pulled off a hook? Answer, no one.

    Survivors, a word of advice. If your teammate isn't near stage 2 or about to die on the hook. It's okay to wait a bit just to make sure it's safe to make a rescue.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    It doesn't matter if the tiles above the basement has 2 options to use to put distance between you and the killer it takes enough time to get in or out of the basement that the killer can hit people and stop saves if nearby. the killer doesn't even have to be camping if you hook them and leave and return after they are unhooked most of the time you can still see scratch marks or even the survivor's that were just in there. It also lets you have multiple survivors hooked in one area which means a survivor you downed near basement who was trying to go for the save lets you hook them there too without giving the other survivors a good chance to do a save.

    certain killers also have a better advantage at basement then others like hag, trapper, the twins, and the other killers that have insta downs all have better pressure at basement that makes saves risky.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you answered it yourself already: only one entrance makes it easy (easier) to defend

  • Perfect_Dank
    Perfect_Dank Member Posts: 58

    Well. Theres this...

    And as trapper...

    You can trap the ######### out of the killer shack and get a survivor Carousel.

    Force survivors down there, play tricks on them. Unless they're using BT, basements make for top notch shenanigans.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I had to upload videos of my side of the match to convince survivors that I didn't tunnel after series of anger and accusations. After they saw the video from my side, 1 guy told me that he was wrong, and that I didn't camp or tunnel. The other 2 survivors didn't want to talk to me after.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I give that one survivor credit. Not many want to admit they were wrong.

  • LobAutumny
    LobAutumny Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2020

    I'm not sure how much of this has already been said, but I'm just going to go through every benefit I can think of in one concise list:

    First of all, you have the two most basic things that all killers can use the basement for: Predictability and resource management. Basically, since there's only one way in or out and it takes a while to enter or leave, it's significantly easier to catch people running away from it, especially if you have a movement ability. It becomes even easier once you've played long enough that you sort of learn a sixth sense for when survivors are about to be unhooked. Beyond this, if someone dies in the basement, a hook isn't getting completely removed from play. Sometimes, this actually makes the difference between a 3K and a 4K.

    Now, I'm going to make a bullet-point list of every killer who can get some form of unique benefit from basement:

    • Trapper/Hag: You can make it take even longer for survivors to safely unhook people in the basement and then safely get out, often putting survivors in a lose/lose situation where they're either alerting you to their location or giving you enough time to see someone got unhooked down there and just walk over and be near two people.
    • Billy: If you catch someone in the stairway, they're a goner.
    • Nurse: You don't need to use the stairs. If you know where to do it, you can just teleport directly down into the basement from above.
    • Myers: If you have T3 99'd, you can get the survivors into a really bad position by popping it when two people are right next to you.
    • Doc: People being grouped up is always good for Doc. If you have static blast ready and you got to the basement entrance a little too late, you can pretty much guarantee two people are still in your terror radius.
    • Huntress: If you can get to the point where you're looking at someone in the stairway, they're basically dead. There's not really much they can do in such a situation.
    • Bubba: Do I even need to explain this one? It's Bubba. He was practically made for the basement.
    • Clown: If you put smoke in the stairway, there's really no way for the survivors to avoid it other than waiting it out.
    • Legion: Legion likes when people are near each other. Basement makes people near each other for longer.
    • Plague: If neither person in basement was infected, they're probably both broken now. And if you have Corrupt Purge, it's basically the same situation as Huntress but even worse for the survivors.
    • Demogorgon: You can put a portal very close to basement and if someone gets saved when you're close enough to another portal, they're in for a bad time.
    • Oni: Like Billy, but with the limitation of having a full meter just like Myers.
    • Pyramid Head: Pretty much the same logic as Hag, though not nearly as strong. You can make a wall around the basement entrance that survivors need to crouch over if they don't want to reveal their location, which gives you time. And, of course, if you can get two people at once with your shockwave attack, that's always pretty poggers.
    • Twins: You can deploy Victor near the basement to detect survivors going in for the rescue. If you're a demon, you can also use the combination of Victor and Charlotte to fully bodyblock the stairway.

    And just to cover all my bases, here's why I didn't mention other killers:

    • Wraith: While Wraith can get to basement decently quickly, he doesn't really have anything that he can use to cash in on a basement hook aside from the convenience of having a better idea of where people are. It's not a bad idea to hook people in basement as him, but he's pretty weak as a basement killer.
    • Fredwardo: Getting to basement quickly depends on whether gens have been completed near it or not. At most, one of the two people in basement will be asleep, meaning your snares will only work on one person. And they're likely to specifically only work when they're going in for the save, which is the less important time. It'll tell you when someone is going in for the save unless they just woke up. Ultimately, it's just not reliable enough for me to recommend as a strat. Too many moving parts that could easily misalign.
    • Pig: Between having no movement and no pressure to groups of survivors, basement might as well be just another hook location.
    • Spirit: The joke here is that you're gonna 4K anyways so it just doesn't matter.
    • Ghostie: While I guess you could try to use the basement for some easy stalking, I doubt it'd work unless you already had the person going to the rescue 99'd because that stairway is just one massive sightline.
    • Deathslinger: You can hit someone once, and then what?
    • Blight: Pretty much the only thing basement has going for Blight is just the fact that Blight has crazy movement and can get across the map, like, instantly.
  • Enter: the basement Bubba