Is Power Struggle one-time use like DS on activation or like Mettle of Man?
You can use it multiple times in a match.
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But if killer notice you have it, he will probably not gonna let you stun him again.
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It's supposed to only work once. Currently, it has unlimited uses.
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It's already situational to use it once, i've never seen anyone using it in both my games and the streamers i watch, so it should be unlimited.
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Almo has stated that power struggle is intended to be used multiple times.
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Power struggle, flip flop, tenacity, and either unbreakable or breakout as the last perk, unbreakable if you have a flashlight and a Sabo box if you have breakout and it's a pretty strong combo especially if one person has a flashlight in the match or is just near you when you go down in general
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For activating this perk you need to get enough of wiggle bar progress and just press "Space Bar" when the killer walks with you a pallet placement as close as the survivor is able to use the pallet. You can use this pek multiple times and it hasn't any cooldown timers... The only one condition is to have some progress of wiggling action that will be enough for using it.
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I've gotten to use it a whole zero times in my games.
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It would be broken as hell if it were unlimited. All survivors need to do is go down on pallet, your SWF teammate reveal themselves to killer and he cannot pick you up. Soon enough you are recovered enough so killer gets stunned if he picks you up at all.
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No, it's not. The wording is a bit confusing, but basically the 'once used, it deactivates' refers to the fact you have to get the wiggle bar back up to use/activate it again.
This perk is 100% intended to be useable multiple times in a match, however it would be insanely rare to get even one use out of it.
@Callmehandsome this doesn't work anymore; they specifically added a delay after being picked up so that you couldn't instantly save yourself when using Flip Flop. Which, honestly, I think was the wrong call, since it was already going to be incredibly niche to run that combination of perks, and frankly having a reason to run off meta would give a ton of killers a lot of slack in that they'd have to deal with aggressive DS uses a bit less.
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Some perks can never be as strong as DS no matter how much you buff them. Thank god DS is getting slight nerf to remove abusable side of it though. But i agree with you that devs keep releasing trash tier perks for both sides. If you look at survivor side for example why wouldn't you run Deadhard and DS? they are multiple levels above other survivor perks. Some perks need simple number buffs to make them more viable and it should be easy to do.
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Have we had any actual confirmation on that? Seems nonsensical to add language indicating that the perk resets once used, as every perk that works similarly does so. Also the fact that it says deactivates instead of reset.
I'm absolutely willing to believe you're correct, just wondering if anyone official has chimed in on it.
Also, isn't the flip flop lack of synergy listed in the known bugs section of the patch notes, implying that it IS meant to be able to be used that way?
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I agree. That said, I don't expect new perks to be as strong as DS and DH; just viable, which removing the advantage of running Flip Flop with Power Struggle removed; it's now just a wasted perk build when you could just run Plunderer's Instinct with Appraisal, or even use Deception by itself to fool killers in niche situations...or, as you say, DS and DH, which are the strongest perks in the game for survivors.
That said, the new perk Coup De Grace is a killer's version of Dead Hard but with limited uses. I've had it erase so many successful mindgames that caused a killer to swing and been able to swing through Dead Hard without having to think about it as a result of the extended lunge.
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Someone above claims that Almo has stated this, IDK if that's true, since I haven't seen it myself but I see no reason for them to lie.
I agree it's a bit of a weird wording, but if you read the description, it does say 'activates' and 'deactivates' implying that you can keep activating it so long as the conditions are met. I was unsure at first, too, however, as the descriptions to tend to be inconsistent with what actually happens.
Edit: I just double checked with DS, for example, and that doesn't say it deactivates, but that it disables upon use.
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Ah, it may be on one of his streams then, might go look for it if I can stand it.
This is true, BHVR is really not good at consistency or transparency when it comes to perk/power descriptions, so it's definitely just as likely.
I'm willing to accept second hand confirmation on its face for this one.
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Right. Anytime they release new perks i can read just the description without even testing them and i can tell if they become meta or semi meta perks. I understand certain perks are more complicated to balance specially for killer side, because powers can be really different, so it could be really OP perk on one killer and trash on the rest. But survivors are just skins, i don't see good reason why they cannot give simple buffs at least to certain perks with number changes and after that we can think if we need to nerf meta or not.
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You can still get self saves under a pallet with flip flop and power struggle. I was able to do so for the pallet save achievement.